How do I make Muslims feel unwelcome in my town?

How do I make Muslims feel unwelcome in my town?

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do you have lampposts in your town?

You read their book.

Shoot them. Trust me they'll get the message after that.

start a tradition with pulled pork sandwhiches...

You need to chillax, friend.

Considering how often they do it, maybe it's just how they say hello.

That would require you to leave your bedroom and communicate with another person. You lazy autistic fucks aren't capable of either.

Burn a crescent on their lawns.

I wouldn't be asking if I wasn't going to do anything.

/speaks in to wrist watch
/says *We have one that can see*

Be yourself

Put bacon in the hallal meat area

Throw a pigs head on the doorstep to your local mosque.

Bacon. Raw. Allow it to come to room temp. The fat begins to melt and soften. It gets sticky. Slap numerous slices of gooey bacon all over their windows and doors of house and car. Wrap door knobs with raw bacon.

Laptop. Printer. ISIS flag. Add text to bottom, "Prove you aren't a member of an ISIS sleeper cell". Print many. Cover entire property with your prints. Shove many inside mailbox.

I haven't seen any halal meat areas in town. All I know is that there is a tiny building nearby my house that is a Muslim community center.

This sounds like a good plan.

Pig head on spikes on their masques or homes

Muslims ye be warned sign with dead muzzie in a gibbet

>|ROLL DUBS OR ||l “”|””\_,
>|RELIGION OF PEACE ||| |__|__
>|RUNS YOU OVER!|||_________|__|____|]

>shitskins chimp out in their homecountries
>police guns them down with no hesitation

>shitskins chimp out in western countries
>police sprays some water and tear gas at them

Gun violence is literally the only language they understand.

Put bacon around their door handles.

Is burning down a mosque too extreme? I mean would they get too much support from liberals in the community?


Pigs head on the mosque steps.

but muslims can find an AK outta nowhere

I think some people in Germany already smeared pig blood all over the mosque walls and even threw a dead pig in front of the entrance.

You can't. It's not your town. You are just a citizen.

But in the improbable case you are allowed to do something: shoot at sight.

bacon swastika

Kill a dozen pigs and bury them under houses for sale, but don't tell them which ones, just that you did it.


Lots and lots of bacon.

pls no

>shit in a paper bag

>put on muzzie doorstep

>light on fire


Or just take a greasy shit on their car hood

>How do I make Muslims feel unwelcome in my town?

do cumskin things like a gay pride or a swinger club

throw bacon and pork at their mosques and houses

Honestly, I still think direct action should not be taken until after the election. The last thing we need is a new Dylann Roof to rally the left and bring out the cuck vote.


It's only a few months, spend the time planning instead of going out and getting caught doing something dumb as a knee-jerk action.


I said unwelcome, I don't want to become a bigger target.


Pig head, stick it in front of a mosque

Good advice.

Today I called some mudslime north african piece of garbage a fucking retard and threatened him with violence. Stood my ground and made he apologized and cowered. He had driven over some of my tools (I was working in a parkade). Felt great. Will definitely do again, would recommend.

I don't have or know how to use Twitter. I prefer actual activism anyways.

Sell pork products in public

Let doggers and piggus roam around in public

Get your local genderqueer asexual transotherkin feminists to convert to islam and attend prayers

>Sell pork products in public
M8, this is the United States. There isn't a bazaar where I can sell pigs and meat.

Also dogs are super common everywhere in the States.

Here's some OC for you user

Post this to show solidarity with France

Only together can we fight the bigotry that started this in the first place

Let's not let them use this to spread more of their hate speech

You knock on their door and tell them to their face that you're too much of a pussy to live in the same town as a Muslim.


There you go.

By having a pig farm

Replace the water in the taps with alcoholic beer

Muslims REALLY fucking hate it when you pelt them or their property with pork products. Bonus points for any pig carcasses.

good little goy.

the muslims are bad. we must invade their countries to protect isra-i mean-america

The key is obviously to deport all muslims back to their countries, then make a marshall plan so the middle-east will be up to snuff to Israel.

And then of course provide them all nukes.

I'm many things, but an Islamophobe is not one of them, Mr. Shekelstein.

Walk around in your MAGA hat

Gets me all sorts of dirty looks from coloreds and libcucks

Could someone be arrested for moving bacon/ham into the halal section of a supermarket?

Leave informative fliers, find out whose muslim and kick the shit out of them and with a message. Repeat process. Make it clear how unwanted they are and force them to understand that the tides are now turning and no longer in their favour.
Burn down every mosque, houses etc just unleash the viking madness.

Arrested? Absolutely not.

Banned from the store because you ruined some of their property by proxy? Very much a possibility.

Service dogs.
Its incredibly easy to get a dog certified.
Its illegal to ask why you have a service dog/ what disability you have that needs a service dog.
Everyone walks around with service dog.
Go grocery shopping with service dog.
No business can legally deny access to a service dog.

Leave bacon outside their homes

Pubs, bacon sandwiches, and man's best friend. It's almost like nature is telling you that islam is insane.
Also, avoid their businesses, taxi drivers, and restaurants. If you sell to them, charge them more.

Get a pet pig