Apparently the US military is worried about incels massacring the attendees of the Joker movie on opening weekend...

Apparently the US military is worried about incels massacring the attendees of the Joker movie on opening weekend. (Just Google search "US military incel violence Joker".)

As a lifelong DC/Marvel fan, I was SO excited for this movie. These assholes are terrorists. They're terrorizing innocent people who want nothing but to take the load off after a long week of the same menial labor they resent so much.

The worst part is there's no way for a regular guy like me to gauge whether or not this threat is legitimate! If I see the movie, I'll be scared shitless like a deer in the headlights. If I don't see the movie, I'm letting those asshats win.

Get help. Find a hobby. Join a church or synagogue or something. Off yourselves for all I care.

But please, PLEASE, for the love of God just let us miserable wage slaves enjoy one fucking movie without threatening/intimidating us.

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The gun nuts brought all this on our heads. Make sure to vote appropriately and never support killing of innocents.

now imagine being a muslim attending a mosque... but maybe this can be a learning experience

(go ahead and call me a jewish nigger fag now)

Inb4 trolls flood this thread. If the FBI is tracking this: please for the love of God do something. I just want to be able to go to the movies, dammit.

If you read this far, here are tits for your patience.

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Why would the military in particular be worried about this? I know there are a lot of incels in the military. Is that why?

This is the single redditest thing I have ever read.

I'm Jewish, so I understand somewhat. However, our synagogue has multiple hired guards. Mosques can hire guards too, if they'd like. The difference is that a movie theater is pitch darkness/no guns allowed, so we can't even defend ourselves properly!

The military sent out a safety missive via email that all of them should identify two possible escape routes before entering the theater, hide in place silently if they're unable to reach them, and fight with whatever they're able to reach if the assailant is within range.

the point is that no one should live in fear

Then why am I not allowed to bring a sidearm into the movie theater???

the only proper response to this kind of bullshit is... how can we exploit it to increase the hysterics? there's lulzy potential here to be mined

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I don't own a gun, so I'm speaking hypothetically. The point is, in a dark movie theater, everyone is sitting ducks!

God damnit, Sup Forums.

They’re hyping up an attack because there will be a false flag attack, orchestrated by the government to further the ‘incel violence’ narrative. If it occurs it will most certainly be done with an AR15 since they’re trying to ween the dangers of that specific rifle back into the dialogue.

Ye nah all you hollywoodsheeps deserve to get shot

Im a gamer and after im done watching this film Im going to stab a stacy to death while screaming "gamers rise up" how dear you chads call me an incel Ima break your legs and beat you to death

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God fucking damnit

Then build a society where people don't live in fear of total social isolation and become incels. Incels are a sympthom of a deeply diseased social structure, they're as afraid of braindead unpredictable aggressive normies as they are afraid of them.

I'll tell you what scares me. that people like you and many other of your fellow redditors can be so encapsulated in fear over some bullshit you read on the internet or heard on the "news". there are these kinds of precautions taken at every single public event that you've ever attended, you just don't hear about them. & for good reason. there are no "incels" that shoot up movie premieres you fucking pussy faggot. they are extremely mentally unstable people that media outlets try to tell you were or weren't a certain way to scare you and people like you. school shootings aren't caused by bullying, they aren't don't by "incels", they happen thanks to bad parenting, poor mental health awareness and oversensationalism in the media. the media that just ruined this movie for you because you're that easily influenced. if you're this much of a coward and you're worried about being shot up at a movie theater, then take some fucking CCW classes, get your CCW license and start carrying a Glock on your hip. someone does start to shoot up some place, you lay his ass out and protect yourself and your family. take some fucking responsibility for your own life and grow a set of balls you absolute retard coward fuck. you sicken me.

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piece of shit

get fucked redditor


What the fuck did you just call me you lil scrub? I'll have you know i have beated over 300 females! Thats right you're nothing but another stacy bitch chad boah about to get shot, Me and my friends have been planning a shoot up after we watch this film IMA GONNA TEA BAG YOUR MOMS CORPSE AFTER I FUCK IT XD

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yea ok bozo


To enlisted soldiers maybe. The military can care less for civilians. That's not how that works unless they believe the assailant is in the military.

Not a public place. Private businesses have the final say so with conceal carry and open carry if your in a open carry state. Your 2nd amendment rights or any civil rights aren't applicable in a private business.

The military

Give me a fuckin break, retard

Could you imaging being so dickless that you'd attack regular jack-off wagies spending their precious time and money to see a movie to escape from the hellish existence instead of attacking the people directly responsible for this nightmare fueled world we live in; the rich and powerful.

Go take your violence to people like Mark Zuckerturd, Fagzos, congressmen or trump leave us normies alone, we didn't do anything meaningful to make the world the way it is take your anger out on the correct people.

incels are angry at normies, not afraid of them

good thing you posted that image, because you're speculating just as hard as anyone else to the cause of shootings.

This is the hottest take

It's the same. Anger is a more stupid form of fear, when there are no ways to get away from things that scare you, you switch to fighting your way out. They can't leave the shit society that fails to understand them and they're too much of an assholes to change and be understood. They live in society they're afraid of, no warmth or support, only fear.

sounds like they have a victim complex

They have a cocktail of personality issues, not just that. And society does nothing but alienate them more and say that they're worthless losers and should get their heads checked. Not very friendly and certainly doesn't solve the problem.

speculating huh? find me one case of a public shooting where the shooter didn't either have a history of documented mental illness or exhibit all the key signs of mental illness that went unnoticed for most of their lives. the bad parenting part goes hand in hand with that point. then do me another favor. look up the all the subway /metro whatever you want to call them suicides that happened in Germany in the 1980s. it was in the 1000s. as soon as the German government decided to stop letting the media report and sensationalize the suicides in the subways, that number went from 1000s to 0 in the short time of 18 months. not like this matters and who really gives a fuck anyway, but I have a BofA in Criminology and a psych minor. i still to this day try and do my part on this whole phenomenon while putting my actual expertise to use. any real leading mind on these topics all agree that the media is the #1 thing to blame for not only this but so many other things. you just either don't hear about these people because why would the media give someone a soapbox when they're going to actually rip at the very people that gave them the soapbox and open people eyes to whats really goin on? that would be bad for ratings and we can't have that >:(
kek. there are 100s upon 1000s of conclusive studies and almost as many actual times where it's been tried and been proven effective. but by all means, you keep watching your YouTube videos and you tell me that I'm speculating.

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>Anger is a more stupid form of fear

It can be, sure, but to generalize like that just shows how fucking stupid/young you are.

>They have a cocktail of personality issues
> should get their heads checked
> certainly doesn't solve the problem.
are you just trying to act cute?

>votes for abortion.

That generalization is in your head, I didn't imply it. You are one of those "ackschualllyy" people incapable of comprehending language when it's used fluently? I recommend not dwelling on it, we're not engineers discussing how to build a bridge.

that's bullshit, mental illness isn't the result of bad parenting(most of the time). if you have a BA in criminology, then you'd know anecdotes aren't the same as supporting evidence. i stand by my assertion that you are simply speculating as bad as anyone that blames rap music, lack of god, porn, rock and roll or violent video games.

I'm trying to say that normie society wants incels to go extinct, not help them integrate back. It's not how it works, they will fight back.

that's not what you said though, you said they tell them to get their head checked, which while may be insulting to the incels, is the actual thing that they should be doing.

Those sources are bullshit.

Well, the only thing that matters here is how it sounds to incels, and it sounds insulting, so they definitely won't do that. Normies may feel they do the right thing, but they only add oil to the fire.

so, you want normies to treat incels like they're actual snowflakes?

Imagine being so much of a faggot that you can't handle the consequences of the jewish feminized society you've created.

Get fucked. I hope some nutter actually does massacre a theater or two.

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also, for entertainment purposes, if any real leading mind on the topics you provided agree that the media is #1 thing to blame for so many other things, mind finding me a study on it? because i mean they have to have a lot of evidence to come to that conclusion.

anecdotes are personal experiences that lead one to a conclusion. has nothing to do with what we're talking about. and JUST SO YOU KNOW, rap music and all that shit DOES have an impact on violence. it's a proven fact. same with movies and television, and especially video games. I don't know why I'm wasting my time talking to you. it won't matter. because you'll never look up the things I mentioned. you'll keep parroting these things you so believe to be true without knowing anything about them. go to the library. read. go to school. read about this. take a psychology class. learn something. you may not think it, but you're doing damage by even posting on Sup Forums about what you think is going on and you have nothing to back any of it up. not one piece of cognitive data. younger people lurk these threads or they post and they see you talking and they think that because you might "BTFO" some other user, that what you're saying is fact. when it isn't. I'm not trying to make you feel like shit user, but maybe you need to. because you're here talking out of your ass. like i said, hit the books and maybe learn how the human works a little before YOU speculate on what's going on.

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>it's a proven fact. same with movies and television, and especially video games
ok, show me where the fact is proven

I don't have a solution, I only state the problem how I see it. How I see it is grim and it won't fix itself without either society becoming less predatory or incels achieving collective enlightment.

This is why I conceal carry, even where I'm "not allowed". No man can tell me how or where I'm allowed to defend myself, my family, and my fellow countrymen. Our rights are inherent, laws of nature or given by God, not by the goverment. I'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6. I know that I'm not alone in this thought. So, don't worry guys, I have your back.

Almost all shooters were on anti-depressants. The real problem here is pharmacological.

Of course it's only a problem if you like the status quo and enjoy watching the slow decline of a once mighty civilization into degeneracy.

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like I said, hit the books. I know you're raging right now at your computer screen. and that's good. that will illicit a response from you. get angry, pussy. I'm not spoonfeeding you anymore than I already have. it's time for you to wake up. I've gotta get back to work anyway. best of luck to you user.

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you said im making claims without cognitive data, yet you wont provide yours. what the fuck?

yeah and almost all shooters ate cheeseburgers too. fuck off with that shit. it has nothing to do with anything.

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you're full of shit too by the way.

Yeah maybe they’re all on drugs and diagnosed and mentally unstable, but more importantly, do they get pussy?

If anyone is autstically unable to understand language its you.

They're right to be angry for the way the world is, they are misplacing the anger though. If you were unable to understand that point when I said that anger is not always from fear then you should take a long hard look in the mirror before saying someone is incapable of understanding speech.

You need a manuscript to understand the underlying meaning of a person's words or?