YOU stole her childhood

YOU stole her childhood
YOU stole her future


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I like how she choked up at that line like in some corner of her mong mind she dimly realized it had been done to her by her parents. It was the only line that rang true in her speech.

Aw geez I'm sorry ma'am.

Shut up shut up shut up holy shit shut the fuck up you child exploiting liberal faggot shut the fuck up

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Now shes got another price. Its ridicolus how everyone praises or hates her instead of just listening to them for once.

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I believe he's addressing the liberals

>Go to work
>Fell trees all day
>Haven't replanted one in almost 16 years
>Drive a diesel truck
>Don't give a fuck

The gremlin can have her moment. No one cares at all. I want her to try this bullshit on in India and China, then I might take her seriously. Until then, nope. Don't care. Sperg out harder.

She's suing both countries

way to stay on top of things you reactionary shithead. This site is fucked now a days due to you twats

>She's suing both countries

No she isn't. Do you honestly believe this bullshit? What happens when people try sue India and China for say intellectual property theft? Nothing. It's all noise and it will ultimatley achieve nothing, why should I feel bad when China opens ten new coal fired power stations a week?

No, her parents and handlers did that. I will not accept the blame. Fuck off.

Lady I'm sorry that YOU CANT TOUCH THIS *mc hammer dance" hehehe

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She oversold this shit hard at the UN. Cringebait

Fuck off potato cunt

It was just a prank bruh

I'm really looking forward to the escalation of the climate crisis and I hope it happens soon, so the science deniers who are responsible for it get to feel it too.


please go back to soyboi central, m'lady this place may hurt your feewings

Stop talking such utter drivel

Climate crisis? Sure. Here's the thing though, we will run out of things to eat long before we run out of air. You insufferable bandwagon lesbians never address the issue of soil death. Fuck you. I don't give a fuck, not one because you people don't give a fuck about the soil we live on. I bet you have a smart phone too you fucking Hypocrite.

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What if I told you that real, unpaid scientists, say we are going through a natural cooling?

our summer was weak as fuck this year, so probably
also sweet trips

But I'd fuck her.

I drive a hybrid

I would say it makes sense why they aren’t working in their profession.

I'd say... show me the data!

Oh gee I'm sorry you're a young white swede who gets paid to be a puppet
They should've put a 12 yo starving African slave nigger instead of this first world stuck up bitch

I'd tell you to fuck off with your strawman, faggot.

What the fuck happened to northern Europe ?
The only famous people from there are retards these days.
Alfred Nobel must've damaged their DNA when he invented dynamite...

Either way, put that fucking animal down. What's her name again, Grunta Thedsperg ?

Apologise for what to be exact?
Since I never diddled her, I think.

>triggered by a child


Fuck off euro cunt

> YOU stole her INNOCENCE

In my defense ; I was very drunk.

Low level bait

your honor, i move to dismiss all charges, in my clients defense he was extremely intoxicated and the so called victim was being totally annoying about global warming

Why should i apologize? She had a very carefree life and fullfilled her dream to be an activist.
I wish i could just starting to protest and make my living with that.
If she would have phrased it differently, i would apologize to her.

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You're the kid who had a meltdown in school when the teacher caught you doing something wrong.


Grabba Thunderpussy

well, she fucking stole a chromosome. i don't comprehend how nobody's making potato jokes.

My mother isnt in the showbiz and doesnt walk on red carpets.

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In exchange for all I stole from her, I would offer her a lifetime of orgasms.

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im out of the loop what the fuck is going on

If you want to make fun of someone you shouldn't talk like a grade school retard

She should apologize to the world for looking so angry on camera.

And she stole my time reading this. We're even i say.

Tits or get the fuck out Greta

Her tits are sagging so much, they are walking on the red carpet.

Serious question.

Is Greta a boy?

Give me deepfakes of her, please.

I apologize

Shheeeiii, I din steal nuffin - Iwas ova at DayDaez and dems house.

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Sorry your so ugly?

Is it even a human?

It's her parents who stole her childhood.
Nobody here has a future to begin with.
She agreed to have her innocence taken from her.

Nothing to see here.
Also saged.

Second child. So they're fucking up 2 children's lives. Bet her younger sister absolutely hates her. Which one will become the drug addict first?


4 active threads on this kid now. Why don't you fags get together irl and circlejerk instead of wasting bandwidth?

I have NEVER been on a plane. She stopped flying planes in order to save the planet, meaning she used to. I use my feet or my bicycle to get around. She goes on a sailboat that probably killed a lot of trees during manufacturing. I am a much better activist for the climate than she ever will be. She owes ME an apology.

We must pay her reparations

fun fact: Sweden is a country with history of colonizing in East Europe

The environment is collapsing
You can see the icesheets receding, the permafrost melting, the ocean warming.

We're gonna fuckin die. Why is it funny? I really don't get the joke here. Is it cause she has an accent?

Her boat trip backfired. It not only didn't save any carbon, it cost more than if she flew by plane.
Because she sure as fuck will not touch that boat again.
Besides that, in the age of Twitch and Youtube you can reach millions of people from within your home.
Besides that who provides the electricity for all those devices necessary to inform all those people that electronic devices are bullshit if you want to cancel out "man made global warming".

The fact that any of this pops up on my radar tells me, that we are truly beyond fucked. No help is coming guys, keep circle jerking because this ship will keep sinking until its gone.

Also, saged.

>We're gonna fuckin die. Why is it funny?
Because it fucking is. Fuck every single one of you retards. Hopefully within my lifetime so that I atleast get to see something that actually fucking matters.

I would be unsurprised that they're not able to find employment.

>my life only has meaning when other people are suffering

Stay inside champ.

How the fuck are we going to get her back to Swedan without using a plane? Stick her on an iceberg and push her in the direction of Europe?

>Hysterical mucho?

At best, you'll trade in your sweaters for t shirts and your near-shore house will be worth oceanfront money.

Buck up little camper.

She is 16 and not hit puberty? Is she suffering from some sort of developmental delay?

>my life only has meaning when other people are suffering
Hey, that's what you said.
Seeing that happening would be the icing on this delicious cake I call my life. No troubles, I just believe that this hive here has nowhere to go. Sooner or later it will happen eitherway.
It's entertaining to see you guys wine about it, unable to accept where you are really headed, and unable to accept that none of this is in your control.



does aspergers count?


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Did you know the version of whine you're attempting to use has an E on the end?

If youre gonna play the "Ultimate nihilist" at least use proper English. You fucking absolute tool kek.

>has no rebuttal
>quick, critique his grammar
I usually don't speak McDonalds.
I would clap but I'm not american.

The version of whine he attempted to use had an E on the end.
Fucking toolkek.

Greta Thunderbird

Vegan and did not eat because depressed during early puberty
Her sister is 3 yrs younger and more develloped

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Pretty sure he meant you guys are drinking wine, inferring you're house women.

She's got a fighting chance.

no clue why anyone pays attention to this spoiled brat

put her on a thunberg

Is Sup Forums the UN? Are we all leaders on the world stage? Im pretty sure she was referring to power and not to a website filled with coomers, zoomers, doomers, and pseudo intelectuals.

Clearly these scientists are being silenced by the liberal media controlled by gay space jewish reptiles. In other news, the earth is flat, 9/11 was an inside job and Greenland does not exist

this fuckin downie. i will honestly say that i did zero research on that girl - but somehow my gut feeling is that she's fake.

>implying there is a thing such as a leader without a following
Choo Choo the stupid train to retard city, quick get in.

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Young lady? that bitch is at least 40

You must be new. The threads are posted by shills. Their intention is to sow discord.

That's good, isn't it?

Holy fuck the Republicans can't even stand a 16 year old autistic girl telling them how fucked up they are lol.
This shit is better than tv.

Left side is her doodoo face

>based and redpilled
This guy gets it.

Blame China and India and leave the west alone.

It's the hypocrisy user. She's in the same boat.. get it?
Shifting the blame while polarizing the already retarded masses in order to win over some space for the corporations she claims to hate so much.
It's high level stupidity and the pseudo intellectuals fall for it left and right.
You can't win, whether you agree with her or not. It's a lose-lose scenario however you put it.

shitty looking bolt-on titties.

Fuckin emcels need dick or hobbies

>annoyed at some shill reposting the same shit every day after day after day after day
Dilate tranny, then kill yourself. No one fucking likes you except other tranny faggots who also need to dilate and kill themselves.

This whole board is a repost, are you new here?

Just a friendly reminder that This girl is Abused daily, She has Aspergers, and is funded By George Soros, and is Anti Trump, Anti America, anti West and Pro Antifa!
She does not represent white people no more than Hitler did when the Nazis paraded young girls around just like this to get you to be brainwashed!!