Fresh Molymeme on Nice attack!

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Honest question.

Why do you people pay attention to this nobody?


Not an argument.

Not an argument, leaf.

When is he going full fash?

this guy is a joke.
he gets his info from the first link that comes up in google.
i'm not kidding.
his proof is based on shady blogs made in paint.
sloppy work from a demented canadian jew.

Not arguments.


i feel bad for people who watch that guy

so boring

He is growing stronger.

>Know who also has blood on their hands? GOD DAMN ENVIRONMENTALISTS


Damn he is triggered as fuck.

is he getting triggered an dsignals the end of humanity in the video? I need to know if its worth it.

If the attacker had just Defoo'd and embraced Universally Preferable Behavior he would have had a chance to escape Islam's grasp.

Roadkill is not an argument.

Very much so, yes.

UPB will save us all.


Which is the "I no longer believe in racial egalitarianism" video?

I'm asking a question...

What the fuck is wrong with you two?

>speak your mind loudly and things will change

Cucked as always.

Speaking your mind won't reverse France's 10% muslim population. Speaking your mind won't purge the ghettos of Brussels. Speaking your mind won't get Sven out of his cuck shed and send his wife's bull back to Mogadishu. Speaking your mind won't end a 1400 year conflict with Islam that is just as hot as ever. Speaking your mind won't reverse decades of marxist and neoliberal/neocon policies that have destroyed our society and government.


A question would be:
>Why do you people pay attention to this guy?

This on the other hand:
>Why do you people pay attention to this nobody?
... consists of an implication, a statement, about Stefan's quality yet you can't back it up, so you are just trolling, hence NOT AN ARGUMENT YA LEAF.

How long until this nazi shoots up a mosque?


OK, so apart from stupid semantics games, is there a reason why I should listen to some guy running his mouth from his wife's cuckhed?

Is he published? Does he advise an investment fund or a government?

>Universally Preferable Behavior
>since ethics is a subject that we all have opinions about already, it is important to outline the
relationship between instinctual ethics and rational ethics.
A baseball player can catch a fly ball even if he knows nothing about physics. Similarly, we can
correctly perceive an action as immoral even if we know nothing about ethical theories.
If I can catch a fly ball, then I have an instinctual feel for the behaviour of a baseball in flight. My
instinctual understanding, however, does not give me the capacity to accurately launch a spaceship to
orbit Jupiter. I have an immediate “little truth” – how the ball will move – but that does not give me a
universal “great truth” – how matter behaves.

He's written several books

No, he is a nobody philosophaster with a huge ego.

Yeah fuck man, only investment funds and governments can make arguments.

None of which are published.

>using chewed up pop tarts to exchange jelly with cops


>OK, so apart from stupid semantics games


>is there a reason why I should listen to some guy

He is pretty much Sup Forums - the youtuber. 100% redpilled and always backed up by stats, proof and sources. Always nice for current happening analysis and discussion.

>running his mouth from his wife's cuckhed?


>Is he published?

Completely irrelevant. Researchers who are ((published)) work for the government since 99% are at universities that are gov sponsored. You can't rely on them for accurate info.

He has several independent books, yes.

>Does he advise an investment fund or a government?


Can we get #NotAllTrucks trending?



>tfw investment funds and governments watch Freedom-meme radio and don't donate.

wtf another ID with KEK in it
I just saw one

Is this guy redpilled?

anyone got the photo of the girl in the body bag?

>none of which are Jew approved
Sup Forums is not approved by Jews. leave now

I swear he's purposely trying to emulate Hitler with his firey passionate speaking.

If his advice is not worth investing in, then it's usually shit.

Thanks. Thought as much. Some fucking douchebag moping about his unfinished basement stroking his goatee is not someone I'm going to waste my precious time on. I'd rather rmasturbate.


I'm done with you. Your may not be worth much since you're a Turkish stain on the map of Europe, however MY time is worth actual money.

I'm going to masturbate now.

Enjoy your echo chamber you blue-pilled cuckolds.

Then don't speak you fool. Act.

Now is not the time for sarcastic snark. What was so nice about a truck smashing into a crowd of people.






Stefan turned me into an anarcho capitalist

And then he turned me into a White Nationalist

Compared to who? It's the #1 philosophically-based channel on youtube iirc.

t. man who holds no arguments

You leafs have really upped the liberal shitposting lately.


he has always been a fascist cult leader

>t. cracked

his books are a clusterfuck
his relationships book is half anti-government arguments and why government is evil

Nigga, I want to read about how to have a good relationship with my wife

I blew up the thumbnail and was excited until I scrolled down to dem hips. yeesh

no thx

inb4 low test


I got roped in when he was all about Bitcoin, three years ago or so. Wish I could go back to the days where we theorized about ideal governance in a peaceful environment.

thanks user

That would violate UPB.

the white man rises

How many more days until Stefan says something Sup Forums doesnt like and then hes a "cuck Jew liberal SJW faggot nigger lover" like everyone else Sup Forums has ever liked?

The really violent Mexican protest outside a trump really I believe





tfw Joker's origin was literally putting a big red pill-looking helmet on his head and realizing life's a fucking joke...

Rollo already wrote that book

What do you want man, she's one of them Italian breeders. She will maintain the homestead.

>the police shooting videos were just as graphic as these France ones


This should be spread everywhere, with captions about "where's the outrage"

How does anyone even watch this cringey faggot? He's just as smug as the young turks. He cherry picks data, his points are incredibly biased, he doesn't skim the surface. I just don't understand how people have to validate their opinions through a smug youtube personality.

>inb4 mugh argumento isnt null XdxD

ROFL i just woke up and haven't heard about this attack yet and saw "NICE TERROR ATTACK"

There's a lot of stuff he says I don't agree with. Most of the child beating leads to shit later on stuff, also his anarco-cap agenda is laughable.

He is spot on on everything else tho.

>plato said a long time ago
das it maine

N..noice attucku!

He was pretty awful a couple of years ago but nowadays he has OD'd on redpills.

I give it a few Months, close to the election


god damn i know it's the name of the place but i just can't stop laughing.

it's like ISIS looked at the names of places until they could find the one best made for jokes.

Fuck. I wish you were thanking me for some hentai sauce and not a murdered child. But yeah.
I'm on Twitter now, spreading it as much as I can manage. I'm not alone either.

What a stupid fucking leaf you are.

>He cherry picks data, his points are incredibly biased

t. liberal cocksucker

His data is always backed by proof. Just because it doesn't agree with your narrative doesn't mean it's biased. You are biased.

He uncucked me. I owe him alot for that. I was studying to be a bureaucrat in late 2013 when I heard him on JRE, I've been going further down the rabbit hole ever since.

Child beatings? I have not watched all his stuff.


>I disagree with objective facts

child abused stunted retard detected

i want to be jokeamuss


Eh.. maybe should have phraSed it better. He has a theory that everything wrong with people later on in life can be traced to their PArents beating them as children.

I agree it can lead to consequences, but not as much as he pushes it.

he just doesn't really care.

its his day job, it's all just an act. maybe it wasnt when he started, but it definitely is now, and his recent content shows it.

he overacted his rage after the brussesls attacks several months ago, and now he has just run out of ideas.

after you pretend to push your 'bombastic anger' throttle to 11 there's nowhere to go.

i suspect that IRL stefan is a lot more calm and neutered than the personality cult head he is on camera.

>he starts ranting about environmentalists

shut up ya limey cunt

Read his book on child rearing. It has really food advice like this.

>Meanwhile, the boy's father has to do his part. He needs to mirror and affirm his son's maleness. He can play rough-and-tumble games with his son, in ways that are decidedly different from the games he would play with a little girl. He can help his son learn to throw and catch a ball. He can teach him to pound a square wooden peg into a square hole in a pegboard. He can even take his son with him into the shower, where the boy cannot help but notice that Dad has a penis, just like his, only bigger.

Was Stefan an actor at one point?

He did theater in college.

Great. You can now sleep well knowing that some fucking middle class, cheap faggot with a bitch wife and a Kia in the driveway has satisfied your rigorous scholastic standards.