So why is this even considered a movie yet alone a masterpiece...

So why is this even considered a movie yet alone a masterpiece? It is just a common philosophical question masked in cinematography and music.

There is no comprehensive plot, no characters, no motivations.
Wouldn't it have been better if it has all of these? I mean the question which is asked is interesting and important but without characters it just floats around in a boring snoozefest.

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>Wouldn't it have been better if it has all of these?
Yeah it would probably be better if you'd bothered paying attention.

>no characters
did you even watch the screen or just played on your phone? even so didn't you heard characters' names called?

He obviously didn't. Just baiting the rest of us to explain it to him so he can shitpost.

Then please enlighten me.

The Major is alienated from society and she tries to regain or just understand her humanity by pushing her boundaries like diving in the ocean and finally feeling fear and other emotions.
It is a nice thought and an important philosophical question - is she a human or is she no different from the Puppetmaster?

But this is just it. A question in the air. Why should I care about it in the context of the movie? We don't know anything about the Major. Why should I care for her answer?

And this is the main protagonist of the movie. I haven't even started on Batou or the whatshisname partner of them. Who are they?

It is a movie by not being a movie. I can get the same emotional and intellectual result by reading a random philo book while listening to some good music.

What's the point of the plot or the characters if we don't get to know anything remotely interesting about them?

The characters don't have character you idiot

I think you're right. This movie is highly overrated imho. There are so many better films about that subject.

Some art makes YOU define its own meaning, no matter how meaningless that ultimately is.

The best films do that.

the point is to enjoy an incredibly animated action spectacle
some of the best action movies have thin characters/plot because that's clearly not what they want to focus on

Then what's the point of having them. I mean just take Togusa.

In his very first scene it has been stated that he was appointed in the group because he has the least amount of tech inside of him, he is still pretty much human and this gives him an insight which is different from like Makoto's.

This was never used in the movie. All questions are thrown in and Togusa never replies any of them. There are no problems which are solved by him just by being human - the elevator and how the section 9 is infiltrated is not solved by being a human or different from Major, it is solved by thin air investigation.

Why is he in the movie? His role is easily replaceable by Batou.

The same goes for the plot of the movie. After the last act where the Major and the Puppetmaster merge the plot - where there is some kind of government conspiracy and diplomatic whatever - is instantly dropped like it didn't mean anything. And it didn't. It was just an excuse to throw in the puppetmaster as a concept.

I can hardly imagine that someone who seen this movie a some time ago can even remember what the initial plot was.

>action spectacle
There's very little action in it

Sure you should stick to simpsons and transformers, should be less threatening intellectually.

I agree with OP, the GITS movie is extremely overrated. Comparing the manga to the movie is like comparing the book "Do Android Dream of Electric Sheep" to the movie Bladerunner. The former is packed full of all sorts of weird thoughts and feelings and ambiguous ideas, that leaves the reader pondering its meaning for weeks afterwards. The movie is just a shit-ton of atmospheric music and visuals layered over a simple "derp Frankenstein's monster is human after all" storyline.

Likewise, the GITS manga is a very sophisticated science fiction story full of ideas and well-rounded characters with transhumanism ideals at its core. Whereas GITS movie is just, again, a shitload of atmospheric sound and visuals with a few paper-thin characters and a "derp, am I still human?" theme. Doesn't even have the excellent performances or dialogue that elevates blade runner.

GITS movie is about as intellectually stimulating as a word puzzle on the back of a cereal packet, you tragic weeb

You guys need to learn how to watch movies.

They would probably need to be cartoonishly exaggerated for your autistic mind to pick up on them

Whenever a shill starts attacking their own franhise in order to make the newest shit look better you can know they are desperate.

Here's some tinfoil hat for you mate

Most of the answers you seek are answered through visual storytelling. You need to watch it against and see it beyond the superficial.

Confirmed for shill. Only shills deny their existence.

I got semi-hyped for this movie, so I decided to read the manga. Not gonna lie, I have no fucking clue what is happening. The translation seems stiff, the plot aimless, and the art crowded.

I'm not very familiar with manga, but it seems like such a hit would be a little more...accessible.

Watch this video, it explains one of the few themes of the film.

Although it also mentions how there are so many themes that you would need a deeper analysis and repeated viewings in order to get them.

oh fuck off, it has plenty of action for it's short runtime

The manga is a mix of silly humor, fanservice, and insanely complex world building, story-telling and theming. The sequel is even more obscure and crazy.

>the GITS manga is a very sophisticated science fiction story full of ideas and well-rounded characters with transhumanism ideals at its core

You probably missed the pornographic scenes and the silly humor in the original manga.

>the pornographic scenes
You know you just confirmed you've only ever seen a single page of the GitS manga, right?

Everything has a motivation. Plants have motivation to do plant things, birds have motivations to do bird things, humans have motivations to do human things.

Just because it isn't fed to you in black&white caricature doesn't mean it isn't there.

The original manga is chocked full of fanservice, it has a explicit lesbian sex scene early on that sets the tone for the rest of the manga. It's not something that takes itself that seriously.

Keep digging the hole.

You haven't read the manga if you actually think it takes itself seriously.