Loli thread continuation

Loli thread continuation

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brown lolis are the only lolis that matter

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just vanilla loli or are we continuing general loli degeneracy too

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>tfw you try to be OP but you're OCD and can't get the thread right in time
Disregard that, I suck cocks.

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Futanari are hermaphrodites, shemales are newhalf. Traps can be male or female, but males dress like females and females dress like males.
It quite literally is real, it's just exceedingly rare. It's more common to be born with two vaginas or two penises. And yes, girls born with two vaginas have two wombs.
Oh they can function. I've seen some rare instances of porn where a hermaphrodite was able to get a boner and ejaculate in porn. She was an adult, of course, but again, it's exceptionally rare and most of that kind of /f/reakshow or /d/ickgirl content that is legitimate is also both vintage and hard to locate. Just like Linda Lovelace's greatest hit, Dogarama. Actually that one is easier to find.
Loli/shota/cub/foal gets posted a lot on /trash/, and loli/shota also gets posted a lot on /h/, /e/ and /aco/. Lot of people don't have a discerning eye for detail, so they end up posting things that belong on Sup Forums elsewhere.

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Could I please ask you to just post pics without all that text?

I wouldn't say that but they are certainly delicious, especially if they are actually brown not just tanned white or asian.

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I dont think foal is allowed on Sup Forums

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All Lolis Matter. Every Loli Welcome. Every Loli Loved.
One, I was replying to some posts. Two, I was going to make a thread but I have shit to do anyways so I don't really plan on staying much longer. Three, eat a dick.

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What's wrong with having a conversation? As long as no one is sperging out, it should be fine.

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>Loli/shota/cub/foal gets posted a lot on /trash/

no shit. It was just a troll in the thread anyhow

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I don't mind conversations in general but when it slows down the posting of lolis then it's a problem.

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to be fair, he did post a pic, but I agree that linking that many posts in 1 response is pretty cancer.

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i consider myself a true degenerate but i have never heard of "foal"

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Shalom brother. As exotic as IPA

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It's technically not allowed anywhere on this site but it occassionally ends up in s/fur threads on Sup Forums and in both /clop/ and s/fur threads on /trash/. They get banned if they post it on /trash/ but not always.
I'm not a mind reader, no matter how much the libshits want me to be.
It's okay, I was going to go out tonight anyways. About to bounce, so let me post one more and I'll get out of your hair. Not a normalfag, I just like going on long walks.

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posted in the old thread, if someone has a sauce I'll take it gladly ! Search tools gave nothing.. will share in this thread, don't worry

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>Three, eat a dick.

Make that an engorged clit with a mutant urethra downloading salty pheromone laden urine deep into my throat and I'm game.

Am replying in earnest: Take that shit to a shota thread. They'll love it there.

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This pleeses Peenywise

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Are you talking about the pedophile clown who fucked this fat girl?

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Imagine loli, but for ponyfags

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>linking that many posts in 1 response is pretty cancer
Pretty much. It's like, are you here to fap to lolis or have a chat? Because if it's he later, go back to you know where or go to discord or something.

Fair enough, it was posted in the last thread, and i asked if we were going to continue or just do loli-only.

Brown megumin

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I'd rather not.

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You know of MLP? mostly the younger characters from that show

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You should, it's really hot.
Imagine Applebloom getting fucked by Big Mac!

How is what you're doing any better?


am peenywise, lets be friend?

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>this fat girl

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Clop in hell, horsefucker. Like I even know one character from another.

wow, who is this artist?

I don't think a conversation about this would be allowed, so let's just all forget this. Okay?

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Man I hope that's her brother else it's not worth unziping my pants

Hey where's your little sister, Weenypies?

Not sure, I saved it from a previous thread.

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Seen any mini-mares get fucked? that shits hot

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How could I possibly help them get better without saying anything? Get a brain moran!

>pedo calling someone else names

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she wuz precious...

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free speech, do tell

Oh yeah best loli bread so far

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Incest is gay, but damn, AB is probably the hottest filly on the show.

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yeah when i went through that phase, those were some good times. The show itself had some pretty great shots surprisingly... mainly because they were always naked anyways.

I'm a Sweety Bellefag myself but AB is also extremely cute.

Why do you like brown lolis so much?
No, sorry. It's not interesting anyway, at least not to me. I'd rather fap to 2D.

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cope. even pedos are respected compared to furfags and bronies.

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tell me lads, how handsome is this man?

no they def are not. pedos are at the bottom.


no, furfags are definitely the bottom. moot didn't ban loli posters, he banned furfags. there used to even be a loli board.

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Ask any normalfag which is worst, apparently you'll be surprised by the answer.
Also moot? What is this, 2012?

>implying even normalfag would definitely say a person who dresses up in a fursuit and jacks it to ponies is worse than someone to faps to little girl drawings.

Im talking about real life user. You need to get off Sup Forums more often.

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>i'm talking about real life (clown world)

ah yes, where loli is absolute haram yet 9 year olds having sex changes is progressive and good, and drag queens rolling around on library floors with children is brave. who cares what clown world thinks?

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this, but unironically

post happy lolis

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>Ask any normalfag which is worst, apparently you'll be surprised by the answer.

One jerks off to cartoons of cute little girls, the other to horses. BOTH are at the bottom here.

Wow, I seriously hope you're trolling because, otherwise, you are very retarded.
Normalfags wouldn't make a distinction between the two, they would say both are retarded shit.

I second the motion.

>9 year olds having sex changes is progressive and good

Stop inventing shit, Sup Forums.

My point exactly.

Fair point, to be even more fair i don't know of any lolifags who chop off body parts to become a little girl. see that furfag who had his hands amputated to get paws sewn on?

>my personal experience defines reality

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