Just fucked this fat bitch...

just fucked this fat bitch, she's sleeping on my twin sized bed rn taking up the entire fuckin bed and im sitting on my desk like a fuckin idiot. every time I wake this bitch up "ashley wake up", she just moans like a monkey and turns over fuck u

how do i get her out of my room

img related

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Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/Activated-Control-Lighting-Parties-Birthday/dp/B06WVB8P3B/ref=sr_1_8?keywords=laser light&qid=1569410784&sr=8-8

Attached: fat bitch.jpg (4032x3024, 1.95M)

Pics are required for a tactical assessment.

please my fuckin back hurts I got an exam tomorow

posted a pic of her above

Do you have to maintain this relationship?

well id like to penetrate a few more times at least

Get naked an go cuddle up with her homey

Better pics?

pee on her and stop sleeping with fatties

CjhOp CjhOp

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there u go pervert

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Roll her over and get tot pics for us you dumb idiot

Get naked and get in that bed

rub your cock on her face?

Picture of dick next to her face

also did she let you fuck her asshole?

Fuck her r u stupid ?

bruh get a hobby

and no, i dont like shit all over my dick thanks

you came to the wrong place for advice sperg.

Put some peanutbutter in her blowhole

Show us her tits

and u came to the wrong place to jerk off ur slim jim

She obviously wants to be intimate with you if you dont want to do that pinch her ass hard and spank her sexually molest her out of the room showing her your relationship is only sexual .

shes doing this because shes inconsiderate or most likely wants you to cuddle with her in your twin to lay the groundwork for girlfriend status. either get rude and compromise future poon, find another place to sleep, or cuddle that fat bitch.

and post more pictures. this is Sup Forums fuckboi

If you cannot figure out how to wake a person up, you probably aren't mature enough for sex hth

cum in her hair

Cuddle that bitch

>no room on the bed
there's room on top of her

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how that relates is beyond me

>This dumb fat bitch
>I fucked her
lol who's the faggot in this story?

It’s your fault for being a chubby chaser

...no actually this is pretty much the right place for it

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Cum on her face post pics

OP just fuck off, if you wont perform these mild requests. This isn't reddit.

Is you retarded? Shake her awake, and say "scoot over baby" in a sweet voice

Then go drink as much bleach as you can find

pussy was phat

I know u are angry and bored, but that's the same here
totally legit also WTF is wrong with your room? seems like a laser tag field

nigga u want me to stick my dick in her face and post it on the internet for u weird perverts to jack off? tf

was she into any kink?

whales usually are because of you know.. being a whale.

it is far more weird that you clearly don't know where you are right now...

Put your tounge up her ass. She'll either wake up, or not, either way works

This nigga a newfag or something?

precisely, faggot

He sure as shit ain't one of us.

aight im gonna do it

Where the fuck do you think you are flol

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> WTF is wrong with your room? seems like a laser tag field
amazon.com/Activated-Control-Lighting-Parties-Birthday/dp/B06WVB8P3B/ref=sr_1_8?keywords=laser light&qid=1569410784&sr=8-8

It's occurred to me that you're just here for attention. kys?

>when you can spit game
>but you can't lay pipe
>so you get that to keep her entertained

At least show us her face. Show us what you got yourself into


What the actual fuck is wrong with you dog get the fuck outta here. This isn't a fucking advice forum, this is exactly where you put pictures of your dick inches from that bitches head. Wake her the fuck up and get the fuck out of here you fucking retard. Goddamn

Show more of her or get off this site faggot

Show us 3 more pics of her or u will get HIV

Ur mom will get hiv

OP come to 4chin seeking advice to an obvious situation. OP actually gets advice and complains that 4chin wants sharpie in the pooper. OP acts surprised. OP faggot who's sister fell asleep in his bed.

Kid got on to brag about having sex and now is complaining about anons being lewd. OP you really are gay aren't you ?

Just pay the price and receive the advice, shit isn't free nigger.

nah y'all still haven't given me good advice on how to get her tf out. im not cuddling or sleeping with her. I want my fuckin bed back

Get off before you pay the price

plenty of people also told you to either wake her up and/or ask her to move over. you said you want your bed back...how else are you supposed to get it if you don't do one of the logical things said here? let me guess...you also want money but don't want to work for it. kys

don't be silly, pull out your willy;
put it by her face, and begin to masturbate.
take a picture with your phone,
or get of this board and make her go home.

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quit cryin and wake the bitch up and tell her to kick rocks, pussy.

You are on to something here.. only logical reason that he wont take a picture of his dick inches from his face is that, it is indeed a family member and he's not enough of a degenerate to dick pic his sisters face.

OP isn't just a faggot. He's a dumb faggot.

What are those tattoos of ?

get her naked first fag

Take her pants off and get top work. She'll either wake up or pretend not to. Either one is a successful transition

wait what..

i'll humor you for a moment.

You have been told several ways to wake her up, or to ask her to move over which you clearly do not want to do.

What advice are you expecting? the nearest construction yard where you can steal a crane to lift her through the window like some kind of Macgyver motherfucker?

dude just take a picture of you dick next to her face or fuck off seriously.

Smartest kid

indeed not bad.

could just fuck her again.

Ok dude relax you are starting to sound like a newfag.
Tri force to prove

Do it and fim it

is it really this fucking easy? just insinuate you want to "study" and that's it. holy fucking shit, I've been giving women MUCH more credit than they actually deserve. I've had women come on to me but I've never fucking engaged because I never really knew what to fucking say and overthink it. thanks for giving me some clarity.

bitches really are easy

kys for this bait

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I'd like to get behind that and fuck her.

You can do a lot fucking better than this man. If she is so passed out and won’t wake up you can pull them pants down and get a pic of her ass

Dick next to her face.

Turn your phone volume all the way, blast some loud music. When she wakes up tell her you had set an alarm earlier for bed time as you didn't want to get engrossed with studying and lose track of time.


Text a friend to come over and bang loudly on the door and come in asking for help on the exam. That should wake her up plus chicks don't want a stranger watching her sleep so she'll more than likely leave.
Jesus, why are you in college if you can't think critically to solve problems?

That's the first thing I have completely lost it to on Sup Forums in years and years my good bitch. LOOL

that's because he hasn't fucked her, and its his sister that's fallen asleep in his room

OP is a fag pretending to have fucked some land whale for attention.

Sleep on the floor.

Roll her to a side and get to sleep; Stop being autistic. Push her around and make yourself comfortable. She’ll like it.

She ain’t taking the whole bed. She is huddled into the wall.

Just because you have a voice/keyboard doesn’t mean you should bitch.

Maybe she is FemSpreading.

You going to marry this one.

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Get in to the bed with her, top and tail if you have to.

just stop being a bitch.

Passive-Aggressive much?

Ehh i believe it’s a dorm room from the brick wall. Probably not sister but you’re definitely right that he hasn’t fucked her.

She looks cute OP you're being a sperg.

He must fuck her she is the final boss creampie her go to sleep and then accept your fate and marry her


So wait a Minute you´re a btard and you fucked a landwhale who´s not waking up. Well that leaves us with three options.
1. The obviuos yeah kid get a life
2. You´re not showing the stab wounds
3. You fucked up badly with the roofies.

Get in the bed or lay on the floor and go to sleep.

you are clearly not into her. you are asking for advice HERE so leave her alone and don't invite her back again.

Also get the fuck of this board because you are clearly in the wrong place as you cant even dick next to face.

if your still looking for advice I say do what u can to wake her up and tell her like a man to leave because u have shit to do in the morning. she knows she is sleeping on a bed made for one and is wanting to see what kind of person you are. either you are in it for a real relationship (squeeze in the bed with her), a dick that just wants pussy ( wake her the fuck up and tell her to leave), or a shy timid guy that wanted to get laid but is to scared to get your point across ( what you are doing now) choose wisely my friend


This. Shim is dead and op killed shem.

How much did you pay a PUA teacher for this info you mega virgin?

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