Thinking of hunting deer in the UK. After looking into it, it seems hard to do legit (don't own land). Is there anyway to do it with an quick kill? I want to cause as little suffering as possible, I want the deer mostly intact for food so can't be to messy. Also genral hunting thread
Not experienced at all in hunting so would like to hear more from others
Thinking of hunting deer in the UK. After looking into it, it seems hard to do legit (don't own land)...
Only gone hunting a handful of times.
However, any implement you use should be effective enough.
UK is stuck to bows and such, so your gonna have to go caveman on em user.
Read your game regs if UK has something like that.
I live in the northeast US. My go to choice for deer is usually .30-06. Go to where you want to hunt. Look around sit there and watch for a few days to see what's out there first.
This is what i was thinking, but what? i can't carry shit because of all the rag-heads and apes about.
take archery classes and hunt using a bow and arrow.
get rid of that pathetic mindset of not wanting suffering, you're taking a life and if you're unable to watch the life you're taking away suffer you shouldn't take a life. you need to face reality and the only way you'll do that is to see what you've caused.
im not sure if we're able to use crossbows for hunting but you should be able to use a bow.
This. There's no such thing as a truly clean and painless kill. Just remember that being killed via human implement is infinitely better than being preyed upon by wild predators.
I get that but i can't carry either of theese you know? This is what i mean all i can carry is a tiny knife(bout 3" blade length)? What am i gonna do ride the fucker whilst stabbing the cunt like 100+ times?
Would love to do something like this. Would like to be in a an area with loose hunting laws.
I don't know anything about hunting in the UK specifically but to cause as little suffering as possible aim for the heart with an adequate rifle. Don't use pellets and train enough to hit the heart reliably. Don't overestimate your range and only shoot if you are 100% sure that you can hit it. The deer doesn't always drop instantly, maybe it can run away and die a few hundred meters from the spot you shot it. So go search for it, a well trained dog can help with this. If you did not hit it correctly it will suffer a lot and probably die a horrible death so please only go for safe shots. And regularly check your rifles accuracy, after you did not use it over a long period of time or it fell to the ground you need to check if it need adjustments.
Go to a hunting lodge in Scotland, they will look after you
you can carry a bow lmao.
im in the uk and have hunted small game with a bow.
ive walked through town and on trains many times and the most i get asked by security and police is not to be threatening and don't keep the string on.
the uk is very weird. we're not allowed a broom with the intention of self defense, can't have a knife over 3 inches with a locking or fixed blade but can walk around with a bow and arrows safely secured.