If you laugh, you fail...YLYF

If you laugh, you fail...YLYF

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To be honest he never should have been there. He's not a stand up comedian, he's a comedic actor. If you can't handle a nigger heckling you without calling him a nigger then he should never have been on stage.

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Yeah, I think Michael was just desperate and bitter about being one of those 15-minutes-of-fame actors.

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He had a lot more than the "15 min of fame" thing...he was legit famous and still is.

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Stfu you fucking faggot

go fuck yourself nigger lover

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Place your mouth over my anus ring and slurp stool from it kike

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>still is
What happened at the Laugh Factory in 2007 was unfortunate but all his fault. He could have just walked off stage and retired quietly from stand-up comedy, but he chose to make a fool of himself yelling nigger over and over. His last tv part was 5 years ago. He's 70 now and probably retired.

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Except he was a stand up comedian before an actor, ya goofs

U got meeee lol

explain this meme

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Nice feet.

nice feet

nice feet

Nice feet!

i lost it when I saw this thumbnail jesus christ what is that

I laughed at the fuckin thumbnail before I even got in here. Lost...

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Nice feet.

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so nearly lost

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I must be a sperg I can't stop laughing at these.

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almost got me there bud

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I've seen this gross ad everywhere
I only see the shit I download
how do I stop seeing it? Adblock don't work

If a white guy had been heckling him he still would have said something offensive and had a meltdown.

You could literally insert selfsuck into anything and that shits funny.

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m'negro i agree completely
how far must one go down the rabbit hole to get diamonds from something like that

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lost too hard

nice feet

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you are the only one that finds these funny.

look at this dude

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Nice feet, idiot

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ngl yoshi porn is actually kinda good but most of the porn people make is vore related

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