What's your proudest accomplishment b/. I'll start

What's your proudest accomplishment b/. I'll start

I'm a classic rock musician and my largest crowd was around 1050 people

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Running on a stage while someone’s already playing like a autist, and then playing with your shitty guitar doesn’t count

> implying you have any idea what "counts"

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I dont know what more I expected of b/. You all are so quick to assume and quick to hate. If you want the truth, I spent my whole life studying music and I'm a professional musician. I rent out small amphitheaters and such and I make an alright living out of it. I'm growing pretty quickly though I owe it to the talent of the band as well

threw a pinecone

When I was 10 I threw a pair of scissors like a shuriken and it landed on the upright on the carpet. Never did anything good since

i threw a stick in the mud and it landed straight up

Good job dude, bet you were stoked afterwards

That’s pretty fuckin cool

What the fuck is a "classic rock musician"? Classic implies it's been popular for a significant amount of time. Did you mean to say you're a rock musician?

I had this same question, tbh

What's not cool is that I haven't done something that great in the 8 years after that. I peaked too early

being this mad when Sup Forums shits on your "accomplishments"

Try that shit again, rekindle the fire

Yeah, but what a fucking peak it was

i havent become an hero yet

We don't have a carpet now

My bad. We write our own music with a soft core style. Think of Bad Company and Rush combined. Although we also cover many songs in our shows. One we love to do is Like 'A Hurricane' by Neil Young

And what have you done.

It's hard to say. I have a ton of accomplishments but they don't matter. I'd say really mine is having a decent handle on music production but at the same time I think I'm terrible at it. I just compare myself to others with the same experience and knowledge and I feel like I have a better sense of what sounds good to people. Besides that having a loving wife, a dog and a decent job while having a savings acct and investing. Idk dawg.

Legit got laid from some weeb at work cause I bought a guitar and started carrying it around, learned 2 basic ass anime ops. That was 6 months ago, she has since been fired for looking up yaoi on her computer while a client was being given a tour.

Being seen as material appropriate for breeding purposes more than once...

>I'm growing pretty quickly though I owe it to the talent of the band as well
Who are you and what are you talking about? Do you have a contract with a record label? Why would 1000 people come to see you? Are they a schizophrenic hallucination?

You know what to do. 18 years is a long life. Time to rest now.

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I wont give too much detail for anonymity. My dad used to work for Casablanca Records *Casablanca is out of business as of today* though its given me the opportunity to know some important people in the production industry my pops was friends with. Which is super beneficial. Radio is also looking for new shit to play. My local rock station has been playing the same top 100 songs over and over again for the past decade. It's the perfect time and we have some contacts. Overall we're pretty lucky. There are downsides tho. Being relatively close to these important people makes them think they can control us. They've repeatedly told us not to play certain things and how to write songs. We do it anyway, music isn't about selling out to corporations. To answer your question, I can't give much detail, tho we are pretty famous around our home town

^answering your question ^

Seethe faggot, and once you finished go to reddit

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Planned 9/11

Got double quints

And dubs

I built a greenhouse to save my family money on groceries, and i also built a computer

> implying I'm OP

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