Alright, let me get this straight: You're saying that this is a

Alright, let me get this straight: You're saying that this is a

>Jaffa politics episode
>Tokra episode
>Carter gets possessed by an alien episode
>Alien falls in love with Carter episode
>Daniel Jackson becomes a redundant character because every human, in spite of coming from different civilizations and at different times in Earth's history and dispersed across the galaxy, they can all immediately understand SG1 episode
>Teal'c's knowledge of the Gooold is rendered redundant because the Gooold don't educate their slave soldiers about their technology episode
>Carter technobabbling episode
>SG1 saves an entire ungrateful civilization episode

You know how I feel about clichés

Other urls found in this thread:

>It's a the Jaffa's "perfect" health is conditional on never being injured, forgetting to meditate, and never dying in battle by the dozens episode
>It's a Daniel gets any degree of power and becomes mega hitler before realizing that he's completely irresponsible with it episode
>It's a "it was all a dream" episode


Hammond of Texas?

>>SG1 saves an entire ungrateful civilization episode

The fucking Tolan... I'm glad they got BTFO by Anubis. Fuck those pricks.

>It's a Carter talks about the location of her reproductive organs episode

>It's a Teal'c has his symbiont taken out episode.
It's extremely painful

He's a big guy

>Its a Ba'al episode