What are a few films from 2016 that are a must watch? I've not watched anything good in a long while
What are a few films from 2016 that are a must watch? I've not watched anything good in a long while
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But I think it's got more to do with depression than movies being that terrible.
Rogue One
Sing Street
also same as this guy
>star wars and generic romance #5324
>must watch
It's pointless to make movie recommendations on this board because every time you do some self-righteous cunt will be cunty about it no matter what you recommend.
But please do enlighten us all on your must watch movies of 2016.
Have you tried Doctor Strange?
The Witch
Manchester by the Sea
Toni Erdmann
The Wailing
Embrace of The Serpent
Calvary was so damn good. There hasn't been much that has taken much of an impact on me in the past year.
Everything I've seen has just been kind of alright or a little bit more than that. Even all the oscarbait movies.
The Nice Guys was pretty funny.