
Hey, I'd like to say I'm seriously considering suicide and would appreciate it if someone recommended me some methods to do. I also don't mind if it's painful or uncomfortable.

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If you use a gun make sure you sever your brain stem so you don't retain consciousness as you bleed out.

Get killed by the cops.

don't. go to a counselor, this life is shit but it's still worth living

Hold on

It literally isn't

If you do you’ll just end up in the same place

Define why

kill someone u hate then kill yourself

Take 5 grams of psilocybin mushrooms and ponder your situation before you do anything else.

Pretty good advice.

Unless you are happy it isnt death is more welcoming than continuing to be miserable. Most people are unhappy and just cope with their miserableness. They are what you would call the blissfully ignorant. They are to dumb to pay attention to their lives and can easily distract themselves with tiny moments of ultimately inconsequential bits of happiness. Then you have people like op who realize life is just a series of shits waiting to fly in your face and even if for a moment you will be happy nothing will distract you from the fact that your life is 98% shit and there is nothing you can do to change it and now that you've realized that the other 2% of happy times are now ruined because you know they are meaningless and you will be miserable again soon enough.


I've tried going to therapy, but nothing really gets done with plans that are made to help me and I just end up feeling the same. People say I've had bad therapists and should try again but I really don't see the point in trying over and over again, it's tiring.

Save yourself the possibility of going to purgatory that way. Make peace with god before you go. Try to anyway. I don't know how you do that though.

Wait about a week, everything thats going on in your life that is shitty is typically only temporary and easily fixible. Take a step back and really look at your situation in different perspectives, you'll find that a lot of your problems are pretty small. Try and improve yourself, go to the gym, take walks, do anything outside of your norm and you might feel better. If you are dead set on killing yourself and none of the above helps after trying them then just strap nitrogen gas mask to your self and breathe. it is the cleanest and most painless way to go.

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I've almost killed myself twice with large combos of opiates, benzo's and alcohol. If my ex gf wasn't there to slap the fuck out of me and get me breathing I think that'd be a pretty chill way to go. It's definitely my plan B

Get rid of the mods and the Shaders.
embrace vanilla and open your eyes!
Don’t be stupid and deny yourself another Point of view!
You can do what ever you want with your life. It’s yours, but don’t fool yourself. You can still do what ever you want afterwards

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Is this parappa or patrappa ?


There's two ways:
Get a trip(lsd, mushrooms, ayahuasca) and get out of depression.
Look for Nembutal and die like a boss

Instead of commit die, just run away and start fresh somewhere far away. Grab all your money and important assets if you have any and hit the road. Resetting is better than dying in my opinion.

Harakiri, that is an awesome way to go

Yeah eat mushrooms

Hit yourself in the dick with a hammer for being so dumb you can’t realize life is awesome. Change your habits to positive ones and it’ll all be okay, user.

what's that?

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honor samurai suicide

Thanks. I'll save this.

Now how the hell are they going to measure the agony of a shotgun blast to the head? Ridiculous.

I know you're gonna ignore me but dont, really dont ffs

Why shouldn't I?

>Make peace with god before you go

>implying god actually exists

>not knowing that most gods condemn suicide and would throw you in hell or not let you go to heaven

was it painful?, did you feel that you stopped breathing?

pill od is usually very painful and long unless you got specific pills