I'm probably going to fuck a kinky gay C-boy (Biological woman, who identifies as a boy). I used to be a Sup Forumstard...

I'm probably going to fuck a kinky gay C-boy (Biological woman, who identifies as a boy). I used to be a Sup Forumstard, now I'm actually happy with where I can go in life. AMA

Attached: C-boy 2.png (477x611, 194K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I'll post some more furry stuff. Since there aren't any fur threads.

Attached: C-boy.png (403x612, 265K)

How does he look like

That just sounds like being straight with extra steps

Don't want to risk photos. He's 16, which is legal here in the UK, but Sup Forums is an American site that has to follow US laws.

Basically, yeah. I bi lad, so it's no issue either way for me.

where'd you meet up? I'm bi and have always kinda liked that idea...

Instagram. I posted a shirtless pic and he popped up.

Hi leaf

I'm British.

That makes sense, I wouldn't fuck a British woman either.

So you are gonna fuck a tom boy who is straight but mentally ill?

Yeah, basically. But he/she's a cute little toy, so why not?

That is exactly it.

sounds pretty straight to me OP.

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Nice to see someone that used to be down the right wing rabbit hole acknowledge that most options for sexual pairing just means more fun for everyone. Have you found yourself actually changing your ideological framework in general or just on this point?

Could be more harmful if they are transtrender than it actually transgender. You do you homie.

>I'll post some more furry stuff. Since there aren't any fur threads.
>only posts once

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>most options for sexual pairing just means more fun for everyone
actually most homosexual options for pairing lead to STDs and lawsuits.

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I was never a radical right winger. Right now I just couldn't give a shit about all of that, I'm just doing my own thing.

>more fun for everyone
you mean more whiny little communists bitching about how chad is plowing stacy in front of her boyfriend suzie? because that's my experience. sexual deviance leads to actual people having legitimate sex and subhumans whining and moaning about how the straight people are oppressing them by having better sex. that's literally how it ends. whining and moaning about oppression. every time.

Well you said Sup Forums tard, conjures a pretty specific image.

Sexual deviance doesn’t exist. Anything consensual amongst adults is fair game.

I spent alot of time shitposting on Sup Forums, therefore I was a Sup Forumstard.

>Sexual deviance doesn’t exist
actually any sexual activity in public has a measurable detrimental affect on the mental health of underage bystanders. sexual deviance is any abnormal, self destructive or diminutive sexual behavior.
>Anything consensual amongst adults is fair game
sure, in the bedroom. you do you. people that do it on the streets in front of children should be subject to the legal punishments of indecent exposure, sexual assault and harassment laws of modern society. you wanna buttfuck a dude dressed as a baby? fine. you wanna do it in the street in the name of free speech? that's indecent exposure. the laws are very well defined in first world non-shithole nations.

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He's either gonna be the best sex you've ever had, or a needy cunt, with no real in-between. Speaking from experience, find one that doesn't have any family issues.

gonads produce eggs. biological female. she.

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>arguing semantics on the internet.
Get a hobby, user.


Definition of gonad

: a reproductive gland (such as an ovary or testis) that produces gametes

Definition of egg

(Entry 1 of 3)
1a : the hard-shelled reproductive body produced by a bird and especially by the common domestic chicken also : its contents used as food
b : an animal reproductive body consisting of an ovum together with its nutritive and protective envelopes and having the capacity to develop into a new individual capable of independent existence
female adjective
fe·male | \ ˈfē-ˌmāl
Definition of female

(Entry 1 of 2)
1a(1) : of, relating to, or being the sex that typically has the capacity to bear young or produce eggs

you're wrong and uneducated. lrn2biology.

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lol holy shit what a stupid cocksucker. god I'm so sorry for your retarded ass LOL

Definition of semantics

1 : the study of meanings:
a : the historical and psychological study and the classification of changes in the signification of words or forms viewed as factors in linguistic development


so... sperm aren't sperm, eggs aren't eggs, gonads aren't gonads, gametes aren't gametes, meaning isn't meaning, truth isn't truth, science isn't science, and anyone who disagrees is a heretic witch and needs to be burned at the stake.

got it.


Don't say she if you want to get laid.
Also, if he's not on T, he's just a trender.
I've fucked two FtMs, they're pretty fun.
High T means high sex drive. Some of them don't like to use their pussy, but the two I fucked did.
Anyway, just so you know, the argument about pronouns being linked to biological sex is retarded.
Nobody ever looked in anyone's pants. Although, sometimes people would have to have sex in front of a court to prove their impotence or lack thereof in divorce proceedings.
It's all about apparent sex. If a person looks like a man, he's a man.
I'll be polite to those who insist on a pronoun that differs from their apparent sex, but I don't consider them their target gender.
Although, really, I consider those that do to be simulacra. That doesn't mean I don't think they're the target gender.
A simulacrum is equivalent to the thing being simulated.

>Don't say she if you want to get laid.
nobody in their right mind would fuck that sack of nuts.

>used to be Sup Forumstard

So you're a fucking race traitor faggot then user? You should an hero

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>Also, if he's not on T, he's just a trender.
see she's female. provably. inalienably. absolutely.
>I've fucked two FtMs, they're pretty fun.
did the hairy legskin dicks get in the way, or did they just "identify" as "male" while having vaginas, uteruses, ovaries and eggs?
>High T means high sex drive. Some of them don't like to use their pussy, but the two I fucked did.
imagine that. bitches that can't find a real man because they're insecure and fuced up. who'd a thought.
>the argument about pronouns being linked to biological sex is retarded
that's right. scientific measurement is but witchcraft, and we need to burn those devil lovers at the stake as we did in the olden days. BURN THE HERETICS!!! BURN!!!!
>It's all about apparent sex
pretty sure post op trannies are universally sterile. you know.... because they cut off their gonads.
> If a person looks like a man, he's a man.
in order to be a man you must produce sperm.
>I'll be polite to those who insist on a pronoun that differs from their apparent sex, but I don't consider them their target gender.
sex, gender and reproduction are different things. reproduction is the act of reproducing yourself, sex is the act of exchanging DNA for the purpose of reproduction, and gender is an aspect of sex determining your role in the exchange of DNA for sexual purposes. it's very concrete and straightforward.
males produce sperm, females produce eggs. this is true in all gendered species. all fish, all invertebrates, all birds, all everything that isn't a fucking snail or worm. even then they're dimorphic.
>Although, really, I consider those that do to be simulacra. That doesn't mean I don't think they're the target gender.
A simulacrum is equivalent to the thing being simulated.
so you're lying to yourself to pretend you arent homosexual. got it.

“You do you” is not what you where arguing before, but moving the goal posts is just what to expect from inferiors like you.

I was referring to doing whatever you want in the bedroom, because nobody will ever know. also, that wasn't me. that was my first post.

the only goalpost mover here is you.

Biological sex refers to the male/female dichotomy, not just sexual reproduction.
I don't think you can change that, although some people are actually intersex, which means they're not truly male or female.
It's just obvious to me that pronouns don't refer to sex, since we don't check someone's sex before we use them.
We determine which pronoun to use by looking at someone. That means that anyone who appears as one gender or the other is that gender for all intents and purposes.
Gender is about social roles; it doesn't exist in animals. English is weird about pronoun usage in animals, though, since most languages either have everything gendered, including objects, or only use gendered pronouns for humans.
Also, I'm bisexual, not homosexual.

>Biological sex refers to the male/female dichotomy, not just sexual reproduction.
sexual reproduction is by definition reliant on the exchange of DNA. that's what sex means. exchanging DNA for the purpose of reproduction.

>some people are actually intersex
yes, some people can be born chryptorchid or truly hermaphroditic. those people are aberrations, typically sterile and invalid.

Woman, you're going to fuck a woman. Don't fag it up with extra adjectives.

"Sex" is often used to mean sexual reproduction in common parlance, but that doesn't change the definition of biological sex.
That's why on medical forms it asks for your sex (M/F), not your gender.

>Gender is about social roles
no. gender is a subset of sex. even in the strangest of fish and other animals. males produce sperm. period. females produce eggs. period.

some fish are both. they exchange roles over the mating period.

people are not fish. a human male will NEVER produce eggs. EVER. a person born male will NEVER give birth to a child EVER. NEVER EVER EVER. it cannot happen. ever.

>"Sex" is often used to mean sexual reproduction in common parlance, but that doesn't change the definition of biological sex
correct. sex in nondeformed humans is concrete and unalterable.
>That's why on medical forms it asks for your sex (M/F), not your gender.
actually they're worried about things like risk of ovarian cancer and prostate cancer. because "gender" has been polluted so badly by society, doctors are suddenly dealing with "women" with testicular cancer and "men" with cervical cancer. see the fucking problem?

You sound like a leaf.

I didn't say that this person magically became a male.
They're a simulacrum of a man, meaning they're effectively indistinguishable.
You don't know the biological sex of most of the people you interact with, you only know their gender, which you determine which pronoun to use by looking at their secondary sexual characteristics.
Therefore, it must be secondary sexual characteristics that determine gender, not biological sex.
These secondary characteristics are caused by hormones which are linked with sex, but not inextricably so, at least in humans.
A clownfish can change its sex by changing its hormones, but a human cant. However, a clownfish doesn't have a gender because it isn't cognizant of its function in clownfish society.

Nice try.

Nobody has ever asked for gender because it's not a medical or biological term.
Definitions are created by use. If it's not a scientific term being used in a technical sense, you have to look at how people in general use it.
Nobody asks what's in your pants before they call you a man or a woman; they just look at you.
Therefore, gender must not be the same as sex.

>I didn't say that this person magically became a male.
you said you considered them a male, right? I'm not gonna go back to look. you wanna fuck a dude, fine. whatever.
>They're a simulacrum of a man, meaning they're effectively indistinguishable.
except for the whole penis/vagina thing, right?
>You don't know the biological sex of most of the people you interact with
yes I do. most people aren't broken so badly they deny what they are. again, sexual deviance is an aberration, not a norm.
>Therefore, it must be secondary sexual characteristics that determine gender, not biological sex.
no. it's biochemistry. that's what makes our brains grow the way they do. its VERY well documented. I recommend you finish highschool before you start spouting bullshit propaganda as though it was truth.
>These secondary characteristics are caused by hormones which are linked with sex, but not inextricably so, at least in humans
false. these hormones directly influence the growth, structure and behavior of the human brain and body, along with its inherent reaction to stimuli.
A clownfish can change its sex by changing its hormones, but a human cant. However, a clownfish doesn't have a gender because it isn't cognizant of its function in clownfish society.
all clownfish are born female, and produce eggs. once the current clownfish male dies, the most aggressive and oldest female clownfish female becomes male. these aren't "societal roles". they're biochemical aspects that determine what gammetes the individual produces. male clownfish produce sperm. female clownfish produce eggs. it's not imaginary or some social construct. it's biochemistry and physiology.
listening to you is like listening to a creationist and is just as disgusting. I'm ashamed to live i a society where someone is as uneducated and stupid as you.

>Banging boy-ladies

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finally someone on my level

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I'm rejoiceful that tsampikos' stuff is back on e621
I was very sad when it was deleted. downright worried, in fact.

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do you see these you stupid asshole? do you think these women, with vaginas, uteruses, ovaries and eggs "identify" as male?
do you, you retarded sack of shit?

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Why lawsuits? More hetero relationships end in legal issues, marriage divorce children etc.

I'm sure that has nothing to do with it

lawsuits because they're legally married and homosexual marriages tend to end in divorce (typically the ones between two females) and so as a tax entity in the USA they want to divide the wealth like the parasites they are.

look up "lesbian bed death"

Its too late for all this.
I haven't been on e621 since like...2010

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now THIS is intersex.
when a living humanoid produces eggs and sperm, has a penis and a vagina, a uterus and a prostate, ovaries and testicles, then it will be intersex
>has boobs
>and a pussy
will fuck.
>has hueg horsecock

Attached: e30aea10aa87c42ef6236269d7d4338c.jpg (1280x953, 1.13M)

>I haven't been on e621 since like...2010
>has an e621 filename
yeah. sure.

Attached: 5eff52c6bc36da87c4dfc44b203bbd9d.png (786x1100, 1.14M)

>2 buttholes
cool too. I don't discriminate.

Attached: fa6420a59ace73b2a0b63231c3e70fc7.png (905x1280, 1.96M)

>Its too late for all this.
I'm here, you're here...
let's do it. I've got 16 gigs. how about you?

Attached: a0377f9013b524885317567fe05211fa.jpg (640x1000, 821K)

I do save files from here champ, lol

Attached: 51fefb32db549676107711c7e5d57904_0.png (924x1300, 1.29M)

Somewhere north of 80. There used to be this guy indexer who would rip e621 minus certain tags and put it up as a torrent. 20 or so on my phone.

Attached: 2c6bd459a34b45fb9340bb6c5905c967.png (1200x925, 1.26M)

>I do save files from here champ
but that gives them a Sup Forums filename
>ie 150401928611.jpg
unless you copied the e621 filenames verbatim from the website by looking them up, it's fairly obvious you saved them from e621.
which is nothing to be ashamed of. it's easily the most reliable source for user furry art on the web

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The clover app saves og file names

Attached: 18494_ryukyur_saku.png (672x710, 214K)

>Somewhere north of 80
jesus. 80 gigs. most must be crap. I vette all my stuff. it's a constant ongoing process.
>There used to be this guy indexer
a well known artist. kinda meh tier.

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Attached: Screenshot_20190929-041406_Clover.jpg (1080x2280, 1.19M)

Hi Elmer Fudd.

>clover app
sorry, I consider smartphone tech poison on account of surveilability. I use programs (.exe) on my PC and that's it. any more details? I'm curious

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That was a ver long time ago. Id say at least half was collected just browsing threads on my phone for the last like 10 years

>still produces .png artifacts and .jpg noise
I mean that's cool but, you know. noise and shit.


Attached: 321844cf1a0cf8ce2cfe0d066657f45b.jpg (1000x1523, 903K)

You have to get f-droid. Then the app is clover. Easily the best way to browse

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I doubt anyone on remembers or was around but heres an old into pic

Attached: 306db541717e8f40af4601b9d82d18f5(2).png (300x300, 118K)

well... OK. but I use a samsung galaxu S-2
smartphone wise I'm a caveman. computer wise I'm a god.

I can't see why I'd do that. why not just browse 621 and other nosign sites?

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I do but I can't peg the source

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I like how this retarded asshole bitched out

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Ive got a nice pc for games and work but the wife doesn't like me starting at porn on my pc, easier to secretly do it on my phone

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I'm still very here
did you mean the person I was handing their ass to?

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Go by ebenflow

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>the wife doesn't like me starting at porn on my pc
dude why don't you just ravage your wife? she ugly? fat?
I've had plenty o' girls and didn't need porn ever because in doubt I'd just turn their pussies inside out
I mean I don't mean to pry but why not just fuck your wife's brains out?

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Not on e621 just in these threads
I do, this is just different. Like right now its 4am and shes sick so id just bust a nut instead of waking her up. Lots of reasons not to have sex my man. Its funny she used to draw fur art too. Dis stuff for watterson and bird if you know em.

>right now its 4am and shes sick so id just bust a nut instead of waking her up
I guarantee you she'd be happy to have her pussy eaten rn.
>Dis stuff for watterson and bird if you know em.

but I'd bet money if you just went up to the sleeping sick wife (when she wakes up and coughs, mind you) and started eating her pussy she'd be very accepting.

I know cunnilingus is always accepted... provided they're already awake. you don't have to ask just don't wake her up. trust me.

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>just in these threads
that's not very helpful, btw

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Trust me, i know my wife wee enough to make that kind of judgement call.

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>trust me
I do. I also know that maybe after breakfast in bed tomorrow morning you should eat her out.
but hey. your wife, your call. what do I know.
>I legit can't imagine a woman with any ailment that wouldn't appreciate cunnilingus with breakfast in bed
I mean c'mon...

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ITT: Retards who don't understand the currently science-endorsed divorce between gender and sex, furry porn, and a happy user about to screw his boyfriend


to be fair, there have been a few times (like two) where I wouldn't take a bj. I was literally on deaths door (gunshot wound, collapsed lung, broken bones, broken heart) where I wouldn't take a bj. granted I'm not a woman.

but if she didn't just have a miscarriage or open heart surgery, she'll probably appreciate the gesture.

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way too late bud. also, see the post about parrotfish. gender is a delineator of biochemical sexual role.

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Can you drop the buzzwords and convey a statement without the goal of compelling anyone who reads it to feel like a layman, no matter their knowledge on tge subject