Im in love anons. I dont know what happened but i love her...

Im in love anons. I dont know what happened but i love her. I love her determination and the energy she puts in her efforts. She is a star and i admire her so much. Greta thunberg you are a wonderful person, never give in to these idiots i am always with you.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I understand where you're coming from. Doesn't mean you're not a nonce.

b8 glowniggerfaggotcunt

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I claim germangreta as waifu

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I wish people could be less extreme. She makes a good point. That's good'nuff.

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she is so damn hot.

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what the fuck happened here? jesus christ

Greta thunberg needs to get fucked
Imagine being in the great state of Alabama with this preachy prissy mumble munchkin.
You pull up to the candlewood suites in a fucking dodge challenger with aftermarket headers and parts that get you 11 miles per gallon.
One rev of the engine and she's already getting inexplicably moist in her room from the sound of your massive fuel-guzzling V8 roadboat.
You get out and take a minibike running on a lawnmower engine through the parking lot and into the lobby of the hotel because FUCK walking, we didn't invent internal combustion to scuttle around with our dicks on our hands.
Moonwalk down the hallway to the elevator while turning every thermostat you see on full blast and spraying CFC-saturated aerosol air fresheners everywhere.
Check your phone in the elevator and hit up your broker app really quick to buy a thousand more shares of exxon, bp, and shell stocks while shorting anything that has to do with solar and wind because solar panels look fucking gay and windmills are for dipshits.
Reach greta's floor, backflip into her door, breaking that shit down and sending splinters flying everywhere setting off fucking car alarms and barking dogs.
Her primal scandinavian woman survival instinct kicks in and she immediately presents herself to you from all the viking raping and pillaging burned into her nordic DNA.
You put a plastic non-biodegradable bag from walmart over her muppet face, set a cooked rack of barbecue ribs on the small of her back, and go to town, throwing the cleaned rib bones at the back of her stupid cantaloupe head in between thrusts.
After blowing your load and covering the room in non-vegan protein, you wipe your monolithic dong on her priceless handmade native american uber-sustainable fairtrade honestly sourced hippie sweater.
Jump out the fucking window into a formula 1 car and cover the hotel in black smog as you roll some coal and blaze off into another american night.
Global warm deez nuts, bitch.

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She will forget about all this climate stuff when she gets her first real boyfriend. Women are like that.

>She makes a good point
No she doesn't. This is why we don't let children run the world

This is the kind of posts that makes me stay on Sup Forums
Even tho i’m unironiCally for the environment, it made me lol
Fuck that swedish cunt and every fucking sheep that started to act like they ever cared about the environment
She just further proved how much people in general have no spine and constantly need some kind of attention seeking trend to get them going

Yes she does. YOU shouldn't run the world. But also neither should children. My question is, who paid for her to have a platform, and how do they benefit. Get a brain, dipshit.

She's a depressed Swedish aspie virgin with poor self-esteem.
Blame the people who have manipulated the media and used her as a child soldier in the social media wars against nation-states.

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seven hours in photoshop


>Autistic user falls in love with a 16yr old with aspergers

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That's kind of beautiful, Ghostemane

Yeah, she's so smart, pretty, and wise! She knows more about climate change than anyone too.

If you're gonna fall for some completely astroturfed, protoplasmic blob of genetic misfit who Jewish elites use as a pawn to push their global agenda/Mulatto World Order under the paper-thin veneer of hysterical, anthropocentric climate change alarmism in order to siphon plebian shekels while you live in a nigger-pod eating bug-burgers and maggot-mush, why not go for the OG, Severn Cullis-Suzuki? She's way hotter than some sperg why cries at loud noises?

Face it, your wafu sucks jewish cock, pedo; Get over it:

Attached: cropped-Severn-Cullis-Suzuki-1.jpg (377x450, 28K)

Don't worry about nothing, Just enjoy the moment.





Photo on 60' yacht owned by son of Duchess of Monaco. Hold your breath boy, this sperg is someone else's toy and mouthpiece.

Sheeeeeii, and I posted the wrong link.
grugbrain confirmed

Attached: sheeeii.jpg (501x373, 42K)

Her speeches are crap and she's even worse without a script to read from.

Yah, well you've got erectile dysfunction, and your closest friends think you're an asshole. Looks like you're the smellier pile of shit.

Weird assumptions. Friends love me and im no partypooper but this girl is obnoxious and follows step by step the script of her advisors nothing genuine with her. Bet she 90 percent of her time ask herself how she can get out of this chickenshit shitshow without making her followers jump into the ocean to kill themselves like these critters

She looks like this fat kid I went to school with named Andy

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thanks, now I believe even more in their cause

B+ worth the read

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waiting for the deepfake

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Is it this?

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been seeing her posted way too much and i never checked a thread. does anyone really think she cares what the fuck gets posted about her online? she already went to a u.n. meeting and scowled at trump.
she does not care what any of you think.

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Do you think anyone here cares about what she thinks of them? Meta +1

May we find autistic gfs as happy and determined as Greta. Amen.

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Wow really user your telling me a 16 year old wouldn't care what people on Sup Forums have to say? Imagine my shock. Who care if she cares

she hurt my feels!
I asked her why hee autism was more important than mine and she never answered!

Attached: ipppppclowcol.gif (3596x5087, 644K)

because why...?

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Who's this? Why obsess over some little girl who has down syndrome? Let her retard in peace.

That is the shittiest infographic I have ever seen

The creator should be ashamed of himself and so should you for reposting it.

she has aspergers, not down, you dense stupid fat americunt

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aaaw. too much truth?
facts are true, anyone can go check them.
go wanking in a corner crying to a picture of greta you 4chin!

wrong website to post this on
saged and reported
pedo faggot

You niggers are just jealous because she proves that autists can be successful.

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She is a Soros Antifa shill set up in Nazi propaganda style you imbecile

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Keep the Fitness for Greta movement going!

I'm doing 200 push-ups, sit-ups, and squat-trusts, today.

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National Socialism isn't racist, so why does this matter to us?

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>autists can be successful
there goes my excuse!


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Greta is cute af in that top

Greta is based and ecopilled

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ditto. This is how you infograph

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ur not supposed to post children I'm going to get you banned

or this

Attached: Jewish Over-Representation final.png (4800x2100, 1.47M)

or this

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>implying being anti-fascist is taboo
you need to get off Sup Forums and step out into the real world every once in a while. get unplugged.

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When is she going to Africa and Asia to fight with pollution?

you're not in love. You're in lust.

She's short, no tits, baby-face, undeveloped little damsel in distress.

Your desire to fuck her shames you, and so you convince yourself that you feel the way you do because of her personality attributes.

The reality is that you love her under developed body.

africa pollutes? you do realize that asia pollutes, because they are producing crap for your fat amerilard asses?


We will look like this when the ozone layer disappears and climate change goes on like now. Like a wasteland mutant


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strange how in all these shops of her, no one ever fixes her fetal alcohol syndrome top lip.

just saying

daw those cute crocks she has on

She's 16? That makes her legal. I'd like to dress her up like Chucky from Child's Play then fuck her as she promises 'to be my friend to the end'

Its sad that you reduce her to that syndrome. Every person is unique. You rancid fat swine.

Strange how China does so well on the rankings, but has to steal all their tech and copy shit from the US

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welcome to the club

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I'm not going to read all that shit

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she's 16

>wall of text

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same old

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That new Avatar movie looks pretty badass.

you guys look like you could need this

She is the goddess of green energy. Let it flow into your body. Can you hear the birds singing? We have hope. Dont risk our fine race for some stupid inconveniences because you got used to be lazy. When greta swings on a bicycle so can you. Americans are the most stubborn. Will you change before your demise this is your ultimate chance to secure a future for the species burgerfat. Aliens dont contact you and you should know why

She really does look pretty in that picture. I love it when she lets her hair down.

Attached: Greta 7.jpg (1024x683, 310K)

I want her to do some squats on my face.

Blah blah blah no one believes in your conspiracy fantasy, Sup Forumsack

It is the goblin of green energy. Let it flow into your body. Can you hear the maggots crunching? We have Depression. Give all your money to us for inconveniences becuase you are a slave. When greta swings on a bicycle, you Americans take creep shots. Will you confess before your demise this is your ultimate chance to buy a future for the superior white race?. Aliens will only contact you when you realize why.

Agreed. Do you make these photoshops?

>who paid for her platform and how do they benefit
Her mother and father own a startup that she has a hand in now. Her father's an actor (hence her weird angry acting when saying lines then regular aspie confusion when she isn't speaking between lines), and her mother's constantly trying to win green awards but doesn't have the same 16yo aspie media shtick her daughter does. The startup they own receives money for green thinking. Literally it's all acting for money. Ta-da. Not that it wasn't obvious even without the details.

photoshop this

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