Im feeling really lonely tonight and need someone to talk to. let's have a thread

im feeling really lonely tonight and need someone to talk to. let's have a thread

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Hey there user. I get it, I'm feeling pretty empty as well. Kinda given up on it all now. I'm here with ya

I feel you.
Im in the same boat.
Haven't physically talked to anyone in months.

Just curious.
Where are you guys from?

Arizona originally. Moved to cali a few years ago and I hate it here

the milky way galaxy

Cali as well

What’s on your mind user?

there is an internet full of porn, debauchery, free information, free knowledge, free tutorials, but you choose to come on Sup Forums and be depressed?

You know what's the most efficient solution for depression and loneliness? Keeping the brain occupied and stimulated.