I didn't know you can skate, user
I didn't know you can skate, user
Gimme da quick rundown
>Chloe Grace Moretz declined a doorstep offering of cookies from a young male admirer ... and reported him to authorities instead.
>Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... the "Neighbors 2" star had an uninvited guest roll up to her home on a skateboard with a container full of treats. We're told Chloe was inside but didn't answer. The guy asked a neighbor if this was Chloe's home, and the neighbor started grilling the guy.
>Cops say Moretz called the cops and reported the guy, who looked about 18. The cops never got to speak with the guy because he made a hasty retreat.
>LAPD's threat management is now on this case.
>Burst into treats
Sup Forums confirmed
What exactly did she tell the cops?
>hello police? i am a rich and very famous actress and there is some guy behind my door offering cookies. Please send every avaible unit here now!
>hasty retreat
who writes like this?
>hasty retreat
more like tasty retreat
I wish I could call the cops every time a persistent salesman knocks on my door.