I cheated on my gf yesterday and I really feel bad. I literally and fisically feel nausea to myself.
Shes the only person that I could talk to when i'm feeling bad, but i'm not planning to say this to her because that would be pretty selfish(Yes, i know I'm already selfish, but at least i haven't hurt her yet) So I’m here
Also i’m not finishing our relationship because she has really showed me that she loves me and i really don’t want to make her feel bad. Also I’m her first bf and actually the first man that she trust to (both of us are over 20 and under 25), and i don’t want that she always remember her first relationship this way. So i’v decided that i’m living with this by myself, does anyone have an advice or insult for me? I really need it cause i’m hating myself as i have never before and i dont know what to do :c Also im answering questions
I cheated on my gf yesterday and I really feel bad. I literally and fisically feel nausea to myself
yeah. stop being an immature little prick and grow up.
ive been there. purposely cheating on a girl who's there for me and loves me but that was because i was immature, id go into a laughing fit over the word vagina and penis that's how immature i was.
grow up and own to your mistake.
start by telling her. you don't deserve her love and she doesn't deserve to be cheated on. if she leaves you then that's her choice but if you don't tell her you're not growing up, you're being a pussy.
Mate be honest with your gf, tell her what happened and make sure she knows how you feel about it.
Believe me it's better than let the blame consume you, and even better than she discovers by herself.
Yeah you fucked up and should tell her.
Cause think about it the other way around OP what if she did what you did, wouldn't you want to know?
You could also just deal with it? Why is everyone such a fucking marshmallow.
Yeah op be a man and deal it bitch. You are a sorry motherfucker. This im being serious about get a big dildo i say 1.5"-2" wide a good 7" insertable. Lots of lube. 15 hard minutes nonstop. Make it hurt for days. Remember thats minimum amount of pain she will feel for your actions. The minimum ammount of embarrassment, depression, trust issues. All because of your sorry ass. Serious beig dildo make it hurt. You should have issies shiting for a few days. That would teach you a good lesson in pain.
An how did that situation ended?
No this dude is stupid dont tell her
Moar no
Still no
You wouldnt want to know
Op dildo pain and burn it in your mind. Need to record it. You are a sorry bastard. Also these guys must be virgins.
Ended when she left his stupid ass. Fucked his friend for fun.
I really don't think that she discovers by herself and yeah, maybe its "better" tell her because i know that would make me feel better, but for her i dont think its the better. Happy ignorance(?
don't tell her. it's selfish to do that, you'd only be doing it to clear your own conscience. if you really love her you will spare her the misery of having been cheated on. allow her to live in ignorance, and find an excuse to exit the relationship. you can't continue being with her in good faith knowing what you've done.
This guy is right.
Shut the fuck up. Telling her you cheated will only hurt her. If you cheat again, break up with her because of some bullshit reason like you see in movies.
"Oh, we've grown apart."
"Ah, our relationship isn't going anywhere."
You did it. You suffer the pain of it, don't make it her pain. If you do stay together for years, you can probably tell her and she'll be mature to not actually care.
As an older person, it turns out we don't care if the other cheated when we were young. The relationship does and the integrity of the relationship. Not the truth.
Honestly, if it' just a one-time thing, i wouldn't want to know
This post is gold.
This this was so retardedly written that I just wanted to let you know....
I hope your girlfriend finds out about it before you tell her and she kills herself. When her family finds the body, they realize she left a note. It says "I forgive you for cheating on me. I'm sorry I wasn't good enough for you. Am I good enough now?" They all understand that it was your fault. You get blacklisted from the funeral and are no longer allowed near the family. They never forgive you. On the day of her funeral, you sit alone at home looking at a photo of her you kept near the bed when you notice that the picture is slightly off center. When you take it out of the frame to fix it, you see she wrote you a little love letter dated the day before you cheated simply saying "you'll probably never see this, but i'm so glad to have met you. I love you, babe."
All of this because you didn't learn how to spell or write a proper paragraph and it slightly annoyed me. Fuck you, OP. Hope you have HSV2.
Tell her the truth, I've gone through the same thing tell her sooner than later she'll feel more hurt if you tell her later
You're a dumbass garbage person. Not for cheating, but for your fucking spelling and grammar.
Our public school systems FORCE you to take classes on that shit. How do you fuck it up still in your 20s!?
>How do you *still fuck it up in your 20s
you almost got away with it too. shame
What excuse? Except for what iv'e done everything is going really fine between us, we are been together for over 2 years and we have never been "angry" or something like that. I dont knoe what excuse would I use.
Seems fair
What if i never tell her so she never feel hurt by that?
I'm from other country