What the fuck was Luc Besson thinking by casting those two fucking cocksuckers in these roles? He's an effeminate emo beta twink and she's a scrawny skanky pug ugly dyke!!!FACT!!!
already a thread, plus a marketing blitz can save even the most doomed movie
Anonymous man boldly claims $211,804,550 movie based on irrelevant French science fiction comic adapted by a director attempting to recreate his most popular film will fail to make a profit.
i love the space theme, i watch all movies in space, and a lot of people like them too, its a cool "fantasy" that as human kind we can achieve soon, as exploration of other planets is exciting
also looks like a fun adventure movie, it wont bomb
>i watch all movies in space
I usually watch them in the theatre
It does look kind of like that Tom hanks cloud atlas movie
This. When I first heard of it I wrote it off as another enders game. But when I saw that trailer I realized it was more like a light hearted adventure flicl like star wars.
Ill probably see it amd hope it does well
Don't you talk shit about my Carafu.
I wanna reach through the screen to strangle you.
It looks pretty and the designs are nice. I'll watch it for that alone. I'm sure plot and acting are retarded as usual.