How do I leave my small town if I’m on probation for being black?

How do I leave my small town if I’m on probation for being black?

How do I find someone renting a room in the big city in my state so I can transfer? I have money

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You kys nigger. Its the only way

where you live? i let you bunk if you live in ny

I remember seeing a couple of your threads from a while ago, how is your situation now? Have you started getting therapy for your anger yet? GL Bro.

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i thought you would have killed yourself by now

just move to LA and bring a tent and a folding chair. it seems to be working for a lot of people


yee in the bronx

How much more time do you have on your probation?

Yeah thats where I’m trying to move to i might have someone in queens helping me but idk if anyone wants to deal with this shit

I have a lot of money and dont care about it i just wanna get the fuck away from my parents

Craigslist used to be a good way to find a room. I'm not sure how it is these days

Do you think people would think its weird if i told them I’m trying to transfer my shit down there? I have a ton of cash i do not care about

buy a car OP, live in that. life on the road. get a station wagon or a truck with a cap.

I think they'll take advantage you if you put it out there like that. It sounds a little desperate

man, why you want to move away from your parents?

I don’t care if I pay a shit load or even if I live there I just wanna get my shit transferred and don’t csre after that

Cool. Do what you do

Yet again with the same old petrified pasta, PLEASE AT LEAST CHANGE IT UP. Stale fucking pasta is STALE. Move along faggot.

Become white and delightsome through serving Kolob

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I got off a 2 year probation sentence in 3 1/2 months by completing all the terms of my probation in the quickest time possible. If you want your freedom back now do everything you can to have it.
I was fucked on k2 and coke and was able to fool them into thinking I was completely reformed while passing all my drug test.

I had my friend who went to aa multiple times take my my sheet and had him get it stamped like I was going and I signed off on my own community service without ever having completing any hours. There was no repercussions and I was released mega early.

I have done everything they asked it did nothing

And I’m being punished harder than anyone. If I have an address in New York I can transfer there. That is all I can get.

just a small town boy
livin' without any joy
everyday he’ll post this thread not goin' anywhere...

he'd rather be a city boy,
born and raised but now unemployed
he’s on probation for being black not goin' anywhere...

a nigger in a chilly room
smell of lead and mold, but what can he do?
god is cruel and we're not alright
it goes on and on and on and on…

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>step one
stop posting the same stale pasta
>step two
kill yourself