Reminder that corporations lose billions of dollars whenever there is even the smallest change in legislature regarding...

Reminder that corporations lose billions of dollars whenever there is even the smallest change in legislature regarding emissions or pollution.

There's 10 anti-environmentalism shill threads up at all times on Sup Forums because it's in the best interest of corporations to do so. They're paying a few people to spam this shit all day and ruin our board because they want to implant ideas in you.

The idea is this is more offensive than anything that gets posted on Sup Forums.

Fuck the shills, fuck the Sup Forumsincels, and fuck the anti-environmental spammers.

Sage the threads, spam them with trash, down with the corporate shills.

Think for yourself:

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Other urls found in this thread:

She is cute when she is sperging out.

She's a boss and she's correct. Anybody mad about her is ridiculously snowflakey and any 'concern for her well being' and whining about her 'handlers' is fake and virtue signalling. When you're awesome, people back you up. When you're correct, people back you up. When you're a mouthpiece of a global movement at 16, you won.

The true redpill

Wanna bet this thread will disappear?

The last one got pruned for cp because anti environmental pedos post their fantasy pedonazi faggotry.

Wanna bet that it happens when it hits the image/reply limit?

When she's divorced, had a couple kids and worked 10 years at a dead end job then she can talk to me about how the world should work. Until then, SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP CHILD!

Reminder that some spoiled snowflake from another country doesn't get to ride in on a boat and tell world leaders what to do.

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She already has, and she already won, and everyone is already listening.

hey grandpa look out that industrial fan is running. you don't see too well. don't stick your han-
shut up whippersnapper i am old enough to ta-
*blood all over ceiling*
*grandpa spaghetti everywhere*

Shes just a puppet being done what shes told by big corporation.
Climate change is not caused by mankind, the pollutants we put out are a drop of water in the ocean of natural processes that create much more volume of this shit. we don't even cover 0.1% of the planets surface for crying out loud.

Reminder she isn't telling anyone what to do, but she's reminding you that you're an evil piece of shit. :)

I'm literally seething right now.

>and she already won
won what, exactly?
china isn't going to stop polluting.
other nations aren't going to stop polluting.

>and everyone is already listening.
yeah. at some crybaby brat complaining that she isn't getting her way. in a few months she'll be forgotten. and she'll be back at school complaining how the teacher is wasting paper.

Who's behind that post?

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Nice to see you too, Mr. Oil Corporation Employee

Seems like everyone knows her name and is talking about climate change and pollution. Seems like a win to me.


She looks like a full blown retard

Is this about niggers?

>big environmentalism is telling her what to do!
Lmao imagine how stupid this guy must be

The US pollutes twice as much per capita as China.
The US military alone is one of the largest polluters on the planet.

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And I should care that multi billion dollar empires bleed a little when we want cleaner air and water? Ide make em bleed just to watch

It's not oil companies pushing for planetary destruction no! It's people who want to save the platypuses that are the real threat!

Slaaaaaaaaaaps fam. Slaps.

>orange man bad

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People who think she's a corporate shill are fucking retarded.

Skeptical of big corporations yet you're buying into fossil fuel's agenda. Regardless if what you were saying is true, which I'm not saying that i think it is, i think you're stupid for making that statement. Efficiency brings progress, as a species we are inefficient, or we could at least be more efficient.

China funds the largest green energy initiative on the planet and is the global center of the recycling industry.

I think that might be the issue sure shes creating talk about it but whats she actually changing?

Her mom is an activist! I heard she hugs trees and told her that animals are cool!

Found the Sup Forumsincel

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Wrong. And don't post the inaccurate infographic

Bit early to say definitively but there are policies being drafted worldwide right now to address environmental concerns. She's a brave and compelling mouthpiece for the younger generation too.

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What is an ice age ?

She is a terrorist.

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Definitely true. Do you have a source that says otherwise cause I've certainly never found one.

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I'm inclined to agree. Money is a made up concept, there's literally no reason to destroy our home because of something that only has a value because you believe it does.

You're right to be scared.

Google it?

Nothing to see here user just a coincidence

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Is the guy on the left a cell phone?

and? Your a fucking incel on a board that has literal criminals and insane people.

The only reason you'd be complaining on this board is if you secretly want to have sex with her or dislike her because she is famous.

So which is it, pedo?

," says the leading corporations of the world."
Source: Fox News, probably.

Of what?

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The Club of Rome is behind the climate scare.

There a internationals club of billionaires, bankers and industrialists.

It is a huge scam to impose world tax and world-government.

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Corporations don't lose billions of dollars when legislature regarding emissions or pollution changes. How in the world do they lose billions? Where is that money going? They MAY lose value in terms of stock since share price may decrease but that is not the same as losing billions of dollars in cash.

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all she does is bitch at other people to solve the problem. she has yet to propose any infrastructure changes that are realistic.
"Hey you, fix the climate problem!" --> thats all she does

Except when you realize the sample size of all this shit isn't even as long as we started polluting
fact is humans don't know shit about this planet and it is too soon to say anything about the environment. Most scientists who say against the mainstream agenda get fired or scorned by their peers due to the funding they receive from the myth of there being man made global warming. Worse case, it is true - planet just gets warm for a while then fixes itself as it has done many times.
Why should i waste money on over priced "renewable" bullcrap at my expense? FUCK IT. I don't care. I still use plastic bags at the grocery store, i grab 4-5 from the veggie section to put my shit in, i run diesel generator 24/7 to power my house (Where i live the price of power is more expensive due to renewable energy) and no one can stop me.

Fact is you all been bamboozled for grant money. Same thing with the great barrier reef, totally fake. Scientists on the job get fired for speaking out because muh grant money. Secondly all first world civilizations are far more greener then say china or Russia, where there is visible fucking smog in the actual fucking cities. Why the fuck should we change to overcompensate for those guys? Make them change first, then us - kiddo.

Lastly even if it was true, why would i give a fuck when i would be dead before this shit effects me.

pretty typical for a global warming npc, it's per fucking capita, not per nation. The nation as a whole has less per capita cuz everyones fucking poverty but as a whole it vastly out produces everyone else.

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This is nonsense damage control

Corporations don’t care if they lose money they will just

a) raise prices and pass it onto consumers


b) claim it as a taxable loss and get it back or the value of which in tax credits

In some cases both, and all the environment bs going around just serves to enable big corporations to raise their prices, cut their services and still get money back from the govt.

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dying via asphyxiation if CO2 levels keep spiking with no way to return them back into the cycle.

The planet is abundant. Human technology has made it more abundant. Humans have been solving habitat problems for a long time. Idk why we should give up now because some biblical literalists think Jesus will come back if we make the earth into hell and then they will somehow get into heaven for being anti-christian. It's full bonkers stuff friend.

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CO2 volume is higher for China I believe, that's probably what they are referencing. CO2 per capita though, you're correct. Who does more isn't relevant, it still needs to stop. Trump could have done something huge here but he didn't. He could have had his trade war buy saying we won't import any goods that don't meet certain environmental regulations. China wants to pollute? Too bad you you can't sell your goods here then.

imagine thinking the ozone layer put a hole in itself and the atmosphere came with CFCs in it

Wrong. Also she's a speaker not a policy wonk. Fortunately there are plenty of people who are smart who already have good plans to address climate change. In fact many of them are already in place in various parts of the world.

>source: world bank

Wrong. We use geological data to make climate estimates dating back billions of years. We have a very good idea of what the climate was like when dinosaurs roamed the earth without anyone to write down measurements.


China is the world leader in pollution. While US may have more pollution per capita (citation needed), that statistic can be misleading. If a town of 100 people each throws a can on the street then they might also pollute twice as much as China per capita.

Oh bull fucking shit. It's been known how to solve this for ages but no country will do it because they are afraid to take a temporary GDP hit. This is literally what she's talking about.

Not how economies work on any scale other than lemonade stand.

Dear retard,

if you aren't aware investing in "expensive renewable shit" will lead to a smaller electric bill and tax cuts on your property, what would you say to that?

What if I also told you in the state you live in you can ALREADY DO THIS but you need to tell the electric company and also file it in your taxes to do so?

Also to the china thing. Lemme tell you something. China is not accepting any of our trash anymore. We used to send all of our trash to be "recycled" by them and thanks to the Trump tariff wars, we are now just throwing out EVERYTHING. No recycling. (and the chinese now appear to be greener than the US because they used to just burn most of our trash)

There is nothing wrong with wanting a more cost effective and energy efficient household/company/etc and your own stupidity you are against these things.

Yes, too bad we don't have any data past year 2007 to either confirm or deny that.

>Reminder that corporations lose billions of dollars

That's a lie. You can post it every day if you want to, but that will never make it true.

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Well looks like every country above China has got to deal with their CO2 emissions then. Per capita is a misleading statistic. China is the world leader in pollution by far. India is also catching up.

Why do you want corporations to collapse? Dont you want them to produce sustainable goods sustainably? After all, it is you that keeps buying their products.


Disallowing imports from countries that trash the planet are a fantastic policy. You cannot justify that policy while also trashing the planet with a military that burns hundreds of thousands of barrels of oil PER DAY.

Environmentalism is just a scam to extract money or power from others.

It's like the witch doctor that threatens bad things if the tribe doesn't do what he says

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that was different, since it was actively destroying the ozone, and it is fixed now.

Do you have a source that says otherwise? I've never found one.

Are you a prepper? because I am.

I can deal with no oxygen. can you?

Go Ivan, you tell 'em

I drive to work everyday, although it's only a 10minute walk, how does that make you feel?

>Business passing on additional operating or statutory costs isn’t how economies work

Please don’t be this retarded unironically

>I can deal with no oxygen

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i would only accept a nuclear power plant, none of this pussy renewable shit. Secondly, they may be greener per capita but that does not explain the smog.

People aren't a great fertilizer.

They are better off as slop to pigs to be honest. Make em pigs nice and fat.

Trump is destroying your economy and it is so much fucking fun to watch. I laugh at the fact that bugmen can no longer steal from the American taxpayers.

China is on track to carbon neutrality through investment and environmental initiatives. The United States is not. We aren't talking about towns of a hundred vs a billion. We are talking about one country that is four times the population of the other with only twice the pollution and also a SIGNIFICANT portion of the GLOBAL manufacturing economy.


thanks pajeet

There are many companies and banks who not just financially support her, but who actually created her.
For example Frithjof Finkbeiner, and Ingmar Rentzhog

Based. Only uneducated braindeads dont believe in scientific consensus

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>This kills the OP

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So you would be ok living next to a nuclear power plant?

Power plants are also very costly in the long run to maintain but I mean I guess it can work so long as you aren't like in an area were natural disasters can wrek your facility.

Also the smog was our trash being burnt. Their smog problem has lessened due to the fact they stopped burning our trash but there is still smog because they are still burning their own trash and probably a few other countries.

> this guy doesn't have a basement filled with 200 year supply of liquid oxygen
fucking moron

>Only uneducated braindeads believe in scientific consensus

This is also correct and China should also reduce their emissions. (Which they are doing through almost a trillion dollars of green investment.) Yes everyone else needs to get on board. Fortunately the US could return to a position of global power when the orange one dies or is replaced in 2020.

>Lastly even if it was true, why would i give a fuck when i would be dead before this shit effects me.
This is literally the thing that chick in OP is saying, scummy wastes of space like you and your contemporaries is the reason she does all that protesting and screaming.

China is on track to be carbon neutral? Lol okay buddy.
Are you carbon neutral? Who forces you to not be carbon neutral? Until you are carbon neutral, does it make sense for you to shame others for not being carbon neutral? Stop using fossil fuels and all derivatives. Were all watching and waiting for your virtue to shine through your actions.