Never heard of this before

>never heard of this before
>see trailer
>"oh hey this looks cool"
>future-punk-ish dystopian world
>"hey maybe netflix has finally made some-"
>takes an immediate hard left into feminist propaganda

Why are misleading trailers not restricted or even remotely regulated?

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Lol that book's from 1985 you fucking retard. Go back to school.

I had to read the book for English Lit in high school, its feminist propaganda to the nth degree.
Literally patriarchy is evil the novel

I actually saw the trailer in theater and it was pretty clear on what it was.

Luckily I never had to read it, never even heard of it. Looking into it and finding out it was not only muh patriarchy the novel but also that some states have it as required reading genuinely pissed me off. It's like they're not even trying to hide their bullshit anymore.

lol you okay son? Don't worry, the leftist aren't coming today to take your precious /teevee/ away

yeah it makes it clear by the end, but the first half of it has nothing even remotely feminist in it. it just looks like some kind of dystopian movie, or maybe even some apocalypse movie since it looks like martial law is going into effect. then it cuts to some guy firing a group of women. weird, but still not blatant. then it cuts to women with signs saying "MY BODY MY RULES" and at that point you're too far gone.

why are whiny poltards not restricted or even remotely regulated?

epic response, you go girl!

No, but it's still jarring as fuck, like chatting with a friend and taking a weird turn.

>"You're writing a book dude? cool what's it about?"
>"well I got this dystopia setting and shit, real 1984-like, right? and it's got some futurisBOY I SURE FUCKING HATE WHITE MEN"

Then you do a doubletake.