What is Sup Forums's opinion of this image?

what is Sup Forums's opinion of this image?

Attached: reggie.png (1168x1402, 530K)

Other urls found in this thread:



trash art
default brush
shameless advertising
kill yourself


fuck off twat
i have this less lewd cum one that's by the same artist

Attached: reggieyogurt.png (1168x1402, 593K)

It reminds me of Ellie.

Attached: 51s7Km+Pm5L._SY443_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg (500x445, 42K)

better lineart but no weight
still trash
still advertising
embrace failure
you're not wrong

Attached: 1493345539582.jpg (820x752, 235K)

>It reminds me of Ellie.

Attached: 1493739518507.png (517x493, 47K)

Attached: 1510597638101.png (1355x1511, 1.18M)