Is evolution true in your country?

Is evolution true in your country?

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I'm surprised by the result since I've yet to meet a person who claims it to be false.
Not even a priest would say it since Catholic teaching accepts the theory.

>hurr durr humans evolved from rocks
why do people believe in evolution again?

evolution is true in every country
people may believe otherwise or not

>evolution is true in every country

>earth is 4500 year old, flat and america is in the center. braise cheesus


>primordial soup is a rock
Out of all inanimate objects why did you choose that

not an argument.

How do bacteria evolve resistance then?

It is 7252 according to the Russian calendar.

Evolution is true in every single country, user, what kind of stupid question is this?

7525, my bad!

How to piss off both leftists and right wingers at once? Say that evolution is true and it also extends to differences in human ethnicity.

i don't know what that is

Most of us believe in it but the statistics are skewed by the insane incest lestadio cult in the north. They also don't let their people watch TV.

Reddit: The Theory


Priest in my church does not believe in evolution .
Do you really believe that we evolve from monkey ?

As in subspecies?


No Amerirtards

We didn't evolve from just rocks

We started to evolve when water existed on earth

it's not about beliefs pierre, it's about facts


Actually the old Catholics where taught creationism, and then the Catholic church said, if you don't want to believe in creationism, that's fine too.

even in theorie it is false , we should have an common ancestor :(

what's up with latvia

Kinda, but a bit more nuanced than that. A race is like a subspecies. A genetic ethnic group is a smaller component of a race/subspecies.

Do you have exemple ?

That's the idea, we have common ape-monkey-lemuer-etc ancestors.

I googled and found this" Homo sapiens underwent a genetic bottleneck around 70,000 years ago, reducing the human species’ numbers to a mere 10,000 or so individuals. We’re all descended from them. This means we have a remarkably narrow gene pool for a 200,000 year old species - much smaller than most species that are so old. Too small for subspecies. There isn’t enough variation. There’s more variation between different breeds of dogs than between different populations of humans. (And there aren’t any dog subspecies, either - dogs are a subspecies of gray wolf)." I guess race would be like sub-subsprecies.

Dogs are not a subspecies of wolf, they are a separate species. Very distinct subspecies can have linnaean trinomial nomenclature.

>I guess race would be like sub-subsprecies.

Not even, because race is not a scientific concept.

Two people who are white can be further apart from each other, than each of them is to a some random black people.

The science talks about ethnicities, not race. Race is just something you Americans invented.

I've never seen anyone here argue for creationism, even our religion course back in middle school mentioned evolution as a fact and god's way of creating life.

Fake poll, fake news

At least it isn't bad as Saudi Arabia

The counter-argument is more telling

If it weren't evolution, how did life emerge on earth then? We share 98% DNA homology with lesser primates like chimpanzees

My ancestor :)

How many DNA do we share with other specie like fish or cat ?

nearly 90% with cats and 80% with rats IIRC

Murine (rat models) of disease are the first experimental subjects in medical research, then rhesus monkeys, then humans across multiple trial levels

Could people have been created this way ? I mean god could have write their dna. Why it would be strange that some animal have more comon dna than other ?

Yes it is true

Not in the church, not in the school you will ever hear anything else
it's only American's that are retarded

My school taught both intelligent design and evolution so students could use their own critical thinking skills to decide which is correct.
The fact that ya'll insist only one view be taught really diminishes it's credibility.

this other view is based on a one (1) old jewish book from thousands of years ago
who cares
why don't you believe in any other creation myth of millions religions that are out there

Europosters are better acquainted with Christianity, but Prophet Muhammed legit 'channeled' God's commandments emergently, meaning they were convenient for the situation he was in

An Aussie poster gave me the best advice on religion in 5 years on Sup Forums, the religious assumptions themselves are the red herring

Hope I didn't insult your faith, you've been immense as Christians for Sudan, especially oppressed Darfuris and Southerners, no Islamist can deny that

tBh I believe the theory that humans are not native to Earth and came from elsewhere.

Like why are we the only species on the planet that needs to wear clothing to survive colder temperatures and why are we so prone to disease?

do not really understand your answer :D
But i do not feel insulted , in france i am use to offending comment about christian , by politic , people then i do not see where you have been insulting.

>turkroaches scored even worse than burgerclaps

I believe God created us through evolution.

if dogs were a separate species, they couldn't interbreed with wolves

Athiests want to feel superior 90% of the time, 10% they care about religious indoctrination

Bonne nuit mon frere :#

ok i did not understand the world "red herring", no i agree with you . Even if i am just a college student which study ingeniery , when studying i do not use religious assumptions. It is more about the fact that biologie is not my main knowlege .

If dogs evolved from wolfs, how come there are stills wolfs around.

Das rait

Praise jisus

I’m from the south and I have only met 2 people who didn’t believe in evolution in my life.

>why are we the only species on the planet that needs to wear clothing
we don't need clothes in our natural habitat (Africa)

>and why are we so prone to disease?
what? we are not more prone to diseases than any other species

>we don't need clothes in our natural habitat (Africa)
We do m8 don't be daft, it provides insulation to some extent and protects against disease vectors like mosquitoes and sandflies/chrysops flies, still a very out of the box and intelligent argument though

>what? we are not more prone to diseases than any other species
That's the thing, when you went to Europe and experience selective pressure nature upped its game and created far more complex and intricate diseases, a common example is Ashkenazi Jews and the insanely disproportionate rates of cerebral disease

Sorry Frenchanon, butting back in

bonne nuit tanks for your advice.

There's a large amount of people who say evolution is true just because it's the "correct" thing to say in their society. It's like saying "2+2=4" without having a clue on how to actually count. The answer may be right, but the path to that correct answer is complete shit

>it provides insulation to some extent and protects against disease vectors like mosquitoes and sandflies/chrysops flies
Well, I dont live in Africa, but I am pretty sure it is possible to survive without clothes there. Meanwhile, in Northen Europe, you will be dead within a day

Well, Brazilians are living proof of evolution.

Feels good to been grow up without any religion bullshit.

So Einstein's theory of relativity has been reconfirmed at the perihelion of Mercury expedition, countless times from the ISS to distant black holes and even months ago

That doesn't mean we A - have the guide book to the universe B - Einstein might not be toppled he did to Newton, maybe even after countless millennia with a model which accords with religion

Sorry Frenchanon one last time

I am sure you are referring to Brazilian tool using monkies

I don't know if you had a recreational farm here with acres like rich Sudos, would you lie outside naked? I'd still find it a bit dangerous and weird on a private farm personally

>grow up believing g we all came from rocks
>Rocks are still on Earth
Explain that evolution-tards

As far as I know, many African native tribes are almost naked most of the time

no i am not sure , maybe it just propaganda but gaul often are represented half naked .

in summer, yes. in winter you cant survive without clothes

The earth is flat.
Jews did 9/11
Big Foot is in area 52
And Trump is the president of the USA

africa in night is not cold ?

That's insane m8, I haven't seen a naked person in public since 2006 and she was a mental patient who was instituted

The stuff you see is out in the wilderness, we of course don't have complete infrastructure development like Europe at any rate, its usually an effective way to keep people outside development and the political arena unfortunately if they're minorities

See pic

i am not sure what you are talking about. The question was if a human can survive in Africa without clothes. I think the answer is yes

Oh sorry, I understand (autistic = literal interpretation)

It depends upon acclimatization and endemic diseases, for instance much higher temperatures and less rain can trigger fatal pneumonias

Also there are diseases which operate optimally at higher temperatures, for instance malaria endemicity also depends on temperatures which are optimal for anopheline mosquito breeding


Well yeah.



Overly religious people like you are the worst

Fuck aedes aegypti, literally cancer with wings

Icelanders may believe in evolution, but they believe they came from fairies lmao

Amazing thing, from Californian and St.Louis Encephalitides to South America all the way to causing common stuff here in the motherland, ridiculous

this person would believe in evolution
all these degenerate caricatures are atheists

inb4 christian feminism and anti-evolutionary matriarchial feminism


bin baz never said that

I believe in intelligent design

Random mutation just cant possibly make all this complex bullshit that has evolved

>A race is like a subspecies. A genetic ethnic group is a smaller component of a race/subspecies
t. brainlet

Evolution doesn't deal with how life began or abiogenesis. It's only a mechanism that acts upon living things

They taught us evolution but never forced the idea that creationsim is wrong. That's why many people are religious and still believe in creationsim. The answer to anything unusual is god or demons.

t. Nepali

Yeah it can, fella

>Random mutation just cant possibly make all this complex bullshit that has evolved
That's because random mutation doesn't create complexity, of course it's RIDICULOUS that all of the biochemical machinery in the cells and how the cells combine to make even more complex structures will happen randomly, but the thing here is that NOBODY has said that all of that shit occured randomly, there has never been a biologist making a claim like that, the origin of complexity is the result of a process, a mechanism that has been occuring for the last thousands of millions of years, which is natural selection

not sure

Why do I have to share a country with people like this?


That number is up from ~24% to 50% now, although it still embarrassingly includes Christians who believe in evolution but simultaneously believe God created the starting conditions for it to happen. I suppose that's probably in line with what Cuckothlics believe in Europe, so whatever, fair is fair.

2006 is light years away in American culture now. Federal gay marriage was an unfathomable concept back then and now the USA adopted it even before countries like Germany (although obviously not as quickly as the Netherlands). When you post stats about social issues in the USA, you're severely dumb as fuck if you post old ones from over 10 years ago. My country is unrecognizable from that time.

>le why do le I have to le share a le country with le people le like le this?

Since you guys started this, I demand an answer to my question about evolution:
-Since they keep cutting their dicks, will jews&friends mutate at some point and get born without a foreskin?

That's not how it works

no since evolution isn't real, retard.

pretty sure they are just meming
Thoug I admit, it is hard to tell trolls apart from people who genuinly don't believe in evolution

Evolution is very true, mammals all share the same organs, all breed babies, all have milk for young, are all similar in behavior by how closlely related genetically they are etc..
Only literal retards prefer a jew book to truth, mutations in humans is observable and true, adaptations and natural selections have been proven in the wild etc..

Races are determined by seperation geographically.

Maube your fantasy book isnt true.

I thought humans were closer to rats than cats