JUST Raider

JUST Raider

more like forehead raider

I will say this for vikander, she is believable as an archaeologist book nerd. she is so plain, jesus

no tits, no ass, no thighs
that's just embarrassing
i seriously hope you faggots wont pay money to watch shit like this

Are Americans really so influenced by nigger "culture" these days that they unironically find fat asses and flabby tits appealing?

Can right act tho?

The stick shes holding isnt even sharp, whats her plan here

nu-lara is not attractive. where are her double d's

right looks like a version of kate mara I'd actually fuck

she wouldn't even look at you, nerd.

those fucking man hands YUCK



Go to bed Kate

i'd be fine with the one on the right seeing as she actually has some decent hips

>acting matters

If only her chest didn't look like Morgan Freeman's face.

>It's another "Female lead refuses to get fit for a role that is fit" episode.

First GitS, now this. What does this say about actresses?

an adventurer woman wouldn't have as stick legs

Don't forget Wonder Woman.

>What does this say about actresses?
mostly says something about spoiled american actresses (and swedish ones i guess).

>tfw antje got fit for what turned out to be a b-movie and was still ignored by jewish directors

TITLESS halfnigger

>that random piece of skin across her belly button

I really wanna take a knife to it.

isn't that a piercing hole

>that hip to waist ratio, not to speak of her amazing chest

jesus christ this world is so unfair

Nu-Lara's model has surprisingly large tits when they're unleashed. Somebody made a nude model for SFM based on the exact proportions from the game and she's stacked.

if the actress playing her actually looked like nu-lara i wouldn't complain

>chest freckles

JUST Raid her

The actress who plays her got her tits out in Californication.


There's so many good looking fit women in this world that if you can't find 1 in a group audition, then it isn't that they lack someone who can act, but that you don't know how to recognize acting.

The problem with Hollywood these years is that it lost track of its talent recognition skills.

hey be nice to alicia she's pure


The trap in The Danish Girl was prettier than this fivehead bitch.

>It's a jews try to force their ugly boys into women roles episode

What is Sup Forums's opinion on this Lara Croft cosplay ?

Looks better than Alicia Vikander

natural tits>plastic

>Natural person vs Fake plastic garbage.

t. never seen Lara Croft before


I've seen better

Yes it does you FUCKING FAGGOT. Jesus look at this dumb homosexual posting roided up dykes and being a massive retard, could the freak be more embarrassing?

Why is so hard for females to get fit for a role?

t. footfag Gadotposter

>it's a people pretend anyone cares about the "sancity" of Tomb Raider thread

it's a video game franchise that had a couple good games in the early days that just makes money off its name now. literally who the fuck cares?

You have to be a real genuine faggot to think that liking big tits and ass is nigger culture. Eurocucks love dicks in their ass so much they avoid women that even remotely look like they've hit puberty. You'd rather fuck man ass

It's Wonder Woman all over again, Hollywood casting a character who must logically have some degree of muscularity but would rather cast an anorexic and destroy all realism because they're afraid straight men won't want to see it

>tfw Sup Forums think you can get a body like the right in a few months

How do you figure wanting small, tight buns and titties instead of flabby mountains of fat and flesh means I must like man ass?

They should have had her show more skin.

By that logic why gives a shit about anything?

Why discuss anything? Don't be a fucking moron.

You want small titties? How about REALLY small titties? Might as well have them flat like a man you literal faggot.

>implying the one on the right looks even remotely like an archaeologist

>tfw she would have been the perfect Lara in her prime with some training

>no muscle
>sticks for legs
>head too big
>no tits at all

How could they get a character more wrong? Even if they are going by nu-Lara, it's still a massive fuckup because she had muscle and MUCH thiccer legs in the games.

more like reproductive fluid raider


>implying he bobblehead trap on the left does

American men have massive tits and ass, so if you want booty, you're just as gay as me. Except you're into fat flabby men, which is worse.

>has tits
Was it too hard to find someone like that?

In what way does she not? She doesn't look like some brainless babe model doing a studio photoshoot, that's for sure.
>inb4 muh tits and ass on muh lara
literally who gives a fuck you fucking nerd, it's not like video game movies were ever worth anyone's time or that the Tomb Raider series is worth "respecting" in any way

>I'm itt because I don't care

Who cares? It's just a shitty video game flick. Let it crash and burn.

>using the "if you don't care why are you posting" argument
>not addressing the actual content of my post at all
good to know that you know I'm right, even if you won't say it

Lets shit on the floor and discuss the smell.

>being this obsessed with america
hahaha you really are a faggot

What's the matter, can't handle the truth?

is the snek ok?

>By that logic why gives a shit about anything?
how did you extrapolate that logic from his post

Sure, he's just chilling.

both look like shit honestly

right is too bulky and masculine-looking and has weird marks on her chest
left has no tits or ass and no hips

nu-Lara is attractive... when she's pre-rendered

>Pick someone flat as a fucking board as nu-Lara


because they don't care about the tits as much as you do

Except Lara got famous because of her tits?

And yet it's not a man like

since when was lara ever a fitness freak with muscle abs and 1% bodyfat?

fuck off retard

Well, there are more black people than there are white people. So, US is basically Africa 2.0

Are you kidding they're hot as fuck

And clearly they're not trying to connect to the original series triangle-titted hot babe Lara fans. They're trying to take it seriously I'd wager, and it will fail because video game movies always fail, but it's not the fucking tits that will make it fail.
Fucking lmao, who the hell cares about some girl's tits in some shitty movie, get those priorities straight

Since these faggots decided to start actually sucking cock and expect women to look like men.

You care enough to post here so you clearly want to discuss this movie or you would have fucked off.

Getting the right look of a character is step 1 to making a good adaption.

>Getting the right look of a character is step 1 to making a good adaption.
No it's not.

>No it's not.
Hey look who cares enough to make 2 post in a thread about some shitty movie. What happened to getting priorities straight?

Also it absolutely is. Name me one good adaption where the character was a outright miscast and was still good.

Since... always?

I'm talking about the nasty sunspots

chest freckles are so fucking hot

You misspelled "disgusting".

I'm not the one going full autism because my shitty video game waifu doesn't have a big-titted actress playing her in some shitty movie adaptation. You're the ones getting your little panties all twisted up and I'm pointing out that it's fucking stupid.

>Also it absolutely is. Name me one good adaption where the character was a outright miscast and was still good.
Oldboy. Manga protag doesn't look even remotely like the lavishly-praised Korean adaptation.
What you need is a good actor that embodies the spirit of a character or brings something new of equal value. It's not the looks that matter, unless maybe it's a shitty video game adaptation, and then who the fuck cares.

She's cuter though.
However the broad on the right in this pic is disgusting as fuck.
I'm all for fit chicks but her face is fucking disgusting and fake tits need not apply.
Vikander is still a bad choice though, she's not attractive enough.

t. frankentits fetishist

Lara Croft has always been a sexy girl with curves. Vikander is a fucking miscast.

Fake tits are the best tits.

>I absolutely don't care about this shitty movie I swear
>I am not going autistic
>Proceeds to prove he has autism
Still posting in a thread about a shitty movie adaptation user?

>wahhhh don't point out how retarded my bitching is

>trigger discipline
>but aiming at her own foot

This girl is fucking amazing. Muh dick.

Did they pass some law that you aren't allowed to have attractive women in movies anymore?