My daughter is 10 and she wants cute new shoes for her birthday. Do you have any tips, user?
My daughter is 10 and she wants cute new shoes for her birthday. Do you have any tips, user?
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Yeah, put your daughter up for adoption. Cus you are way too creepy to be a father.
Reported, enjoy your permaban.
lol ok
Don't sweat whatever this guy is talking about, afaik you're a guy and she's your daughter. Sick fucks is all this worldneeds. Maybe some pink shoes? She like that? Slut. Fucking shit! Anyway it's not about you being creepy its about touching your daughter. So dont. Right?
Triggered. Kek.
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I will obviously help her to mount the new shoes on her birthday. So I have to touch her.
I'm just saying, Sup Forums is the last place you should come to to ask about advice on how to dress your daughter. Might as well ask some hobos at the homeless shelter
...I don’t know, maybe buy her the fucking shoes? Kind of dumb ass question is this?
Come on, anons! I need tips on cute shoes for little girls! I have no idea what to buy.
I don't know what is the latest fashion, you fucking idiot.
Get her a pair of these bad boys
Let her pick them out.
Then ask her what she wants you retard. Unless this is all bait and you don’t have a daughter. I’m assuming the second one.
Come on, user! Grey shoes? What about red or pink? Or girls want grey these days?
It's suppose to be a surprise. She only said cute shoes. I have to pick them alone. This is the end!
My thoughts exactly, on all counts.
Stop samefagging, you embarrassig idiot.
Then get incestuous pedo ass to fucking footlocker and ask a goddamn sales associate. How many kinds of 10 year old girls shoes can there possibly be? Or if your fictitious 2D loli daughter is picky then ask her what she likes. At no point has coming to Sup Forums with your faggot ass loli pics ever been a reasonable solution to the problem you are currently facing.
People will know she’s a girl no need for her to be covered in pink. Pink also doesn’t go with most outfits IIIIDIOT
Lick my taint you baiting queer
You're embarrassing. Future replies will be ignored and masturbated over.
I really hate this kind of a design, user.
These ones are personally my favorite, the flames make you go faster
You’re a faggot if you don’t like crocs. You probably suck dick every night. Have fun raising a whore. Retard.
I really wish I could like them, but I can't! They remind me of crocs or something. I have a terrible fear of crocs.
Idiot! Future replies will be ignored and masturbated over.
They’re not for you it doesn’t matter if you like them. Selfish cunt. Kill yourself.
Get her some Doc Martens. 10 year olds love docs
21, m
I wear docs all the time , have 4 pairs
Reported, enjoy our permaban. Future replies will be ignored.
Finally some good tip! I like them.
Post daughter feet
I would, but I can't. Mods are retarded on this site.
It’s a fine boot
You can never go wrong with white slip on vans; however if your daughter keeps up with fashion trends then try white air force 1’s
What about ankle sock pic
You say that but then you keep replying. Doesn’t matter. This is now a croc thread.
These ones are patriotic as fuck
Thank you, user. They look pretty, but I guess quick to be dirty.
Lol he doesn’t have a daughter
She is not a goth! Not a punker! Not a rocker! She is a sweet little girl!
You're a fucking newfag.
Get her those light up shoes that light up every time she walks
Trips and dubs of truth
Are those very cute? Feels more like cyberpunk.
You will fucking apologize.
Not bad, but cute? Not sure.
Cool lights that flash when u walk
What about some ballerinas anons? Are those still in? Is anyone here informed?
>Are those very cute?
Yes, they come in all sorts of flavors. What the fuck is your deal with this cute shit?
Read my OP post. She asked for CUTE shoes. I have to deliver as a good daddy.
He’s a creep and he doesn’t have a daughter. Stop taking this lonely motherfucker seriously.
Based daddy & pinkpilled
What's cuter than shoes with pink lights on them that flash everytime she walks?
Protip: there is none
OP is a pedo searching for shoes for the girl is trying to groom
Do you think she could wear them to school, too? I don't want one-pony trick.
Lots of creeps have daughters. Get out more, you stupid fuck. By the way, why would you deliberately enter a thread that you don't like then proceed to get mad? Are you that stupid or..?
Do you think I should write on the new shoes my name like she knows forever they are from daddy? Or should I write her name on them? I want to make them more personal.
You are a faggot op and your lil girl will grow be a slut if you dont take action.
>she wants
Like she has agency or some shit user what the fuck. No, bitch wears the shoes you give her and be thanful she dont go barefeet like the animal she is.
Buy her second hand ugly shoes that hurt her feet and charge her for them. With interest. Let her know the world is shit and debt is being someone's bitch.
Never pretend to like her, you'll make her weak.
Are you on LSD, you tiny little bitch? I asked her what she wants because I want to give her something. So shut the fuck up, before I will shovel your own asshole into your throat.
God damn you’re a shitty dad. Your daughter is probably a brat and soon to be whore.
BASED daddyanon
Embarrassing fool. Future replies will be ignored and masturbated over.
Thank u, user.
what the fuck did you just say?
Look nigger im not the one with a lil slut DEMANDING i buy her footwear to get the fuck out.
user you gonna ruin you kid by letting her choose things jesus christ kids need life lessons or they grow to be assholes like you. Fuck your shovel and fuck lsd.
Post feet so we can get an idea of the right type of shoes.
You are wondering if anyone manufactures shoes with upward facing cameras, arn't you ?
Fucking apologize now.
I can't post her feet because mods are nazis.
you are a degenerate user you are the reason climate is all fucked up
>Fucking apologize now.
Fuck user, you got me.
Fatherhood is not easy, I know this. We all do.
Being a good dad to a girl is difficult and we all want meaningful relationships with our children. We want them to have robust role models in us, so they grow to be happy and free.
I apologize I called you girl a "lil slut", but this threads just get to me user. They get to me. My dad never got me shoes. I always wore pass-me-downs from my older siblings. Maybe Im projecting my own childhood traumas on you.
Im sorry.
I will, however defend my statment that you are indeed a faggot.
> I can't post her feet because mods are nazis.
/b in one sentence.
>Fuck user, you got me.
Thank you, domination asserted. Didn't bother to read the rest of your wall of text, but appreciate your surrender.
Those heels are too big for a 11-year-old.
Op stated he wants her to become a hooker. Its ok.
I never stated that, little whiny bitch.
God make up your mind user.
Come one user, post more pictures of shoes I need inspiration
>See my imageboard..
Try googling PTHC, they have some good shoes
Oh OP gonna love those.
They look slutty.
Too fat, but cute.
ugly shoes for ugly hoes
>that pic
>coming to Sup Forums for advice on little girls clothes
You must be the parent other parents don’t want their kids to be around during sleepovers
Cute! But too cute! Those are for 4-7 age range.
He is larping user.
More shoe tips, please!
Stripper heels are easy to slip on (and off)