RIP Diego

RIP Diego
>A boy is dead after a beating at school. Classmates say he was the target of bullies
Who has the video

Attached: bullying-victim-diego-moreno-valley-california0919.jpg (620x350, 25K)

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Niggers are a danger to society

how do you know it was colored people?

True. That black kid hit him hard - poor guy

live leaks

Attached: 1569181396377.png (450x450, 307K)

Because race wasn’t mentioned. If they had been white they would have said so at least three times.

That's so fucking true

>A boy is dead after a beating at school. Classmates say he was the target of bullies
b...bbbuu... But bullies aren't real, only school shooters are real, and where they come from is a complete mystery