Recc me some creepy illuminati, secret cult movies Sup Forums!

recc me some creepy illuminati, secret cult movies Sup Forums!


Kill list
Eyes wide shut
Star Wars prequals

Eyes Wide Shut

House of the Devil
Rosemary's Baby

Jacob's Ladder

saw & enjoyed all of them. :(

Is kill list any good?

In The Santa Clause the speech tim allen gives to the kid in the park about keeping secrets is very awkward and a nod to the pedo rapists in hollywood

I really liked it.
The plot may not be the best one, but damn that atmoshpere and ending

It was pretty good. It's got a pretty slow start but the tension ramps up.

In The Mouth Of Madness
Prince Of Darkness
Hot Fuzz
The Void

I think Repo Man qualifies...

Lunopolis is a good one, same with Operation Avalanche. Both are Moon movies involving secret societies.

Conspiracy was great and the main character in it is the cop in the new movie The Void which looks to be conspiracy dealings and lovecraft.

I dont understand... I thought I was in the archive for a sec...

Weird thread

You too ?

Probably not what you are looking for, but Rosemary's Baby.

Maybe The Ninth Gate? I watched it a long, long time ago, can't remember much but for some reason I think there was some secret cult stuff going on, someone please confirm.

Thanks, will watch.

thanks for all the recc's guys!

It's not from the time period, but the The VVitch has the same vibe.

I've consistently noticed that conspiracy theorists aren't interested in actual facts, other-wise they'd be more concerned with actual conspiracies that have been proven to be real, for instance the Black Hand being the cause of World War 1, the Iran-Contra affair, MKULTRA, Operation Gladio, Operation Mockingbird, or how in 1965 the CIA overthrew the democratically elected Sukarno with a military coup in Indonesia all because he declared neutrality during the Cold War.

its great

yeah weird that people interested in crazy theories involving insane conspiracys are more interested in fiction than real life. fucking idiot, this is a board for film and tv not for finding out the truth.

Nice try, Elijah


This was pretty neat.

The wicker man
Children of the corn
Starry eyes

What the fuck was that even about?