What are some kino about nigger """""""""""""""""""presidents""""""""""""""""""" who illegally wiretap the homes of...

what are some kino about nigger """""""""""""""""""presidents""""""""""""""""""" who illegally wiretap the homes of private citizens who happen to be running for president against their chosen trainwreck candidate and is now going to jail? No, I ain't gonna ask the faggots over at Sup Forums

All the King's Horses?
A Few Good Men?
Courage Under Fire?

closest I could muster

Take your Sup Forums conspiracy shit back to your containment board

These threads always make me laugh, dunno why. I think it's the """"""""""""""""""""presidents""""""""""""" part, AMA.

> who illegally wiretap the homes of private citizens

You realize that was the CIA right? Obama knew jackshit about the spying.

none of this ever happened you dumb motherfucker

haha yeah that president that was also from africa lol

Here they come, look how quick this was. Absolutely fascinating how quick they swarm to these threads.

They are a ruthless penny postin' lot.

Wherever I go I must shill.


what are some kino about autism