ITT: Age, Salary, What you do

ITT: Age, Salary, What you do

I'll start

>Age 32
>32k a year
>Wendy's Lead Asst. Manager

Attached: Micklost.png (402x398, 133K)


37k of tax free Army disability paid for life
36k salary, taxed, raise promised yearly/bi yearly
Around 15k yearly while i'm doing night classes for my masters (thanks GI Bill).

>High School English Teacher

>Age 23
>$115K a year (AUD, before tax + super [401k])
>assistant manager, cyber security for a global consulting firm

not a bad gig, love my job

>pistol ammo assembler at Federal

could be worse. I work 12 hr shifts fri-sun, so I might look at tech school for mon-thurs

>Perioperative RN

>age 29
>110k a year (tax free)
>SharePoint Administrator

I can relate to I'm getting my degree in Cyber Security because SharePoint will be dead in about 3 years (at least on prem)

Nice, I’m

>Age: 30
I do like 4 service calls per day and only work 5 hours per day.

>Age 25
>software engineer

These threads suck because everybody is lying nobody reads what others post and it sucks