Drugs thread

Drugs thread.

noun: a medicine or other substance which has a physiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body.

Appreciation, legality, thoughts, questions, answers, stories, warnings, advice, images, and whatever else drug related is welcome.

What drugs are you on?

What drugs do you like?

From caffeine to heroin we all enjoy drugs, so lets enjoy them together.

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Don't do Meth if you talk to yourself when you're alone.

Personally, out of the normal recreational drugs I've only used alcohol and psilocybin (magic mushrooms).

Typical relationship with alcohol, started at about 16, drank too much in my late teens and now drink less than weekly without bingeing.

With psilocybin I had the sense to do it properly, waited till I was 23 for the right opportunity and it was life changing. Have had 5 substantial trips and a few microdoses. Didn't get much out of microdosing, but the trips were pretty much all fantastic.

Would like to try LSD next, any tips for trying it for the first time in terms of a psilocybin trip?|

I actually cannot speak to myself, or really make any vocal sound when I'm alone. Similarly (but the inverse) I'm a real compulsive scab picker, so I feel I'd be the classic 'bugs under my skin' meth user.

Speaking from experience? No judgement, I know people who have positively tried it once, I highly doubt I ever will though.

Sup Forumsthread/810638138
I did LSD first time last night.

Who the fuck is stupid enough to do heroin? I guess only someone who has given up..

C'mon guys. I'm drunk on some nice homebrew and keen to share knowledge. You can't all be that desperate to shitpost in crappy pron threads.

How was it?

I think stupid stupid is the wrong word for that, no one is smart enough to resist heroin. I agree that you can't safely use opiods recreationally. But its usually an escalation that leads to heroin use. You don't have to be too dumb too try lean once, and even less dumb to take codiene by your doctor's recommendation and get addicted in a week.

My favorite is MDMA. I've taken it 5 times and each night was top 10 night of my 23yr old life,
I honestly don't think I'll ever be able to stop taking it..
I do it as often as I can while still being somewhat responsible (minimum 8 weeks break).

By molly I mean pure MDMA, not ecstacy (MDMA and Amphetamine).

On marijuana and some coffee. Sup.

I'm on speed and marijuana atm. Dropped a few hundred milligrams a few hours ago to pull an all-nighter. Pretty nice drug.. I do feel a little dirty taking it though..

How tf am I meant to find decent priced bud in Sydney. Costs here are fucked.

Sometimes I think MDMA would be right for me; I've had some straight up euphoric dancefloor moments just with alcohol, or even sober. But then I've never tried an upper of any sort and I don't feel it suits my personality.

Once per 8 weeks is probably good, I've heard once per month maximum before. Molly is so so dodgy trying to make sure you're only taking MDMA, like you said adulterating with ampthetamines is common. If I was 99% sure of the source I'm sure I'd try it.

Sydney?? Grow it.. I used to play games with a dude from rural Australia that grew his own bud.
It was crispy and clean too .. jealous of y'all.
I live in a small town in Norway, imagine how hard it is for me to find good weed.

This year I started smoking pot, it's really helping me out with my crippling depression.

Kratom because I'm too big of a pussy to order oxy on the deep web and have no drug connections in my current hometown.

Been doing blow all day and just got fucked by a bbc, would recommend

Just cruising. What's combining them like? Its easy to think they cancel each other out in a way. I grew up surrounded by cannabis but never even tried it.

ACT is an easy trip, and with the legalisation I'm sure it will get cheaper an easier.

Weed can be great for that. It has gotten me through some tough times, but remember to take
long breaks sometimes and never smoke in the mornings and you'll be good.

Like I said I live in a rural small town in Norway, and I've gotten
pure and awesome molly crystals from my local dealer without problem every time.
It should be like a tan yellow/orange diamond-y rock, sometimes coated with white edges. If it's powder or especially pills, it's probably E.

Coffee and weed is great. Especially if it's illegal for you and you can't get top tier shit.

It's illegal, but I got good shit a wealthy friend gave me as a present.

I like them. They get my writing juices flowing. My campaigns are way better since I've started smoking.

Travelling to the US early next year so hopefully I'll be trying THC for the first time then. My biggest issue is smoking it so I'm very keen to try legal regulated edibles. Would you still recommend combining it with caffeine? how should I deal with the slower timing with edibles?

I'm drunk as fuck
and I love alcohol, but also lsd, cocaine, nitrous, just about anything but those are my favorites
I could take or leave weed. only things I want to try are mescaline and ketamine. I've smoked dmt but been too pussy to break through each time but I am still very interested in it and may end up taking the dive one day
benzos are fun too, and I don't regret experimenting with 2ci, 2cb, dph etc
basically I just love drugs in general

My friend promised to smoke with me for the first time because I’m gonna move soon but I haven’t done it before what should expect?

I wouldn't recommend edibles to be honest.. Especially not the first time. If you must, take
a very small dose. When you eat THC it releases an additional chemical in your stomach, and many people
experience being way too high on edibles.
You can also regulate the amount much more precisely when you smoke it.
You could easily get heartrace if you eat too much, and that sometimes lead to a full on panic attack.
I personally prefer to smoke it with tobacco in a joint, but I've been a smoker earlier in my life and am used to it.

DMT definitely interests me, but I think I need more experience with psychs in general before I give it a proper go.

Was DMT without breaking through a good experience?

I think I understand the pros and cons of smoking vs eating. It seems all the bad experiences about edibles come from impatience and eating too much because you think it hasn't worked, but I feel my experience with shrooms will prepare me for the slow come up, I'm confident I can take a recommended amount and wait a couple of hours without getting impatient.

I'll be with my SO who has some THC experience, we took shrooms together for the first time in not ideal conditions so I trust her.

Never smoked anything at all and have 0% interest in tobacco so I feel its not worth the hassle.

I've tripped plenty of times on mush and L and had some very intense experiences and that's why I'm a little apprehensive about dmt. I'm afraid of never coming back
but you're smart, there's no rush, do it when you're comfortable
yeah it was good each time, I did it like 5 times and got some really intense effects but the first two times really lifted the veil
had some crazy dreams after that which showed me some real shit but directly after smoking any amount is insanely euphoric

The comeup isn't as slow as LSD. Depending on how you prepare the edible it can differ, but usually
when I make brownies they take proper effect after around 50 mins or so, and peak at 2-3 hours.
I just think the scary part of eating it is you can't turn back. When you smoke, you can just stop smoking if you find out you're one of the
few that don't react well to THC.
But hey wtf it's gonna be fine. You'll love it.
I recommend cuddling or fucking on it if it's your first time. Also, movies are fun.

I appreciate the confidence. The way I see it, when I was a teenager my friends were trespassing on private paddocks to try shrooms but I knew that wasn't the right way to do it for me so I waited for the right circumstance to present itself to me, ended up only taking 6 years. DMT is most likely a much bigger deal and I've still got a good 50 years to try it.

Thanks for the advice. I'm cool with not being able to turn back, its taken me years to decide if I even wanted to try it at all so I don't think I'll be dissapointed with a negative experience. Looking forward to it now more than ever.

gg/2ZZ2kC drugs

you're a smart man. you've got plenty of time to try it when you're ready. I only ever tried it because I was sent some instead of the molly I wanted because the guy could no longer send molly lol. you'll know when you're ready
it's fucking heavy though, even after one hit. I've watched people blast off and even that is intense to watch. I want it but I'm scared, and I'm not sure I really need it at this point in my life