Fellow straight Dudes, we need to have THE TALK

Fellow straight Dudes, we need to have THE TALK.

Don't stick with the generic dull dick-sneeze which you think is the best in the world.

Get your ass fingered and prostate tstimulated with dildos and/or fingers.
This shit is the ticket to legs shaking, brain melting, dribbling orgasms.
It's fucking A-M-A-Z-I-N-G
(Just I want a girl to do that. Because I am exclusively straight.)

So you know it. You do it.

Also I honestly believe it makes you a better lover in general because you start to take your girls orgasms more seriously too.

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fuck off retard straight guys aren't obsessed with orgasms that's faggot shit fuck you

Yes you are and if you aren’t you are lying to your self

dude honestly i don't give a shit about orgasms i just jerk off and bust a nut and that's the end of that until i do it again

you're the one who's lying to yourself faggot claiming to be a "straight guy" well straight guys don't care about that shit you estrogenated retard

jew OP

Oh you bunch of angry incels. I told you what to do. It's all up to you now. It's your time you're wasting.

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>(((Fellow straight Dudes)))

I have a hammeroid, NOTHINGS going in my ass!

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No, I don't think I will

ayy, fucked up there. Get proper treatment for it.

Also, if you're prone to hemorrhoids, it could actually be beneficial for you to give your ass more attention.


you will one day. and you will shed some tears you didn't do it till that day.
If you feel to gay doing it yourself, just pay a hot hooker to tongue your ass, wank you, and let her shove a finger up your butt while she is giving you a blowjob.
Nothing gay about it, and it's a damn good feeling bro

I got a dildo a few weeks ago and I love using it. OP post Kik or Wickr or Discord if you want to talk

Nothings better than a girl pegging and giving you a reach around

Good for you. but talking about WHAT exactly?

I am not into sharing how hard I can cum or how much - just wanted to share some of my hard earned wisdom with Sup Forums.

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My gf in HS liked to shove anal beads in my ass while she jerked me off, its the bees knees OP

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nice. good find.
My GF is not so much into it. But we're getting there

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Offer to share a double dildo with her.

>fellow straight dude
Fuck off faggot

no you

she is not so much intor ass play in general I fear

That sucks man. Either of you into feet? 69'ing that way is fun

the gay narrative being pushed on whites is a Jewish ploy to lower white birth rates and make them a conquerable minority in their own countries. OP is a faggot, jew, or both.

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Look, OP being a fag again. Will his cock sucking ever stop.

let me guess, organ implants are a Jewish conspiracy?

how bout you take your fag shit somewhere else and let us get our dicks sucked?
you can go talk to other "straight men" who like their anuses penetrated, but casually you'll see that they'll ask you to push the dildo and you will end asking them to push yours

I will worry about that when I'm at risk of prostate cancer, user but thanks.

Lol, this faggot right here^ Have gay sex and good luck with prostate cancer.

fuck femranma was hot

Like this?

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Raise your hand if you’re a kiss less virgin.

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tried it
it is meh at best

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This bro. I honestly think it's just masturbating but that's a stretch. So if you clean your system of old cancerous semen there's no problem.

I let a guy fuck me while I fucked my gf. Honest to god strongest orgasm I ever had.