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How about you prove yourself right

/thread OP wont deliver .

God isnt real

Your very post proves only purposeful people can create the purposefully complex.

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Hey, that's a tough one.

Why don't you prove to me that the flying spaghetti monster doesn't exist, then I'll use your method.

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I pray to him and I hear him in my prayers. That's how I know God exists.


“So why do you condemn another believer? Why do you look down on another believer? Remember, we will all stand before the judgment seat of God. For the Scriptures say, “‘As surely as I live,’ says the Lord, ‘every knee will bend to me, and every tongue will declare allegiance to God. ’”

So let’s stop condemning each other. Decide instead to live in such a way that you will not cause another believer to stumble and fall.”
Romans 14:10-11, 13 NLT

The fact that the jews have tried for 2000 years to better gods children the gentiles and fail every time is proof enough , hence why the west's dominance on earth .

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i have found so many christians here in Sup Forums. i think that we come to sin anonymously .
brw, God does exist. anyone who has ever "proved" me wrong either has deppression or a iq lower than 130, unlike me

Jews are condemned people what are you on about? They have become the most ungodly and despicable of all nations.

Anyone notice that sack of potato that entered this thread?

You are asking for proof that something doesn't exist. This is logically impossible - i.e. "prove that sugar plum fairies do not exist".

"God" exists for you. Don't be confused and think that because "God" exists for you, "God" exists for everyone, everywhere.

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thats not how it works. when you make a claim such as this, you have the burden of proof. You may ask to be debated, but you are the one who has to prove anything

leave based pastafarianism out of this

The burden of proof is on you actually. Prove your fictional god exists faggot.

How do you know God is a "he"?

"God" as described in the Bible is a spirit and does not have a material body. Therefore has no gender. In calling "God" "he", the Bible is contradicting itself

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Your post prove your a gay cunt without reasoning or even any proof .
But I do belive in God . Hes always with me and holding his hand above my head .
But your an idiot

you might want to see a doctor about that. hearing voices when no one is there is not a good thing

I believe in a higher power but if it does exist it is almost certainly non sentient.

Fact: if the bible is absolutely accurate and the earth did not exsis before god and therefore there is no way he could come from the earth that means he would literally be an EXTRA TERRESTRIAL

can’t get more alien then that.

literally said this 2 minutes ago. do you read the thread or nah?

These matches say you're lying!

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I know he does

No, that's called schizophrenia


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If you have a claim, it's your job to provide the reasoning.

Living Spirit of loving intelligence.

Nice semantic argument, fuckface. You know good and damn well that calling God "he" or "him" can be used as a general term for other beings. Going by your logic, humans don't exist because there are women among "mankind".

hate to tell you but if you claim something exists the burden of truth is on you.

God is dead

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God tells me you are wrong.

There is no prove for existing or not existing.

He died for our sins!!! Preach it OP!

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> omnipotent being
> creates infinite universe
> is capable of creating beauty beyond human comprehension

> hurr durr hairless apes opinion of me matters

Delusions of grandeur at its finest

Actual not b8 for the Christians :
If Satan punishes all of the sinners and those who go against the holy father why is he bad? Isn’t that like a big help and huge act of devotion?

Nothing even remotely supernatural ever takes place. Your all-powerful god does nothing, ever.

i literally made popcorn instantly after finding this thread, expecting argument-heavy debate. instead i got butthurt casuals on both sides

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god was created by something - which means god didn’t create everything - human beings created the idea of god in their minds to deal with not being able to understand how something can come from nothing - to figure it all out we need something other than ideas of god and science; a third something - what that is we will never know - it would break the simulation if we knew...

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i heard mohammed in my prayers, guess you're gonna have to convert, faggot

god tells me you're a cunt that has gay relations

If you want to make such a ludicrous assertion, the onus is on you to prove that your contention is correct, not on anybody else to prove you wrong.

Your life is no different than a non-believers. You're simply a suggestible idiot.

jesus was a bastard son and he died in agony, hope hes having the time of his life rotting in hell

Which god exists?

Please tell me it's Odin

: Beelzebub trips of truth

Try to change user. While you can. He will give you time.

it is, Odin is real and still lives, unlike the christian god an a stick. and as for Momo and allah, that shits just too ridiculous for reasoned discussion.

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Were you lurking the porn threads before you found this one?

you're cancer and i hope you get ripped to shreds and die a painful , slow death, mentally ill faggot

Anyone that fears “God” is too dumb to realize that a bunch of old faggots figured out 1000 years ago that human minds are weak. You can get people to follow your beliefs their entire lives by making them fearful of making mistakes/being bad people/etc.

God is a way to keep your ass in line, plain and simple. When you die nothing happens. Your energy is dispersed and you don’t live on. Your whole lives are lies people. Stop giving to the church. 1000 years of stupidity needs to come to an end. I thought you faggots would be smart enough to understand this but obviously you are not. You’re just a bunch of scared sheep, closer to animals than intelligent creatures. If you want to be mindless followers I guess you’re already on the right track...

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Well God tells me you should get your head out of his ass

But women don't real

lets be real here anons
if there is a true god its allah
if there is a true religion its islam


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hell no, how does nobody ever mention this?

are you dumb ?

the first part of the documentary 'zeitgeist' goes into detail about this, and the fact that many other 'god' messiah' stories all have the same, or similar details.

It would appear all the believers have retreated...

You're destined for an eternity in Hell. Whatever you say to us in this momentary thread means nothing compared to an eternity for your damned soul.

no, prove that all those other gods don't exist and then we will talk.

Man created god, you idiot. Man created all the gods that all share one common trait - they never make themselves known, they never show themselves, do they? Ever wonder about that, chump?

I'm not Catholic or anything but that's pretty hot

Can you prove anything in the bible

without referencing the bible?

Of course. Look at all the statues and artwork dedicated to God and Jesus. They existed.

pls user.

God never existed, prove me wrong

They came AFTER the bible.

How dare you call our Creator god? You're a sinner for this blasphemy. Fucking fags will never understand no matter what!

oh, a funny guy... hah...ha..h..........

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If you are the one making an assertion, it's up to you to prove it.

We're waiting.

Relax, Chumlee.

i can fly, i dont need to prove it, you just need to have faith

God is the fabric of the universe, so if God was dead, you would be too.

I can drown myself, but i need to travel at least 160 miles to do that, have some faith in me

> hasn’t read thus spoke Zarathustra
You shouldn’t be allowed an opinion

Not that user
Is that from Zoroastrianism?

According to the Bible, God created sun on fourth day.
How does he know what day it was, if there was no sun?

Define God.

God is dead and we have killed him is a concept from Nietzsche. He is speaking of heard mentality and the rise of the ubermensh not actually the Christian faith (in this context ‘god’ never exsisted but was just a crux for “modern” ideals hence god is dead and we have killed him)

I know this just a low level, but just in case you are serious: you have schizophrenia. please visit a doctor this shit can be dangerous

I am dead
proof me wrong

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>I know this is just a low level bait.
fucking dyslexia

No, that wouldn't be going by his logic at all

Daily reminder that there is no good reason to believe the Christian god exists.

>they never make themselves known, they never show themselves
God does that to people sometimes but they rather keep it to themselves. If you want to be stubborn you can seek it from Him but I advise you not to.

"It happens, it's just that nobody says it does!"
I once made a color that spoke in three different languages. If you don't believe me, make it yourself. The way to make it is different for everyone though, so you'll have to devote yourself to it until it happens

only druggies

Why don't you just give it a chance then, champ? Are you man enough to stand in the presence of God your Creator? If you are seeking God's revelation you are provoking the wrong guy, retard. Go ahead and provoke Him if you are such a hot badass as you are acting here. He'll show you what you are really made of. Protip; You are a hot pile of garbage shit that would crumble into absolute nothingness if He gave you a chance to catch a glimpse of Him.

Not him, but been there, tried that. Nothing happened. If God exists, he must be afraid to face me.