Why does my 13yo cousin look like this?
Why does my 13yo cousin look like this?
i'm not sure, give me more examples so I can figure it out
what this guy said, I'm sure it'll attract the attention of Sup Forums's top scientists
Figure it out kthx
kids in first world countries have access to better nutrition which can and does trigger puberty earlier
Imma need an @ or some more
What? She's a normal 13 year old.
from 13 to 19 the sexual characteristics should assert themselves, this is normal.
Calm down and enjoy your wank thread.
>This girl is hot and make my dick hard
>Is she legal?
>That's OK then. I can now fap without fear
Typical braindead response
Doesn’t look normal to me.
Doesn’t look normal to me...
Greta Thunberg is 16. Your point being?
That's because you're an idiot, it happens, it's not your fault.
With breasts? Sounds pretty normal faggot.
shes a spic, most spics look good when they are young, and then they turn into something so disgustingly horrible I cant even think of word to describe,
Are going to just keep repeating this because you don't understand puberty and want to fuck your cousin?
I was 6,2 tall when I was 13, still am. Puberty is different for everybody.
pls no bully senpai
My goodness...
Got any nudes?
I'm not sure who ages worse -- Eastern European women or Latinas.
Need more to be sure
like an ugly cunt? some people are born like that