Soup/b/.. oldfag here

Soup/b/.. oldfag here.
Anyone here work for Apple? got some questions for u. OK, I found an iPhone XR at walmart. Activation Locked by iCloud. Now I was wondering, if I make my own receipt with the serial # and take it to Apple Store, will they remove Activation Lock?? Or will they look up the information and deny me? Pic related. Also, if this will work, can I use a printed receipt from email, or does it need to look authentic from a register? Thanks in advance Sup Forumsro

Attached: appleiphone.jpg (602x803, 167K)

Just throw it in the trash

Would this work for Proof of purchase?

Attached: appleiphone2.jpg (750x971, 50K)

Did you steal it from a white person? If so, return it, please. Otherwise, it's all yours.

Someone does.
They maybe will (or not).
It might need it (or not).
You're welcome.

Apple can’t remove stuff like that they don’t even have to stuff to do it. That’s why Apple is so good it’s all about security

I take a shit weekly behind an apple store, does that count?


Sup Forums is dead

Reset it and try selling it on kijiji till someone doesnt check the activation lock. Tell them it's your sister phone and you'll have to call her pretend you didnt get thru move on until you sell it.

Or go to phone repair store in shitty part of town ask to check out other phones look for a bit then say I have a iPhone xr I found but its locked could you do a trade or do cash?

Make sure the sim is removed.

Method one will give you the most but it might take a few people 1-4 before you meet a retard but yoll get almost full value.

Method two only a couple hundred

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