Attached: blackgenes.jpg (1064x1600, 160K)

Yo anyone else wanna scrape the yellow off his bulge?

Welp. That's all the internet for me today

You okay man? Autism is acting up too hard today?


Human-watermelon hybrid seems to be a success.

When I search google for this image, "monkey" comes up in the search bar.

I got figurine.

He can smell a drop of watermelon from a mile away.

Attached: 44824fa91da5.jpg (450x600, 32K)

Attached: monkey.png (793x824, 385K)

That must have been some serious fucking cocaine

What does this to man? I mean a monkey

Checked and keked

And yet the guys in the photos get more pussy than Incel OP.


ok what is it tho? just a regural tumor or what?

I mean the growth not the nigger

lmao i thought the nostrils were his eye holes before i expanded the pic

I never thought google could be this based.

Half of him is awake, the other half is asleep

looks like some form of cancer, so i'd say yes

OH SHIT niggers being born with built-in watermelons!!!

of course you didn't, you faggy apple cunt