I'm going bald. What do I do.
I'm going bald. What do I do
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I really don't want permanent side effects from propecia. but i don't want to be bald either. fuck..
Shave your head you’re gonna look badass
KYS probably. Nice hair clips, faggot.
sure about that?
You go bald.
Shave your head and grow a beard
Shave your head, or use special shampoo. You probably have a vitamin deficiency or you're stressing or being too rough with your scalp.
Which side effect?
Coming from someone that had beautiful long thick shiny hair, going bald sucks. But hey, you've finally made it to your final form. I have a beard now and have very short hair. It's a 1 on the shaver. I never thought I'd look good, but surprisingly hair takes away from your face. You're not your hair, it's just a hat you grow. I've gotten lots more attention as a bearded bald manlet than I had with hair.
Is it obvious while taking showers/looking at your pillow in the morning if you're going bald?
I noticed recently that I have a weird kinda shitty hairline, but I don't see an abnormal amount of hair falling out to my knowledge.
You go bald.
Accept it and just go about your life.
Oddly, nobody else cares about other people's hair.
A receding hairline means you're going bald. It's that simple unfortunately.
Brain fog, libido problems, possible permanent erectile dysfunction. Propecia blocks 5AR which is important for the production of neurosteroids in your brain. DHT also plays a role in penis development.
i had a fue and i dont regret it. i feel 10 years younger
Why not minoxidil?
you on finasteride?
Suave your head and buy a hat and sun glasses
Then change ur name to Heisenberg
Minoxidil increases the lifecycle of the hair follicle, but ultimately it doesn't target the root cause of balding, so it's only really useful at buying you some time
> (OP)
>Shave your head and buy a hat and sun glasses
>Then change ur name to Heisenberg
If your hairline is receding it doesn't necessarily mean you're going bald. Most men's hairlines "mature" as they age. But not all of them go bald. I wouldn't worry too much about it fam.
If you're in good health as you age and the only thing going south is your hair, then you're doing pretty damn good.
I am using it for 4 years or more currently.
I have been told that sometimes balding is just hair stopping it’s growth and that’s why minoxidil May help
Dude if that’s your hair, going bald will be the best thing that can happen to you
>I have been told that sometimes balding is just hair stopping it’s growth
Try to focus on it more
It can look better if you just accept it rather than lying about it and trying to hide it...
I took propecia for two weeks, changed my life. Always tired now, dont enjoy alcohol or weed, never feel "refreshed" anymore. that was 2 years ago. avoid that shit like the plague.
seriously? tell me your story
noticed hair was falling out at 24, freaked out so I went to my doc for the pills. they gave me insane insomnia so after two weeks I stopped. a week later i was watching tv and all of a sudden I got light headed and just didnt feel right. ever since then I have the "brainfog" , weaker erections, probably lost about half my usual sperm volume, dont feel pleasure like I use to which includes drinking, weed, sleeping well, working out, orgasm. I would agree to be homeless the rest of my life if it meant I could go back in time and not take those pills. just accept your hairloss and if you have to do something try minoxidil it's much safer.
>jUsT SHavE IT BrO!
You already have white hairs. White hairs never fall, so you're actually safe from balding. You're just gonna have that hairline forever.
On the other hand, I have been taking it since 2015, stopped the receding of the hairline, filled out the incipient bald spot on the top of my head, and I have not had any side effects - my penis works like it did etc.
Those side effects happen in a very small minority, but of course, it's a crapshoot and you usually only hear from those whose pen0r stopped working.
Pick a god and pray? Kill yourself? I don’t fucking know but shit sucks, man. Good luck.
shave dawg
Shave your head
god damn it. is it worth the risk though?
Start using rogaine. Front and back. Ive been using it since I was 18. I'm 40 now. Hairs thin but still there while my 33 y/o brother is bald.
how okd were you ehen you started
Do the right thing.
>say goodbye to your hair
>get bic razor
>shave head every 2 to 3 days
Im 26, I was a metalhead but started losing a lot of hair, just shaved my head last week. Never felt so free
For me it was. Your hairline never will fully recover, but it will STOP receding and a little bit filled out even at the front (in terms of the corners, like in OP's pphoto; the thinning widows' peak is back to full - basically the developing V shape at the front of my head became much more like a stretched out U). The bald spot is gone. Basically, everything has stabalized and FILLED out so it looks good, basically no one would say I have suffered hair loss.
It was worth it for me.
get a swastika tatto
Looks fine
I started generic finasteride and minoxidil 5 months ago because my hair loss seemed to be accelerating and it has definitely made a noticeable difference even in such a short amount of time. My hair is thicker, darker, balding spot is filling in and I've grown new hair all along my hairline. Zero side effects. Shit works man. Given me peace of mind that I'm doing all i can as well.