My best friend is on death row, ama

my best friend is on death row, ama

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why aren't you there, either?

Was it worth it?

You’re best friends with the Republican Party???


Attached: Brinder&Toni.jpg (600x500, 49K)

nice quads

i wasn't involved in the murder but five other people were

thanks for the question

Why does this image not look like death row?

for him? definitely not. he got the worst charge and wasnt even the ringleader

greentext or never happen.

i wanted you to see something more pleasant

>be 17 and stupid
>get involved with 16 yr old slut
>15 yr old boy ends up dead
>six people in jail

Sauce? what photoshoot is this?

Is girl on right same as girl in bondage shoot above?

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You fuck his gf yet?

not the chick involved in the murder, shes nasty

his current gf i might fuck though

Whose friend and what happened

he was involved with the murder of a 15 yr old when he was a teenager

this can't be it, you gotta give more info than that

show us the news on it

>the murder of a 15 yr old when he was a teenager
they dont put teenagers on death row

They absolutely do, especially if black

lmao OP is a nigger

I’m not OP and I don’t know the race of OP or the condemned

But the way shit goes in this country I would not be surprised

Black guy killed someone? This is not news back to my stories.

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op here, im not black. im a spic.
also thank you for commenting on my behalf, no sarcasm, genuinely appreciate it bro.
my friend is a white nationalist

what the hell did he do that was so damning they had to put a 17 y/o on death row. you hiding something from us OP

"brutally murdered" an "innocent child"

where is the news headline ffs?????????????

Did this happen in TX op ?


You aren't a very good friend are you

how the fuck did he end up on death row

only in america you see the death penalty


>im a spic
so you're not legal

gtfo of my country yo

no we've talked about it

i was born in this country

I don't recognize anchor babies.
seriously user. gtfo

Oh ok nevermind then. So how's your friend handling being on death row

my parents were born here too nigger

its fucking rough. hes been there for ten years now and just got put into disciplinary confinement for like two weeks