I only watch because she's cute

I only watch because she's cute.

Kara is a fucking bitch on this show these days

>gets a bf

She's dating a white male so it's okay. It's nice to see the black bull getting cucked for once, even the nerd got a qt alien gf.

>I only watch because she's VERY SLUTTY NECK

Same, but i hated how when Winn confessed his feelings for her, literally 1 episode later she falls for fucking Chad. Why does Winn get shit on so bad?

Also, the effects for Martian Manhunter and his flashbacks were fucking kino for a network show.

How come? Because Mon-El is a womanizing rich dickhead? Why should she put up with his shit?

>oh my god you're Daxam royalty, why did you lie to me, get out of my life!
>ok you're crying like a baby I forgive you

I'm so glad Kara is some sinless wonder, remember how her mom created a device to brainwash an entire planet, and her people tried to rule the earth with it, including her Aunt?

Let's not forget it's Krypton's fault that Daxam was destroyed because of their smugness

pls post supergirl super panty upskirts!

>Why does Winn get shit on so bad?
Dude, he's fucking a tall, sexy alien now. Nigga's livin the life