How do I recruit more girls to do porn with?
My girlfriend and I did several videos.
Dubs gets pic of her tits.
Help me b!
How do I recruit more girls to do porn with?
atta boi
I'll deliver when at least ONE of you faggots help me with my question.
Craigslist ads. That's how most of the FL based do it.
There's a difference between making porn and making vids with your gf. If you can't figure this out on your own you aren't cut out for this.
Place add on craigslist/backpage
Offer money
Downlond Tinder
Swipe right
Fuck on hidden camera
Go to bar
Talk to girls
Take home
Fuck on camera
OP HERE. Just because you acted like a little bitch I'm not gonna post tits. Fuck all of you faggots. Burn in hell fucking gay little niggers you didn't help me AT FUCKING ALL WHATSOEVER SO FUCK OFF BITCHY LITTLE SUMMERFAG TINDER GAYLORD DICKSUCKERS. I'M DONE.
Strip clubs.
Take your gf, have her pick the girl. Several of my friends have done this.
Pay for a tinder account and pick some girls. There's plenty of sluts that want to fuck cute girls too
Travel to an island and her your gf pick a girl. I met a New Zealand girl that said sex is open and free there. Dominican Republica, Venezuela, Costa Rica, China, Czech Republic all have really cute women who fuck the same day in a safe, clean environment.
Hey! and I got dubs
>Calls user out for acting like a bitch
>Then acts like a bitch
I hope you aren't really OP, but if you are go insert a knife into your anus like the fag boy you are.
Yeah i am OP. And you can go fuck right off fucking faggot. I'm just gonna look for hookers i decided. Fuck you all.
No nudes for any of you.
Good for you faggot. There’s plenty of tits on the internet. Your ex’s aren’t special.
Right so, lemme get this straight.
>Steals hooker photo from internet
>Posts on Sup Forums
>asks how i get gurlz? w/ promise of nudes
>Pisses pants when asked for nudes
Fuck off back to neopets ya little cuck
Based on the reaction alone it's safe to say that's not his gf. He has no nudes and from language is high school trying to figure out how to get a girl to finally do something with him.
Chick is from a site called escortindex. Don't thing virgin OP ever had a gf, or nudes, or friends
small dick haver
Typical, knew it as soon as he used the first excuse to rage and withdraw. Probably posted the comment he raged at too.. Sad fucking children on Sup Forums these days
You got dubs b/ro
I don't get the point though, what does this post do for him?
Money.. easy as shitting your pants with diarrhea..
You think girls give up their poon for shits and giggles? Guess again faggot