Hey Sup Forums

Hey Sup Forums
I’ve got a problem.
I’m an ugly 5’, 3” guy with a terrible hairline and a mega boring personality (I really like history and philosophy), no I’m not posting any pics, I get looked at degradingly enough.
So my whole life I’ve never been liked by anyone. Not romantically or sexually.
Yet in my life while there are several pretty girls, there’s only two that have ever stood out to me.

One is a girl I’ve known all my life. I’ve been in love with her for so long. She doesn’t seem the slightest bit interested in me. She seems more interested in girls. Always talking about “her future wife” and I don’t get to see her. We used to be really close but now she wants nothing to do with me. I don’t think she ever really liked me besides maybe her seeing me as a friend at some point. I’ve always wanted to tell her I love her just to get it off my chest, but I’ve never had the right time or place.

The other girl I mentioned I’ve only known for about a year and a few months. She’s really smart and we used to talk more often but she doesn’t seem to give a shit about me anymore. She’s more interested in other guys. She’s probably distancing herself from me because I make her look bad. I feel like I might be in love with her but I’m not sure.

I really don’t know what to do.
Two girls.
Both I care for.
One I know I love that doesn’t give any shit at all I exist anymore.
The other doesn’t want to talk to me because I probably make her look bad and she probably doesn’t give a shit about me either.

I always hear the “plenty of fish in the sea” but that’s bullshit, not everyone lives in “the sea” some just live a tiny pond where every girl looks down on you and is preoccupied with a better looking, sounding, and overall just better guy.

I know I won’t kill myself, suicide’s for quitters, plus I’m an RCIA student becoming Catholic next Easter.

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cont .

Sometimes it feels like all I have left are my family and my faith.

I want to pray to God that this will all be fixed but I feel like both He and I know that an ugly boring and stupid mess like myself isn’t deserving of a woman’s love.

I really wish there was something I could do.

If there are any fellow Christian bros on Sup Forums tonight please pray for me.

Thanks for kind of wasting your time on me, a waste of everything.

I really should’ve known no one would reply to my stupid thread.

sorry to break it you, but imaginary beings won't help you. it's up to you to change how you feel about yourself.

it's entirely up to you. that's the catch though.

I probably should’ve mentioned I’ve had demon/possession problems since I was a little kid.

And no it isn’t a mental thing, I’ve been to several doctors.

Besides that’s not why I’m here.

just keep to yourself more and try to be the best at shit you like, for some reason women are drawn to guys who are real good at doing what they like. if you dont divulge your stupid life story all the time it makes them interested in what you might say

It means your God has abandoned you.

god might abandon him but mommy will never abdndon her baby boy!! ´・ω・`

I don’t.
I try my hardest to hide the truth.

No one even cares about me or wants to know it, except for my family.

You don’t know how it feels, do you.

All Of Their eyes look at you with the same thoughts. How could something so ugly exist. Why am I looking at it. That thing doesn’t deserve to breath. It probably doesn’t have a heart. How hideous and wretched.

The eyes Utter It All.

Sadly neither girl is interested and they're withdrawing. Maybe you've come off as a bit pushy since you care so much about interacting with them.

Follow up questions:
*Could you be autistic or something?
*Have you been treated disrespectfully (or even violently) while growing up?
*Did you ever have friends growing up?

Communication is key, and if they tell you that they don't like you, don't stop talking to them. They'll eventually recognise that you're being nice to them, despite what you told them about having feelings and what not, and it gives them a sense that you actually give a crap about them. Don't lose faith or courage, remember the one whovgives and takes away. Keep praying, and ask God to lead you.

then excel, make them think 'huh, so this little shits got some brains on em?' or something like that, i cant say i was burdened by the shit you got but it works well for me

God has been with me my whole life.

He has been there for me when no one else was.

don’t really know what to say to this one but I appreciate your attempt to lighten my mood with humour.

Surprisingly I’m not.

Yeah a few times, I was and still am a walking joke to everyone.

I had a few.
I rarely talk to my best friend anymore.
The first girl I mentioned used to be one of my best friends but like I said I’m no better than shit to her.

I once had a great friend in 5th and 6th grade. he was great. he moved and I never heard from him again.

There were maybe two others who ghosted me because I was holding them back from popularity.

Talking about God and demons on Sup Forums won't help you. People here don't believe in anything like that. I do. If you can't do anything about your situation, leave it to God. If you can do something, do it. If you don't have the courage/energy to do what you can do, pray, and get help from a therapist. Do not see everything as spiritual, create a balance between your faith, and what you need help with emotionally.

>women are drawn to guys who are real good at doing what they like

you know this only applies if the guy is attractive and tall, right?

ok faggit

he’s right, I wish it was this easy, but even when I do the smallest thing I’m somewhat good at everyone’s just like
“wow what a pathetic loser with no life and soul”
Even people I’ve never spoken to.

I like this. Good advice.

The not being autistic actually makes sense to me. You dont really write autist style.

Your self confidence is remarkably low. It could be due to trauma, abuse, extreme bullying, or a combination, but it sticks out. Your view of yourself overrates the importance of looks for friend. Regardless you're clearly depressed.

How old are you? Im getting a feeling you might be semi-psychotic or like very early stages of schizophrenia or something. Which isnt as bad as it sounds because there are remedies for that.

Yeah I do have a balance.

I’ll pray to God, my Guardian Angel, and my Patron Saint.

Thank you, it’s good to see a fellow Believer In Christ On Here .

It’s true looks help but having some basic interests or passions help a LOT. If morbidly obese men can get a girl anyone can. Fuck as long as ur in decent shape you’re doing better than 60% of America (who is overweight). Ya don’t even have to settle for a fat girl lol. Just try to meet some chicks at clubs or some shit and be funny/interesting.

I won’t reveal my age cause everyone’s just going to say “newfag” but I can say that I’m in high school and I’m not underaged or anything.

My mental health has always been an oddity.

I don’t think I have schizophrenia or have lost sanity, but I could be.

Either way I’m still a sack of shit.

I agree with everyone who hates me.

I’m a waste.

But God put me here for a reason.

I don’t know what but whatever it is I’m doing it before I die and am forgotten forever.

Also I don’t really know if I’m depressed or not. I’m not happy but I’m not always down in the dumps sad.

Going to Church, Praying, and being with my Family make me happy and I am glad God has given them to me.

Dedicate your life to something meaningful (like history or philosophy) and find purpose in that. Like someone else said; girls seem to be into guys that are good in the things they do. Lower your standards; talk to ugly, fat chicks because unless they're part of the "beautiful at every size" movement they have low standards too.

Just as a note so everyone gets an accurate idea of my ugly appearance.

Like I said, I’m 5’,3” , I have acne that isn’t everywhere but still ugly, brown eyes, medium length dark hair with occasional blond or white strands due to overwork or stress that I get cut layered with bangs to hide my hairline but it still shows through sometimes making it look fugly, I have sunburnt tanned skin from a time I was under hot temperature and forgot sunscreen.
I’m slim and somewhat fit but I don’t get to workout as much anymore.
Also I wear rectangular lens glasses that fit my eyes and aren’t too small/big.

See a professional councilor. It helps a lot. It's their job to help you through your issues, or maybe more accurately help you help yourself through your issues. I see one every week for 1 hour and it's made my life better.

Schizophrenia usually starts to become noticable around the age 15-25 so I asked your age to see if it fit.

It could be something else too, but worth checking out.

Your self loathibg and probably self hate is very unhealthy. Not everyone sees you that way. Ive just met you, and I see no reason to hate you. I care about you and wish you well.

You deserve to be happier than this, and Ive understood god as being loving, so Im sure he loves you too.

I think we're set on earth to learn humility and love. We're all intentionally given imperfect traits to teach us how hard it can be to be loving and caring, but how much that matters to others. I think that teaches us to be loving towards other imperfect people.

Also if you're unhappy with your appearance, maybe seek fashion advice and get a hair cut. I understand these things are expensive but in my opinion it'd be worth the money

even the fat and ugly ones see me as lower than them.

Also I’m very monogamous.

I don’t care about getting laid it’s morw about my issue with love.

Thank you but if you saw my face and personality first hand you’d hate me in an instant.

I appreciate it though.

Most think I don’t deserve to be happy.

This is also for the record

I always hear about how “jaw line” and “nose shape” mean everything but they really don’t.

I have a defined jawline and a Roman Nose, yet girls don’t care because I’m still ugly.

Ugly refers to both personality and appearance.

I’m both.

Bro, you need to go make some fucking money. Grind away my son. Toil away and stash that cash. You sound young. In your early- mid 30’s if you can pull off being flush with cash, eventually you’ll find some qt Christian chick who is like 18 and hit on that girl, be friends with her.

Dude that’s a solid plan.

Ive seen some of your personality. It hasnt made me feel any hatred towards you whatsoever.

I dont see how a face could make me hate anyone.

Your incredibly negative view of yourself, your unhappiness and feeling that you deserve to be hated, all screams depression.

Depression is a secondary effect and can be caused by other mental illnesses, abuse or just a chemical imbalance (lack of vitamine D for instance). But getting help for it is good in the same way it's good to get help with the pain when one is injured.

Dont at me

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Just hold out for a fembot gf. They’ll be coming sooner than you think.

you dumb faggot, finish highschool, stay off drugs, work or go to college, stay off drugs, become successful, stay off drugs, find a woman shorter than you to breed, profit

You really don’t get it.

Women don’t like me.

To them I’m a total and complete blemish on society and this world.

I’m terrible at mathematical subjects and most teachers don’t like me or just see me as another dumb teenager.

Like I Said,

I’m A Joke.

Even Christian girls see me as weird and gross.

I’ve already accepted that I’m a disgusting freak.

Why are 2 chx all you have to live for? Get a hooker and get over yourself.

Quit being a pussy, finish school, work, buy a couple hookers to get rid of your virgin fag depression, stay off drugs, try to find a girl for a legit relationship eventually, profit

So keep being the “best” worst person that everyone looks down on?

I understand what you mean but I’m nothing and no one. The only things that give me meaning are my Family and Faith. My interests are temporary compared to them.

you being a sorry sack of fuck isn't helping

I’m not sorry.

I legitimately think people should hate me.

I’m irredeemable.

I’m disgusting.

I don’t want it to be that way but it is.

I’m not throwing away my virginity to some whore and I’m not concerned about sex it’s about legitimate love.

I make bad math grades so no one is going to want me for anything once I get out of school.

Not everyone has a way out.

You fucking elliot roger

I’m not Elliot Roger.

I don’t care about sex and I don’t care about “ugh but muh gentleman manners”
I’m no incel.

go slam some puss nigga

Ever tried non romantically talking to a girl? It kinda helps with this sort of thing. SandfordGoose on Kik is one the most patient chicks I've met and she could help. Good luck, brother

Thanks but even the “patient” and “kind” girls care not for me.

I’m not worth their time.

Christian bro here. Will pray for you tonight. Also pray for me that I would find my girl. Man needs a "suitable partner". It's not good for man to be alone. Have some worldly purpose (career or education plan), make sure your body is in decent shape and make your hair clean and clothes fit well, and then just TRY. Go to painting with a twist or just anything. Be natural and do whatever. Force yourself to say a sentence to some girl. No pressure. Will pray.

Here: learn at least two languages fluently, visit those countries and bathe in their culture. Visit at least two more countries.
Then, get status. Strive to be the best in something. Do not think about women at all. Then, they will come.

sedate and rape both of them. fuck me both every day until they learn to love you. beat them, make them cry until you have them at your side ready to have themselves die for you. you can't make them fall in love with you but you can force them too. it might hurt both you but at the end of the day, theyll see how good you are to them by not beating them