ol' William looks tired
>"she doesn't really care about social is-"
>"she's not wo-"
Pedophiles are harassing me in citrus county FL, on ultra low frequencies, attempting to pervert me. They've groomed much of the community to be used to hearing about butts and weeners, forcing civilians into losing faith in the justice system. The sherriffs office won't be able to investigate this due to a lack of funding. So these extreme leftists are ok to run the place. I call this mind control program, which has been preying on me for 9 years, a program of doom. Since it wasn't designed to rehabilitate but cause suicide, murders, assualts, distress, depression, social problems, mental health problems, etc. It is made of nothing else but satanic liars, who mock traditional values by dancing on other people's rooftops. My name is Chris Beach. By dancing on rooftops, I mean that they threaten me 24/7 with HIV, BB guns, dog attacks and literally even climbing on to my step father's house. These aggressors blackmailed me to admit something that was translated into their own exaggerated words by severe intimidation that I described. I was told by the sociopathic criminals to tell someone something and they'll let me go. letting me go wound up meaning to commit suicide but that's so extreme. I honestly don't think it would be enough for their blood thirsty satisfaction. This thing is really advanced and it isn't gonna stop with me. Other victims can't suffer this type of psychological terrorism if I tell people. You've all got one life to live here, on Earth. Don't lose faith in God and don't listen to the evil ones. In my case, they are egoless schitzos hiding behind a smokescreen, trying to dress me up in different clothing that they see fit. All at my own expense. Infact I reflect their hidden occult agenda, projecting their existence onto the community. I was hypnotized 9 years ago, causing PTSD. Which they trigger 24/7, since. I can barely stand to hear people talking now.
She can't sing.
Shes so ugly
She is a 5 at best with decent tits. Completely talentless though and her brother does everything creative wise.
lol yeah that's why no one's heard of her
You dont have to have talent or be attractive to be famous, look at the kardashians, including that monstrosity caitlyn
She always looks tired and half asleep.
She's literally the biggest pop star in the world right now.
You just don't know what talent those people possess. Billie Eilish is great at singing and songwriting, the Kardashians are great at reality tv and that monstrosity is a retired Olympic gold medal–winning decathlete. Get over yourself. You can't deny that level of succes just because something is not your taste. Get over yourself.
Gee willy you don't say
>great at reality tv
That's not a talent. And Bruce was an Olympic athlete, he has nothing worth being famous
Billy whatever's singing terrible, regardless of how successful she is. Stop worshipping celebrities you whiny faggot
>that's not a talent
Why arent you as rich as the Kardashians then
Because I didnt fuck a rapper on camera
Also not everyone's after fame and riches you fucking child
Turns out she can sing very well. Now everyone else can shut up.
google gang stalking, you sound schizophrenic
She's fat boobs and jumps around on stage and injures her ankles
falsetto with autotune isn't good singing
gg/ eeUjSW
Ah, you're a faggot. Gotcha.
Why is every faggot spamming discord links?