Now that the imdb forums are gone, where do you immediately go after seeing a movie?

Now that the imdb forums are gone, where do you immediately go after seeing a movie?

A lot of the comments were trash but there was also gold discussion in there, in truth, the comments got better the less popular the movie. Most problems were on the retarded movies, like cape shit. But in other movies it was a solid place to discuss even the most intricate details of a film, or the read different interpretations of open stories and solve doubts you had.

>he actually discusses moving pictures with strangers on the internet lmao

>implying you didn't post that to get an answer too

no I am legitimately making fun of you for being such a loser you actually want to talk about movies with strangers over the internet

get your life together


I come to Sup Forums and then remember we only talk about twitter screencaps here and then hang myself

t. person discussing people discussing movies with strangers on the internet with strangers on the internet

dumb shitposter

last time i was there it had only reviews of the movies, can you start a thread about something specific under each movie.

yeah, even though this places decline has been fun and meme filled, i miss discussion and learning interesting shit,

Am I seeing a pattern on those Emma's pics?

what do you mean

Could I get a printout of Emma smiling?

she's a smoker you know

>ywn get to be her eunuch foot slave

smoking is hot

patrician taste my friend

>Now that the imdb forums are gone, where do you immediately go after seeing a movie?
I look them up on and, post Emma's hairy arms now.

Great she's now my favorite Emma, ty friend

thanks for the real answer. how about some arms + pits?

You must be lost.

It is so not. Makes a girl smell like shit and have bad breath. Also, a smoker is really annoying to a non-smoker how they always want to step outside, or have a cigarette any time you go somewhere before you go inside. Smoking is super selfish and I would never date anyone that did.

But I like the smell. Also, why would she want to step outside?

I go on r/movies.




I wish her feet were in my mouth

don't we all

i wanna cum on her little cheeks

beep beep

Yes back the fuck outta this thread Emma Watson, you truck looking bitch

I miss the IMDB forums, sure I never posted but it was fun to check replies after watching an oldie.
Like just know I finished watching White Lighting (1973) and you just know there would have been some interesting tidbits to be learned on the imdb forum of said movie.
