What makes capitalism THE best economic system?
What makes capitalism THE best economic system?
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Would your communism allow this culinary innovation? Free markets do.
Because nobody has come up with something different, but better.
>free market allows you to be unhealthy
>capitalism good
Because there is far too much variance and complexity in human behavior in the aggregate to effectively regulate it, especially when it comes to resource exchanges.
Capitalism is just the system that does the best job of staying the fuck out of the way.
Being human allows you to be unhealthy.
Whether or not you do so is your business and nobody else's.
While I hate the IRS, it's amazing that there are still people who think Communism is a viable solution. Guess they ignored the entire 20th century.
Libertarian approach isn't always the best route. Maximize life span and expectancy to have your society grow.
The government can barely go a day without shitting the bed, regardless of President, and you want them to feed, house, and cloth you. They can barely fix a pothole.
I rather my double branded mystery frozen slime for 99cents, then waiting for my government beans to arrive at the speed of the dmv.
So thats why Hitler was an anti-smoking vegetarian