The Expanse

Is our beltaloda actually alive with the waifu on Venus ?

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first for drummer is the best girl in the history of all girls

I want her to beat me up and sit on my face.

Why are all belters degenerates ?

they were all born and raised in space ghettos



So you wanna tell me one mindless husk overpowered 14 highly trained marines ?

T minus ???

4h 51m

The show is garbage now. Fuck SyFy and their pandering trash.

Well if bobbie is the best mars had to offer, and she's a blubbering out of shape mongoloid then it should have been easy for them.

Huh? I haven't really detected any major shifts in the tone of the show as it's gone on.

Does anyone know any 1080p source that actually gets posted Wednesday nights? All the torrents and megas I find are always Thursday afternoon.

I think in the books it's more than one of them. The marines also had a big combat mech that gets destroyed by them too

2x10 "Cascade"
>Holden leads his crew through the war-torn and failing station on Ganymede. Errinwright and Avasarala have a confrontation that changes their relationship forever, and Bobbie discovers a side of Earth that shakes her basic understanding of her enemy.


They need to hurry up and nuke the belt.

>tfw no 7 foot tall skinny belter gf.

miller will be killed by holden
that's fucking retarded senpai , bobbie was never 'earth is the enemy' she made one semi-anti-earther remark to some dude while patrolling ganymede and mostly martian marines were gossiping about the earth ones and giving them nicknames , they had no animosity towards them.

No, unfortunately pampaw is dead as is the ayyy/asian girl he molested for no reason.

Hopefully our sky is not too bright for your Martian bitch eyes.

its mostly agoraphobia of wide open spaces for martians , not the gravity\light . bobby loses her shit the moment she realizes she's outside without a dome\suit over her and a UN guard roasts her for being BTFO by the atmosphere.

Its probably a combination of it all.

Constant dragging gravity, a constant very bright light. Open spaces without a suit or dome. Combine that with the stress of being there in the first place.

Does anyone mind if I post my usual copypasta in here? Or should I give it a break for this thread?

>belters the shortest

Hes been hitting dat ass since day one :vvvvv

Im hungry

Belters are space niggers

There are at least 9 books written or planned. You think Syfy wlll allow a show to go on that long?

Don't even bother getting invested.

Even when it was SciFi, the longest shows ever ran for was 4 seasons.

Hope you faggots enjoy reading.

They need to do it to Phobos next.

Really? I used to mow the lawn in a football stadium. I would assume they have even larger enclosed spaces, spaces big enough that you wouldn't have agoraphobia.

oy, I've never watched this show
sell me on it
gimme your best memes


Netflix will pick it up

its the most kino sci fi show in a long time

the acting is kind of meh but everything else in the show makes up for some meh acting

LOL Fuck off I'm sick of seeing this argument. Nobody is picking this shit up.

Can't wait to see the artwork on the 3 season boxset

I stopped watching this somewhere in the 2nd season. Can anyone tell me which episode it was? Must have been a very bland filler.

>Can anyone tell me which episode it was?

what was?

the empire did nothing wrong

Are the books worth reading?

You'll have no choice once the show is cancelled.

Hope you enjoy reading faggot.

Didn't it get renewed for a third season?


stream wherer?

>thread dies an hour before airing
nice """""""""show"""""""""" you got here faggots

Stop, they're a bunch of sensitive faggots, I'll still be memeing about the pathetic viewership decades after its cancelled after season 3

ITT one guy talks with himself

Is Naomi + Holden the most forced romance ever? The scene where they told Amos and the streetpooper pilot that they were banging was liquid cringe

could you repeat that in english?

Smashing that fat ass ain't forced at all.

it is pretty forced yeah
but not seeing how the disclosure was cringe

Dirtsider morals ain't got no jam in the cosmos.

You grew up in a world where you didn't HAVE to have a barrier between you and the space around you. It's distinctly different when all you've ever known is that without walls and barriers you would just die. Anywhere open-air would be terrifying regardless of the size of the location, and a giant dome is still a dome.

It's absolutely forced, even in the books. Holden chased the pussy like it's duty to.

Hell are you talking about, season 2 is much better than series 1.

Regretfully Miller is gone, but that doesn't change this.

Why don't they have Doom Guy?

Your DVR after setting it to record from cable.

I think you're just a bitch.

im not a cuck

Netflix on the boxset

I read them a while ago and thought they were solid hard scifi space opera. They drag a little and they do that stupid jumping between characters each chapter that asoiaf does. I haven't read last years one. The world building is pretty great too, even if they do gloss over historic stuff.

This show is dead even on Sup Forums


So did Amos have the emotion removal surgery? He seemed like he just walked out of it in the last episode, and the way he talked to Alex and the botanist was very cold and rational like how the protomolecule scientist talked.

But then in this newest episode it never came up and he just seemed to be in regularly autistic Amos mode.


You could try it right now but I don't think I'll stream it. Someone else check the quality for me.

nice poomunity you have here


>we'll try to use our imagination

Fuckin Amos

Is this the final episode?


I really hate their fucking shit ass space iphones, dumbest ever

Okay science bitches. Disregard that gravitational differences, the different composition of the air, all of that bullshit.

Would having a different horizon throw you for a loop? If that was the only difference?


Alright guys I fixed the stream. Should not be as laggy.

>I didn't have enough chicken

Martian fucking shits.

Wew Bobbie tight and thicc as fuck



Godamn Amos. You da man

earthers are shit. they are the cancer of the solar system.

Bobbie looking better and better out of her uniform

Hehehe, nice one Martian wagie. Have fun never having a breatheable atmosphere or magnetic field :^) Have fun never having a real ocean, have fun always been little Martian weaklings. Your average fat basic NEET is stronger than your toughest Martian """""marines.""""" You mad we get to live as eternal NEETs for free? Don't mind all the debris we created around your planet now, you gotta clean that up wagie :^)

>tfw don't have enough chicken


Why is Bobbie suddenly so fucking cute?

say that to my face in zero gravity and see what happens faggot

Do all black people look alike, or does this guy she's talking too look EXACTLY like Miller's friend on Eros that Amos shot dead last season?

No he doesn't. Not at all

Earth is a shithole.


Space murreen armor is ugly.

>he was a ghost all along

Why does Drummer get cuter and cuter each episode


Probably for normal marsers but not for ones who train in space and on the surface.

No it isn't, why would say that?

Not him, thread is slow as fuck tonight though.

I know, she's curvy as fuck. I never noticed before.

Is she Thai?

Samoan I think