Fluoride is gay

fluoride is gay

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Did fluoride make me gay?

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I'm truly sorry for you, Clyde. You're too good and too smart for this, and I hope that, one day, you'll listen and keep a truly open mind because you don't deserve to be sad and lonely. Nobody does.

No, but Atrazine does.


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Pokemon made me gay

You know, I want to say ”I'm happy, and healthy, and alive. I'm loved by many around me and feel supported in my life”

But I know you're just going to say something to the effect of 'that's what they want you to think. They want you to think you're happy because they've replaced your thoughts whole they're slowly killing you.' Or something like that.

At the same time I want to probe into your thought process and ask if you've singled me out as redeemable, or if you're calling out the names of others as well, in other places.

In either case, I'll be here waiting, when you're past this.

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Good morning

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Dick made me gay

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