You know what to do

You know what to do....

Attached: 20190928_141031.jpg (1440x1998, 397K)

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>Implying they wont fudge the numbers in the end anyway

But to answer the question of course people should be allowed to carry in public

Forgot to post a link, but yes I'm totally in favor for the Second Amendment, and we should be able to carry in public.

I should be allowed to carry my Remington 870 Wingmaster Police Tac around in public without people calling the police on me too.

I went and voted “no.” Thanks for pointing it out, I’ll be posting the link on reddit shortly!

Do I get to define the word "people"?

Open carry pistols is fine, but lets be honest, walking around with an AR-15 is retarded. Even in Israel the IDF off duty soldiers don't carry their M-16s with magazines in them.
You got these 2nd amendment doofuses carrying an AR with a mag in it and a round in the chamber. Disaster waiting to happen the moment a round gets popped off and the ricochet round ends up in an infant's brain.

Attached: 0c8709b8261aef898a48ed328ade3260.jpg (500x889, 65K)

Dam the foggotry is strong with this one. You must be Jewish. Hey shouldn't you be at temple.

They already do
in mass shootings
