Any kind user who has been through alcohol withdrawal or understands it...

Any kind user who has been through alcohol withdrawal or understands it, I am asking for $2 dollars to be sent to my paypal. I'll do anything within reason in return. Feeling like I'm going to die here.

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Preying on alchoholics you fucking beggar? Go fuck yourself with a bottle of patron

Not trying to do that, but of course I admit I’m begging. Just wondering if any former alcoholic who knows what it’s like has 2 dollars to spare so I can get a half pint. Trying to quit, but withdrawal is killing me.

Go to ER, alcohol withdrawal can cause fatal seizures in severe cases. Let them taper you. They’ll give you an Ativan drip with very few questions asked.

Shoe on head with timestamp. post paypal

Work through it.
I quit booze a week and a half ago after alcoholism for 10+ years and you don't see me begging or moaning like a little bitch.

I know, but I simply can't afford it at the moment. I would prefer to taper myself off before involving the ER. And I don't think i'll literally die. I am just EXTREMELY uncomfortable, and it can easily be fixed.
i'll do it if you're serious. not sure if i want to show my face tho

Im not gonna help in your addiction bud how much do you drink a day? if you drink since you wake up till you pass out for months go to the er.

You didn’t even link your PayPal dumbass

i'm trying to work through it. i was at a fifth a day for the past 7 months, today i'm completely cut off. asking for 2 dollars for a half a pint, which is a pretty steep taper. just dont want to go completely cold turkey

I'll send you 5 bucks if you can guess my favorite liquor

But if you do that you haven't actually stopped. You're just weak

How are you holding on user?

5 year alcoholic
Been sober for 23 days, just keeping busy.

i'm trying very hard to quit. just don't want to go cold turkey. it can be dangerous
i just made my paypal. not sure how to use it yet. i am currently looking up how to attach my link
i'm going to guess a whiskey.. perhaps wild turkey?

I'll give you 2 more chances to guess, I'll give you a hint, it's not dark

OP here. I figured the Paypal thing out. My link is

i will guess a vodka. titos?

I actually love Tito's, you're getting closer but not quite my favorite, it's not vodka

well get a streamlabs and make a youtube account stream and get money drinking like onlyusemeblade.

Today's going to be the hardest day for your withdrawal. If you beat this though, it'll be easier so get some non-alcholic liquids in ya (preferably water) and distract yourself, you will thank yourself later for it OP

Why, so you can buy more hooch?

fuck.. with my last guess i guess i'll play it safe and guess... bacardi? i'm just going off of statistics and what is most likely. please god let me be right.

Not OP bit is it Rakia?

Fucking go to ER and
Stop making excuses

I was drinking 4/5 pints a day this summer and I managed to taper off but I struggled to get it down to 1 pint a day over the course of a month
I can’t imagine the mammoth task you have. It could kill you

lol 5 pints of str8 vodka a day ? savage

>any former alcoholic

They will all avoid enabling you further into alcoholism because the majority are all self righteous 12 steppers from AA who are more than happy to humble brag about their 1 year chip keychain and lecture you on your problem.

OP here again.. now that my chances are dwindling after my three wrong guesses from the user above, my anxiety is beginning to increase and my shakes too. not sure if i'm gonna make it Sup Forumsros. its only a 5 minute walk to the liqour store, thinking of just resorting to theft, but really don't want to. i-i've help some of you guys out before. one time i sent a guy 3 dollars so he could get a pizza. p-please? sorry for the begging, just starting to get desperate

Sorry brother, thanks for playing. You were close though man. I'll tell you what. I'll still send you two bucks for being a good sport. If anyone else wants to give it a shot you're more than welcome to

I have a glass of bourbon or single malt daily, after work. I refuse to give a booze hound any money on principle. That principle is if you want something, take the initiative to earn it. I've literally been doing that since I was ten and wanted a Tonka Dump Truck. I raked leaves to earn the money.

I used to have a beer every day after work. Now I only drink 24 oz per week, it's important to cut back when you're still young and the damage to the liver is only minimal

You are an amazing person. Thank you so much for at least giving me an opportunity. Bless your heart, Sup Forumsrother.

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You still have to post your PayPal though.

i'm guessing that is how you do it. sorry, not very computer saavy

a beer wont do shit to your liver maybe calorie dense and some alcohol is healthy the fags that die of cihrrosis drink bottles of vodka a day without eating.

I'm trying to send you the money but paypal is being a cuck, give me some time to fix it

I sent the money. If anyone wants to give my favorite liquor a shot, I'll send you a few too

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Well man, I want a steam crap a dn need $10 so I'll go for brandy or whisky

also, my

Did you even read the thread? I said outright it's not dark

You a gin man?

Oh sorry, I'm not really that good on liquors, maybe rum?

You're right but you didn't post your PayPal so good fucking job.
Let's see who can guess my favorite mixed drink then I guess. If you don't post your PayPal in your response you fuck it up for everyone


I dont want any money

I finally found a bottle of Blanton's yesterday. The last one I had was over 2 years ago. I happily paid the $75 for it.

Its pretty sad that the cashier at the liquor store said I was a loyal customer and went to the back when I asked if they had any.

Attached: ci-blantons-single-barrel-bourbon-f27c3cae7eeaa8b9.png.jpg (400x600, 14K)

Fair enough.

Well this is my last shot, can't guess like a retard If I have no idea about liquors

Aviation maybe?

Good try but that drink of impossible to get around where I live.

I was just trying to think on drinks mixed with gin and that came to my mind lol

Not a bad guess by any means

Any other hint my man? I want those $10 lol

What are you buying on steam?

I have been through it. It fucking sucks man, get help. I was found barely breathing and shaking. My bac was .53. I'm lucky to be alive. Usually coma or death happens at a .4. They will prescribe you diazepam to help. It's a week of hell. I was hearing things, having hallucinations and was on seizure watch. It will only get worse if you dont go in. Best of luck

fookin pussy, m8

Trying to get Shadow of the Tomb Raider, got a few bucks by selling a csgo skin

Well in that case, fuck no. You have shit taste. Just pirate it or some shit

Great to be honest, already reaping the benefits.
My meds finally work now, I have spare money, I feel generally really fucking good.
Every time I think about alcohol now, I try to remember just how good I feel now, and then I don't want to drink anymore because this sobriety is feeling like a high itself.


You do NOT want a diagnosis of alcoholism in your medical record.

Assuming you are in the US and have health insurance, the hospital will send that diagnosis to the insurance company, and guess what. Good luck getting life insurance.

No dice

sounds great user
what meds are you on?

well, shit

Then die bro.

OP get his pint?

See ya in hell faggot

I sent him the money but he's been silent since

Gin and Tonic. It's a classic
(I don't need any money, maybe send it to the booze hound)

Love me a good gin and tonic but since this thread is about dead, you guys want me to just tell you?

OP here. Unfortunately, I haven't gotten my half pint yet. Turns out, my account was at $-4 something, so now I'm at $-1. Regardless, I thank the kind user who sent the money. I figure I'll have to just try to get through it without the extra help. Thanks everyone

do you need another 3 then?
ive still got the mixed drink guesses going

someone needs to keep the thread from dying though

this is making me feel like the scum of the earth, but $3.50-4 would absolutely save my life. and being that you are a gin man.. i'm going with a tom collins

op here again.. maybe one more guess. the classic gin martini!
and if you send the money i'll post my pathetic half pint of skoal with a thank you time stamp, kek. the liqour store is like a 3 minute walk

sorry amigo, man you guys have some pretty half decent taste. I own this tito's shirt. if any of you get any of my top 3 drinks ill do it but I cant do it for nothing

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OP can you see who sent you the money?

Nobody cares

I am going to guess a classic gin gimlet.

both of those posts were me, (OP).. i'll guess.. the negroni! and nice shirt. you weren't kidding about liking titos haha

It’s so sad you don’t even have 2$ to your name. You need to go to the ER

sorry, thats not right. Another hint is only one of the top 3 has gin in it

indeed it is. this is certainly a low point in my life. feeling good about staying stopped this time around. i've gone back to it way too many times

another good guess

OP here again. you occasionally enjoy a screwdriver, so much so, that it is in your top three! and you use titos in it! with some simply orange

you know what, you guys are a good sport. when I first started drinking that was my absolute number one, but nowadays its my number 4. ill send you 4 bucks. the question at this point is if anyone wants to keep guessing at the top 3


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Send OP 5 bucks if it's a MoTito

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OP here. you are a God among men. Where I'm at in life right now, it kind of feels like people like you don't exist. A lot of it is my own doing with the alcoholism, but definitely know I'm not trying to scam you or anything, I just feel pretty compelled to drink and don't know what else to do. If there's a higher power or good karma out there, its happy for you. sorry for being cheesy but i can't believe it!
kek, thanks for your vote friend

Based and wholesome pilled.

never actually had one
its not a big deal to me. I dont believe in karma and you need to get your shit together. Im a big drinker too but I dont get withdrawals, I just believe in being the change you want to see

Ill sell you some no-med check term right now faggot

Getting cozy waiting for OPs Return

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OP... Check back in and let us know how you are feeling.

Still around OP?