Women that smoke cigarettes

>Women that smoke cigarettes
>Women that smoke weed
>Women that use swearwords

Literally repulsive

nothing wrong with cigarettes (smokers have higher IQs) but yeah swearing is uncouth

Smoking has such a long list of downsides and literally no upsides. I do not believe smokers have higher IQs.

Only a retard would purposely spend money to reduce their lifespan, increase risk of disease, and smell like shit.

agree on everyhting leafbruh

> smokers have higher IQs
[Citation needed]

This. The thing is that smokers are usually also high risk takers, and they're the kind of people that have the most interesting history and stories.
If they're men on top of that, they'd most likely be intelligent as well. There's really quite nothing like convos with an intelligent smoker.

>mfw nobody at my uni smokes
>every one at my job (restaurant) smokes and they're all high school drop outs
Mmmmmh really activate my almonds

OP I agree but smoking weed is hot. There's nothing like a nice summer night smoking haschish in a girl's car and then go in her house laughing, watching a movie and fucking like crazy

howdy there reddit

Smoking isn't risk taking.

You stand nothing to gain by smoking, it has a negative EV. It LITERALLY has a hundred downsides and zero positives.

Who gives a fuck if she smokes heroin during pregnancy I need to lose my V-CARD and GET LAID fucker before I am 30

>no weed
>not going to ''uni'' because its a ''meme''


Weed is the gayest drug ever made and girls who smoke it are repulsive. Cigs are weird. Its like when you see a trashy person smoking a cig you know they're trash, but when you see a good looking person smoke one or a person of high status use one, you're like damn that's a cool/sexy motherfucker that doesn't give a FUCK.

I know people who would only use Benson&Hedges over other brands like Camel and Marlboro, what is the rationale for that

arabs love that brand for some reason. Are you sudanese or visiting?

I am actually Sudanese, but the person in particular who did it was very very classy, classic brand watches, loafers, premium shirts, even nice car

I thought it had a nicer 'discernible' flavour

you can talk shit all you want about smoking being unhealthy and shit, but you just can't deny that there is nothing more aesthetic than a girl who smokes

Women tha occassionally smoke weed but no cigarettes are a rare breed that I'd hold onto and never let go.

>Women with tattoos

nobody should have tattoos


>There's nothing like a nice summer night smoking haschish in a girl's car and then go in her house laughing, watching a movie and fucking like crazy
haha yeah, totally lol


>Choosing young women when you can pretend your dick is a candy wrapping it in the skin of your experienced mate.

Modern women are like edgy 14-year olds.

I don't fuck with girls who drink and smoke

It's fucking disgusting and completely unfeminine. And not in a cute tomboy way, but the "eww, I bet she has herpes" way.

Smoking anything is trashy and repulsive.

literally the complete opposite

>posters that have leaf flags

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand smoking. The smoke is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the high will go over a typical smoker's head. There's also tobacco's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into its characterisation- its personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these highs, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. I'm stinking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Marlboro's genius wit unfolds itself in their lungs. What fools.. how I pity them

>prudish virgins that whine about women

>A wise man appears before you.

>tfw when gf smokes more weed than I and the 3 other stoner I live with combined
I love my life