What happened to him? He was hot shit a while back, now I never hear anything about him

What happened to him? He was hot shit a while back, now I never hear anything about him.

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He quit movies after a tripfag inhaled all his ball sweat

Rumor has it that some mentally ill user on a Chinese cartoons website killed him, skinned him and is now walking around in his flesh.

People prefer his gay version, eddie redmayne

He fell for the Nolan meme and got typecast. Ruined his career.

He was in the rope walking film.

people finally pulled their heads out of their asses and realized Brick is shit

he's pretty cool

reminder that he's an artist more than he is an actor. his art stuff's not really unique but it's alright

Snowden movie bombed hard. No doubt people are thinking twice about casting him.

Mysterious Skin is great though